Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Apr 2000, p. 6

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ô - The Canoan Champion, Fritty, Apl 7, 2M0 <COMMENT CPAt AAAEI Development charges DEIJRE GuMIDUET far from chicken feed No matter how you serve it, $53,500 isn't chicken feed. But that's the development charge farmers 'Cornelîs and JohnV Opsteen were hit with after building a bigger chicken barn to replace one that had been demolished. by fire. The bill is the resuit of a new bylaw that doesn't exempt agnicultural endeavours from the fees. The previous one did. So this situation has the Town on the horns of a dilemma. Development charges are there to ensure current residents aren't bur- dened by the costs of the imminent growth boom. Since the chicken barn is a new structure, it qualifies. But what's the cost if area farins are forced out of business due to 1o tough bylaws like this? Many residents fear growth will bulidoze through Milton's proud - agricultural heritage. And too much agricultural land is already in the hands; of developers, which just lease it out to farmers Ida. But this land is owned by the Opsteens. They want to farm it. It would be a shamneful price to pay if fees like this mean they and others like them aren't able to. - O UR READERS WRITE ~ How about an independent Nassagaweya? THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., llo. Canilar Champli, published av"i Tusay and Friday ai 191 M inE., lton, Onti. LOT 4NI) (iox 248), la one ofiThe Motroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Pdgg Pullihing & DtirtUi LUI Croup of acirlai ompaniesallch lIncldis: AaxIPickrii Niwi dargur Allisici Herafldltriii, Garrde (905) 878-2341 Adounci, Bany's Baus wWuik. Bolton Etierprce Bramipton Gcarliai, Buriiiîlc Post, Buringici Shocpping Nias. City Pareil. Ciiy of Virkl licardian. ColiiiiîaccdWascaga Caînîclian. East Yirk Mirrir, EIn Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Advccaliiciailiy Rouths, tclcolue Gamata. Flaicilriciai Post, Foiss Voaung, Georgetown Indeidiii/Acton Fnii Priss. Marnia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Timres, Kiigston Tis Weei, Uidsay Tis Week, Mailhrann Ecoiomisi à ici, MlairiPiihiclaau Minio. Mii Shoipping Niws Misasla Classified: 875-3300 Business Tnos, Micscacai Nias. Napaiii Gaide, Nasiagaaiya Nias, Nmuuarta/cia Era-iauar Northucmberland Neas. Nloria Viril Minci, Ian Oliver Publùher irakiil Bei, iaksioe Shopping Mma, Oldbrinr Hockey Nias, 0,1100 Taday. OsirawaiWiily/CiariiglonlPol Pirry This uis. Owais Sound Neil Oliver Associate Paablislser Tribune, Peterboirouga This Sceil, Plcoc Couily Gcidi, Richlmond MI Begin General Maager HilVTrihhIiNaaia Liberal, icarbonoog Mirror. Stiiilili/libiidgi Tribui.. Karei Smithe Edatîor Alauraisiro la acciillid os dm coiiona Oral, ih avlnt ofia typo- giapaial unrr, lirat portii cilla auisitisiig space occupiid by thei lira- Sibeve Crozler Circlation Manager neus ha. logoter ali a riascilal aicasce ior sigarear. ail iii ii Teriafl Office Manager CiargId fir, bol the1 balaice of lthe adsirlisamiil aill h pai for ai Ohe applicable rate. Tire pabaclrir ri5iuiiS Oie rigiri to cahopirz adalilisi- Mm cCoin Prorductioni Manger ffms or dociiuo DeairEditor: With regionai government, mega-cities, the Greater Toronto Area ansd downioading of aervices, wili tise litle gem 10 tihe nortiswest be forgotten? The former township of Nassagaweya exiated prior 10 1985 wisen it was annexed by Multon ansd I for one, tlsink il sisould exiît again as an independent townoship. Tise needs of Bmookviile, Moffat Campiseliville and tise rural reai- dents are quite different than Milton downtown, Milton south and ail tisose new industriai parka along Hwy. 401. Let's take atepa flow 10 ensure our rural area stsys rural and our tax dollars benefit us. l'm tired of waiting for Town officiais 10 gel around 10 taiking about tise needa of tise nortis and îubaidizing tise growts tisat isn't important 10 or welcomed by us former townsisip types. Agriculture ia of prime impor- tance as is protecting tise land and moat of us are seif-sufficient on water/septic/garbage. We are a unique area and tise différences tisat make our place ao special can oniy be understoed and protected by seif-govemnance. We have everytising we need already -- a banik, grocery store and poit office. Our council meetings couid be so mucis faster and I wouid be pieased 10 do tisree or four days labour on road projects in lieu of taxes -- juat as tisinga were aitie beginning of tise last century. Our tire departnsent is volunteer and poiicing couid be contracted out 10 tise OPP or tise Region. We have a casino, sisicis we read recently is a $10 million a year gift. Let's keep isorse profits in isorse country and keep tise cash cow fromn ieing miiked by Town Hall. Let's have a referendumn on tise next municipal election ballot. Tise question asould read, "Do you support an independent Townssip of Nassagaweys sepa- rate fmmi tise Town of Milton and Regional Municipality of Halton?" Flamborougs did it. Why can't we? If tise people vote in favour of separation, then those counicillors eiected 10 our ward could form s steering committee to direct tise separation of tise township. As for conts, we couid buy back what we sold 10 tise Town in 1985 in tise saine fair manner in sisicis Milton took il. As for recreation facilities, per- isapa a grant based on tise per par- son coat spent on tise Milton Leisure Centre and arenas couid go toward constructing something of oui own. If Kiibride, Carlisle, Eramosa and Lowvilie san t in, I think se could work something out tisat wouid be fair, but tise criteria needs lo be clear on future services. Keep our taxes and services sim- ple and accessible to tise people. Davld O'Drowsky Slxth Lin, Acton Pud by Steve Nease

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