*Power Changea Everything - 250 HP 3.5- Litre DOHC engine - 4-apeed automatic with overdrive - 265 lt-lb torque O 3,200 RPM * Ail mode 4-wheei drive (automatic 4-wheei drive aeiector dia) - Fuel tank akid piate - 16" aiioy wheeia - Air conditioning - BoaeO acouaticaly Rt.F,1 & Taxas extra. Ses dealer for detalta on apostat rate financing and tase offer. YOD can't vlsit A Country mile just ollce In fact, every time you go into the beautiful store, you'll find sometbing you've neyer noticed tucked into a corner. Offering you two floors of unique gifts and beautiful, high- quality furniture, A Country Mile, winner of Milton's Choice Award for Best Gift Shop, bas everything you need and want for your home. A country, warm feel surrounds you as you walk into the store. Apple cider and cookies baked every morning at the store are available to customners as tbey walk around. Owned by Kimberly and Glenn Englisb, A Country Mile is a famnily affair with their dog Bailey greeting people as they walk tbrougb the door. The couple just bad tbeir first cbild, Brooke, who will be comning to, the store. A Country Mile offers. pine and oak furniture, home accessories and gifts, Homestead plaints and the Rowe line - an upbolstered furni- ture line wbich bas been available since June. - And, if thse customner is looking for something tbey can't find, staff will find it for them. Customer service is firat priority to both staff and the Englishes. "People feel comfortable comning bere. It's an enjoyable experience for sure." A Country Mile bas expanded. Thse couple recently opened another store located in a beritage home in Burlington. In Milton, A County Mile lis located ait 265 Main St. E. For details cail 878-1070. In Burllngton, the store lis located at 518 Brant St. For details oeil 631-9885. Da telin e Dateline is a f ree listing of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups to assist in promoting their future events. OnIy charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of thse occurrence although more insertions are possi- ble if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Fniday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Friday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday Apr. 4 Parents experiencing troubles witb their children can seek advice at the Parent Suppert Greup. This non-denominational self-support group, run by trained leaders, help parents cope wits children wiso may be in trouble in scisool or witb the law, abusive or taking drugs. Meetings are held every Tueaday as 7:30 p.m. at Pinelands Preabyterian Churcis, 5270 New St., i n Burlington. The support group is a mem- ber of the Association of Parent Support Groups (APSGO). The Milton Fibromyalgia Support Group reminda membera to mieet as 2:00 p.m. as St. Paul's United Cburch. Contact Joanne at 878-4371 for more information, . The PeelHaten Cesarean Awareneas- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Greup meets for support and topical discussions beginning at 7:30 p.m. Ibis montis topic is 'Communication: Before, During and After Labour'. Contact Penny as 873-2779 or Wendy as 891-0793 for fuiliser informa- tion . Tise Nassagaweya Tennis Club boss its Annual Registration as tise club tisrough to April 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. The club is located in Campbellville beside tise fire station at Higisway 401 and Guelph Line. Fees for tise season are SI25Ifamily, $l05ladult couple, $651 adult single and $30 for students. For more information, contact Jean Falls as 878-9220 or Donna Duimatra as 854-2521 for memberahip inquiries. Wednesday Apr. 5 The Milton Community Resource Centre invites parents and cbildren to join in tise Diacover With Me program. Cisildren aged 3 to 5 years create and lesmn about tise environment wits many banda- on activities. Cati 876-1244, ext. 12, to oegister. Tise Healing Centre hosts a bealts lec- ture entitled Immune Systens Support. Topica include natural approacises for addressing allergies, hayfever and colda/flu, spinal bealts and barba. Tise talk runs froro 7 to9 p.m as tise Healing Centre, 95 Main St. E. Tise coat is $6/person or $10/couple. Ail proceeda go to tise Halton Women's Place. Cali 876-0048 to book seats. E.C. Drury Higis Scisool presents a se more DATEUNE on page 17