28--The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Apil 7, 2000 MOVING SALE ATTENTION INTERNET USERS SATURDAY APRIL 8 Unimmted Accass uuly $15.95, gra local ser- 8 A.U. - 1 R. viceand support from 550 CHILDS DRIVE, UNIT #*35 SURF TIHE NET. Monmng - Vanous ites, diabvasher, 873-2602 computer, etc. Ptease tain Austin, Ourkholder and Friands act our Annua a Spring -Emafer Gift and Craft Sae ~5 Hornby Co-operative Nursery Sohool (camer af Steetesansid Trafalgar Rd) ,mi Liurdo, AprIl SSh from 9:00 -2:00 pmtl Woaden crata csndtes, dalla, Soys, trames and much more!!ll Aecuins - Sun Apal IS6-iprin e ProIoW2@m ai OTELLO'S BANQUET HALL 2273 Royal Windsor De,, Oakvitte QEW exit Ford Dr., S. 10 Royal Windsor, NW camer PlUEISIi1 CAINETS - AUS! M19 AMY., old, nea, omali, Ig cily village Iitai rugs: ail unique hand ksetlad wooi for f0.: Bidjar, Ardebil, Hamades, Gati- tati, Nain, Baluch, Heriz, lolahas, Bakhiiar, Tabniz, Kashas. Oash-0uai, aic. Many ussers, some esiala mugs diffamant sizeo. Aie lisai à Malales suit à suit boa. rtoe, varia.s obus. Maay mel-ut IuI.eh- varions Iitas, sotibits. Ca. ta Iuti. MMT: ait carpeis witt ta soid to highesl itidde. Ns moonmvas. 10.80 NOTE: wîth th titing of tho US/ Ira- vian rog emturgo: Canadiau supplies are eupecind 10 dry op aud prices soar Bq while yu eu. TREAIIMILSIEXER. EQUIP. TREAUMILLS. Protons, Heslihmatn,Liia Gear, E-Z Foid, Truiium & nîhers. Mlachkou:3, 2-1/2,2,1-i/2hp, w/S-f wind- 0w dispia, spend, disl., calories, incliue +mmsy ai otoctric or hydmautic tit; soif, vide, long track, mauy flly programmable. E-Z bold. Maa> laiNe 3hp mna- chins foUi. ANu: Air Naihers; shinus; Masy aoer- cisa bikas; comple gyms, sihor eqoip. Aucune- oser. oqulp 1p. elp. Rag-230p Tomns: debil, Vi,MC,Ca. *Lunch* NO IffEWS PIiEMU Robert Imokbeard Sr Aoctinnear- (905)-894-2984 "A CAPPELLA SHOWCASE" GIANT GARAGE SALE in Feirgraunda - Building # 1 Robert Street entrance gales 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM SATURDAY APRIL 8 Anytming snd Everylhing. GARAGE SALE 789 CABOT TRAIL SATURDAY APRIL 8 8SA.M. -1 P. ***MOVING * Garden touts, bar staff, patio tables & chairs, houaehod tRes sud lots more. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY APRIL 8,2600 Beglnnlug at 9:00 A.M. 318 Laurier Ave. Unit #12 Nu Earty Birds Pieasel GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 8 O A.M. 581-589 HOLLY AVENUE Househori items, atone sud uther neal staff r I FAMILY GARAGE SALE 382 WOODLAWN ORES. SATURDAY APRIL 8, 2000 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. SAT. & SUN. APRIL 8 AND 9 9:00 A. LARGE MOVING SALE Some farmi and home antiques, vifitrees, re& yokes, parlour saoes, potatoe ptow, etc. Sale held ins"d. Guelph Une N. oft 401 to10Side RondW. to #25t00 ANTIQUE Show & Sate City ot Guelph Centennial Arena, Coltege Ave., April 7,8 & 9. Fnday 1- çM. Sat. 10-5pm, Sun. 11-5pm.Admin. $4; Lectures%.:e Jay of Colfecting Old Book<s, (905)335-0611. REUIABLE dleaning lady avatlable. Ceit Carcle 876-0254. SHIPPER I RECEIVER Milton Company seekmng fill Uime ahtpper/ receaver, 2-5 yeara expenience preferred as welt as aptitude tor figures. Muet have itorktitt sud traffln management expert- ence. Satary commiserate with expert ence. Please submif resumne mn confidence to: Fax: 905-878-0272 Blue Boucan Truck Waah is nw hiring tatl lima l2pm-Bam, 8sm-4pm sud part tima 4pm- l2pm. The successful applicants must ba fies- hibe, highly motivaferi and able tu worh waak- ends. Vour motinstional skifls cnuld ar yu an average hourly wage ut batween $10 to $lfiIhr with a base psy ut $8ihr. Please apply in pron ut: 40 CMMMKW IUY! No phone catis pieuse DRIVER needed. Vehidle supptied. Wages negoti- able. Start immedatey. 878-7824. Springridge Farm FULL TrIME flETL SAME PERSo Tu work in ur Produce sud Gardes Gift Ares. Must tic avaitatite t day a weekend and enjuy the oui duors. Pleuse Fax Ramure Tu: DATABAS$E MARKETING REP Ontario's Ieading Home Inspection tlrm seeka two part-ttme or one fuil-time aggressive and enttmusiastic person(s) to marknet our services to professionats in resi esSate and sssociated busineases. Excellent telephone skitts and computer literacy necessary. Base salary + commis- sion. Email resmes to: housemorn.aibn.cgM or send 50: HouseMaster Home Inspection, 192 Main Street E., Suite # 5, Milton, ON LOT 1 N8 GENERAL bOURR Required to assiat in taking care of tarm U rty in Milton. Duties include General aintenance, Handyman, Lswn Maintenance sud Miscetlaneous duties. Work achedute: Monday to Fndcay - tram Apriltof November. Hours 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 RM. Iteresfed applicants mail resumne f0: #1314091 Ontario Ltd., 6200 Vipond Drive, Mistesauga, ON LST 2B2. ECNG Inc. "13 years of service" ECNG is the leading provider ot abjective energy canauting andi management services ta industriel, commercia samd inatitu- tional consumnera. ECNG la known for tas locus on client needa, faimeas simd honeaty, energy expertise, influence in trie regu- lsSoiy forum sand commitment Sa service excellence. ECNG »sa tounded in 1987 sand la tocaled in Oakvitte. We require the fallaw- ing growth-ariented electrical engineers ta service ECNG's expanding electnlcity clientele. TECHNICAL SERVICES LEADER Raporting to the Director, Eiactricity Services, pou wili supervise the col- aection andi procassing nf client inad data 10 prapare sappiy tenders and Srsck uctuarly = consumption tor bilt veritication and paymant. You vii recommand mtrng sîraiegies and implament remota interrogation spa- Semai. u ai assiof in tha desige of IT systems for clieut accouaS man- agement and supervise the Tectinica Services section, ahicti aili espani wmth client needa. TECHNICAL SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE You viii analysa client loado, devaiop mataring strategies, design and dis- tribule client reports, assist in IT syslsm deveiopmenl, client consuimptin monitoring ari tinanciai accounting. Yna viii support client service per- sonnel in cuatomer presentations. FAX your resumne Sa: (905) 825-1066, Afin John MoGinnie or EMAIL: imcglnnlu@ecng.com We regret ooiy candidates selecfed for interviews will be cunfaced. Retalier of baster qaiay toter tIs eeklsg entha- sianflo indivaiuls o tahe tolloatusg positions: MANAGER FULL TIME SALE ASSOCIATE PART TIME SALERS ASSOCIATES Previoua sales espeience an sset. Fiease tas your reaume ta: (905)331-9742 AfIn: Diane Thibauli AU rsusmea I tba reol'onesorbains Aprd20, 2000 hf'evant penm l tome ail shita Wii trpanin aing. Uentrmsan s ue Mtreumerton, bad your speec. Apomaty n prsa week Phon Mnayrleo r0, 9-11ton m t No speaies n eniomenta6t6 indstra resm attenin Stev Mitert..(0)87 7175an.Pi rann.Unfresupid IIIISTAILLR Eslmy ete position for awsing manolactoring Company. Prohieo selning ahilities, lamil- iar with costruction t 00 10s, cleas driving record, esergetic, lidy ap- parance. Mail lue fax te: P.O. Bon M7, Sakil LBJ M air flair <905847-1059 5 Pull-lime fond prea- ration positions avait- able et a Fadera Foodi Prncsaing Plant, Start- inp et $8.001dm plus ban- alita andi personal day package. llasse apply mn person to 251 Nipisu- ing Road, Million, On- tarin. Or oeil 905-693- 8976. Noi espenescae re- quired - We Train. BEHAVIOR Therapistl Teaching Assistant. Part-lime, atternoono andi/or weekeudo, 9 hrsiwk. Commftted, car- iug, reliable themapiol needed lu pronide une- un-oua intensive teach- ing <lu-home) using prisciplas ut Applied Beverly Analysis tu a child viti Pervasive De- vetupent Disorder. Training providei. Fax (905)875-1832. CLASS AZ lowner! op- erators and drivers re- quired for milk delivery. Esperience an assaI. Muet hava dlean ab- stract. CaI 416-236- 5862. PULL TIME DAYCARE needed for 10 mouth sond 4 yr old grs. My home or youru. Flexible hours a must. Piea oeil 875-1794 aller Opm or teuve a message. GREENHAWK is tuing mn Misaissauga: Mail Or- der C.S.R. Brlingualmsm an asset. Andi Ware- houe staff. Pas resumne su (905)2389131 THREE part time Cousn- ter helo positions avait- able at Stoppas Dry Cleaners.Afly in per- betweeu 8 AM & 7 PM. HVCR JOURNEYMANI I For industrial Uand commerciaI Sservice work. C al ally I Nutemp 905- 338-5603, Fax 90e338-6677 PRODUCTION WORKERS Hayard, a Ieudîng manufacturer of swmmmisg pool accessoy eqsipmenl, hus sevural spenings for Production Assemblers. Positions are anailable im- medislely for appron. 4 monîhos Insu. Wages com- mence ai 88.25/ir. Houro f:30am-5pm. Contact Allen 829-2880 Ent. 241 or apply in persos: 2880 Plymouth Drive, Dakville (Wlnston ChurchIIIIGEW) Fuil-time Position Addictions Counsellor Haltos Recouery House is a non-profit losg-turm resideoliol Ireulment facility for mes. The ideal candidate ii hane the fnllomrion " Certilied addictions counsellor or equinaloot " 3-5 years enp. sn indinidual and groop womh " extensive knowledge of relapse pruveolios, dinchorge planning andi commusity resources. " ohilily so worh sn a team concept esuirosment " nalid driver's license fesumes t0 be submilted by April 141h, 2000 te: KALTO RECOVERY NOMS Gonseal Bu1llvery Bareily, ON WOP 1lES Attunton: Chulrp.rm n, Human Rosercos Celittu On Cali Coordinator for Oakville Nursing Agency Required foi respond to ail cais received aller office hoors. Nmm *Esceptional castomer & communications kills *Needari for maery 3rd waakend & 1 evasisg caI par waak * hen os cuIt reqsirad ta pichsp & daliner bookson a daily basis. Fax reaunse (905)-338-5616 A Prol'essional Sales Opportunity.. Esuisclare tuteriors, as nopanding, visionary rotai mar- keter ai lise turuitore & ralated services, hou an imme- diaIn sppomlosity for enparieuced Salas Prefessiosals. Socceostol candidates aiti posseso au is-depth os- derstauding offine loumitore producîs, mauoacturnus and melated services, as watt, ltiey will have isterior decoratiugl design skitis and the ahility 10 offer 001 cootomers the assistance they requiros heth sn sot showroom sud sn their home whes rnquired. Aso, 1h01 must have tho uhilily 10 womh posilively sud harmosi- eosly within o cohusive and dyuamic tnam of sales pro- fessiosals. Ne offer us aggrossivo, tead produciug mamheting aod adveotisiuf prograro as anti as a compensation and houef il program that noceedu inustry standards. Il 100 are islemostod sn pnrsuîsg this escitiug oppor- tunîty, torward your resome with a ceveriof laffer to the addross shows helsa. (Att mesurons vii ha lreatad wilh complote coulidastiality.) Mr. R. Bigg, Genaral Manager Ennisclaro Interiors 1075 North Service Rd. W., Unit 22 Oakvilla, ON [SM 2G2 No phone oeils pieuse! JoR HE CEW Now Hiring F/T P/T BROILER 1 PREP LIME CGGKS, SERVERS & DISHWASHERS Wa offer gond ages & a great almosphere. Apply in&orsn or cail (905)0639-408 95 aiker's Une, Burllahton We are seekiug a highty orgauized undividoa lot the position ot RENTAL COORDINATOR Dolios isclode costomer service, hilliug, keepiso iraci of ait eqoiproost os ment, and coordiuatiug truckisg. Kuowledge nf scaffotd & mautifts a dotisîte assel. PIease iorward retomo or applyins persos: Stoeplejack Services 1281 Spoons Rd, 0" 119ll, Ont., LaI MX or Fax <905>-825-201111 Attendant Service Worker Joyce Scott Non-Profit Homes toc. sesds persens wîth good persosa skitts, who are physicaty fi tasod havesa dosire to support adoits with physica disahil- lias. Empioymeut is P/T and must ho anaitahie ou woekands. Training is provided and successot cas- didates wttl ho sohieci In a Crimisa Rfereuce Check. Fax reauma to: (905) 878-6449 or contact (905) 878-722