Hai*.neacflru -qeý -ezý e Dretr Some experts suggest that womcn tend to be better listeners than men. lu fact, many husbands are sotorious for Iseing poor listeners. Perhaps you are familiar witb tIse scene of a husband reading the newupaper while his wife is trying to talk. Mis response is "Yes dear. Ub, huh. Memes. la that so?" But be's nos reslly listening. Suddenly, bis wife pulls down the newspaper and auka, "Have you Iseard a word l've said?!!" Two men were talking ose day. Ose of thees said, "My wife taîku to herself a lot." His friend answered, "Mine doca, too, but she docsn't know it. She thinks l'es listening." Poor listening. however, la nos just attributed to mes. Sometimes, aIl of us listes poorly - as a group of passengers os an airplane whes tIse stewardess is making tIse required safety Are You a Good Listener announicement. Patricia Goîdman, tIse vice chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, sella story about a stewardess who, frustras- est by passesger inattentivencas during ber talk, cbanged tbe wording and said, "Wben tbe nnask drops down in front of you, place is over your naval and continue to bresîbe normally." Not a single passenger soticed. 1 read about a middle-aged womari wbo suffered witb a bearing problees. Ose day, sbe and ber busband were drivisg from New Brunswick to Ontario. TIsey were pulled over by an OPP officer wbo askcd if tic busbasd ksew bow faut be was drivisg? TIe wife askcd, "WIsat did be say?" TIe Isusband replied, "ME ASKED IF 1 KNEW THAT t WAS SPEEDING." Lookisg ast thse driver's licesse, tIse officer said, "t sec you're sot from around bere." 'fli busbasd said, "No, we are from Moncton." TIse wife agais askcd, "Wbat did you say?" TIse busband told ber, "t SAID WE ARE PROM MONCTON." 'li officer tIses comment- cd, "You know, Uic mcaucst woman t ever met was from Moncton" TIse wife agais asked "WIsat did Icse ay?" TIse Isusbasd replied, "ME SAYS ME THINKS ME KNOWS YOU!" Jesus said, "He wbo bas cars to bear, lt hlm bear." Is is possible to Isear wiUi our physical cars and sot to bear witb our cars of spiritual usdecstandisg. Oftes, our cars cas Isecome cloggcd by Uic wax of worry, stress or anxiety so tbat we fait to bear wbat Uic Spirit is trying to comesusi- case. But God desires so speak to us! He desires to reveal Mis wilt to us, sud toIsbe actively involved in leading us. From lthe begmnning of thse creation of mas, and continuing tbroughout Isistory. God bas wanted to communicate wjtb His creation. He walked mn the cool of tIse day witb Adam. Me spoke to mes and women who followed Hies tbroughout thse ages. Today, He catis us t0 be led by Mis Spirit - which entails bearisg His voice as Me speaks tbrough tIse written Word and our private sime witb Him. Troubled? PerpIexeé? Full of asxiety? Paralyzed by fear? Set aside your cares. Pray. Turn t0 God today. He cares for you! Then listes for Mis answer. Me wants to talk to, you. Cossider visiting s churcli near yos this Sunday morsisg. Service times sud locations are publisbed in the directory below. Learn to listen for Mis voicel The Christadeiphians Who are the Christadelphians and what do they believe? Corne and hear an address THE NAME AND FAUTH 0F THE CHRTADELPHIANS Sunday, ApdI 9th, 2000 2:00 pm (God willing) Hugh Foster Hall Victoria Square, Milton MILTON ADVENTIST CHURCH Welcomies you to, Hugh Foster Hall. 43 Brown St. Milton Sas. 9:30 a. m. - Sabbath School Sas. 11:00 arn.- Divine Service Conne ansd moIn us for worship CatI for mid-week prayer service info. PASTOR C.O. Roututon 41682i-4610 4e9 amn - Eorly Worship Service ~> 9:30 a- Sun Shoa y 50:45 arn - second WoshpSeic Iexp.encing me. Mastars Touci, Dyuamké Chi1àwus Peroua & Nursery Avoluable 1 a.:30 cmn - Praise & Célébration Plus BANAI Know thau of a trulh lliat -he soul, atter ils separa- lion fram the body, will continue ta pragress unll It atlalnetth fe presence af Gad. in a state and condition which neither the revalullon af ages and centuries, nor the changes and chances af lhis world con aller. It ahil endure as long as thse Klngdam af God. Hîs soverelgnty. Hîs dominian and power wull endure. f ram lthe Bahali writinga LOCAL: .... .................... .. 871-0011 REGIONAL: ..................1400-433-3284 GLOBAL: ................www.bahai.org Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton thie Cherchasn thse Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 87"03(05 wwswelasîme.tua/Grace.Mitn Rev. Dr. Miark MeDernaett SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn. - Huly Comemunin 10:00 arn. - Sung Eucharist Chureli Sehuol Il CaSfes Haur Wheulehair Access lhrough Parking Las Dosrs Tlaursday [4~ 10:00 arn. - Hîîly Coîmmunîion MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday Schoot 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesay 7:30 p.m. Frayer and Bible Study Through this man (Jesus> is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. Acts 13.38 DISCOVER / AMAZING FACTS BIBLE SCHIOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BIBL.E GIDEOS BIBLE LESS055 Whaaa is Gd wban penpia arc suttesing anid dying'? *Wtian a penai die, whai Sicn,? *Whaiiîis weti aiappy hie? D *cvc l Iiithem hipe fr achaoiic woaid? Oicîhcauig Biblawcrs lit hsand fiakey quesiaaii ihai aff&ci yiir happiniess. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On, tha interneta ai htip:IAara.vip.et)m and ww.anagraoa.iag/5ibIaadaaîi/chi,,ai..p HOLY ROSARY PARISH 878-W3 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mau an 5:30 p... Satacday 9:00an., 10:30 am. & Nees Suaday ST PETER CHURCH 9th Line 6 Britanttia rj Mma as 9:00 am Suaaday Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P. We welcome you to... s ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH: 123 Main St. E, Millionf Sunday Worahip 10:30. a.rn Nursery Availabl Cuc col10:30 a.rn. Bey. John Benham & Rev. John Ambrose Judy Hunter, Direcior of Music ( ~ Church office: (905) 878-8895 '/e www.globalserve.net/-stpaulsmilton VIOOY MEL CHUOH AREYOURMAYTO0SER'E TELR? ODHAS A PLAN TO MILJLL ON 7M1 EARTT AHE WANT YOU TO UW Jomn us this Sunday sa you can know how ta become a part cf Mia mission and have a fuifilllng life. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worahip Miltion laiure Centre (Board Room) (uepacate services fsr chldren 9 ycacs and under) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in his "Wisdom for tIse Week" "Livng A Vwtonious 1é By The Wonir Of God" Paster Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@interhop.net S The Salvation Army Church Milton 11:00 arn - Morning Worship & Kida Church 100 Nlplsalng Roud, Unit 3 Pastens: Usuitouata Uhadas & Clave Feeeo For more Information about aur services, and other progremmlng please cali 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERBY RD. (baîetwe the Jire Hall anad Heqpal) Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Passer Greg McCombs Il a.m. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Coes5 Speakerr Rex. MatchflI 11 arn. SUNDAY ADVEWIURELND FOR CHILDEREN Tueuday at 7 p.mo. JR. HIGH - (gr. e-s> Wednesday ut 7 p.n. - PIONEER CLUBS (âges 4-12) Ilewaiday at 7 p.io. - SR. HIGH <gr, a-OACI 1For iaorù info<on aîr ladies, nwm, o.r:th atul cIîilîIai' ,,lit,-ie., pirair cad thse diirii office l