POLYMER WUMIflON SIC Polymer Dletnbutlon mc, a leader in dry bulk distribution, packaging and ware- housing has an opportunhty in Milton for an: APPRUImCM MECIIANIC n your 2nd or 3rd year Truck/Coach Apprenticeship Prograro. You are retiable, atearo ~er, poseesa a positive work safety corisclous. You muet have your oven tools. We offer a leamlng opportunity to espand onyourtrade with high quallty equipment and room for growth. We also offer a com- your resume to: Omyle Saundera, Human Reereurees, (906)878-3162 ASME Code Fitteri Welders Required Oakville Pressure Vessel Fabricator requires experienced, quaflfied inctividuais for custom ASME fabrication. Fax resume (905) 827-1600 OOKKEPER WANTUD Fuli-time position avatiable lmmedlately fer appllcants experlenced wlth Windows andMYOB Plus. Good organlzatienat and Interpersonai skifs requlred. Salary slth benefits. Fax resumea with relatedwork expeilence te: Durantes Auto Service 8473 Hwy 25 Mlfton, Ontarle LOT 2X7 Fax 905478-5265 DRAPTINO/DATA ENTRY CLERK required. Muat fie computer literate and have good knowledge ef Excel, Ac- ceas and Word. Heurs 2 p.m. te 9 p.m. Mon. -Fn. $9-S12 per heur, depending on experience, plus benel"rts. Must have own vehicle. Fax rertume te: 905-799-7279 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Seif-siarter suis good peuple shilis, sire woold enîny a challenge 10 t serait corporate situe, sirere e day- to-day seamiess operation s esseetrai' Ynu are frighiy moioaled and aissys ssii orgarozed. Minimum 5 years previaus expenisoce Ina siallar po- sition Excellent communication shutis. Microsoit Word, Escel, Lotus 123, WordPerfect (on-off-site trarnisit n other nitrer computer padragen as requimd. Basic accounhing abutily. Excellent heatlfV dental henefits. Nos-smoking envi- moment. Dosntown Cafivitie tocotion - Ostroitie Traosit nearhy Appiynrwntrng inctude resume Ireferencen 10 TheGabille hais, Bell - 407 8~eere M., Girallbs 011 LOI 384 Accounts Payable Ausoclato Requimd immedrateiy for a test paced, rapidiy gros- ing manafaduningcompany iocated in M The socceusiot ilcant ont hune 3-5 app ysems 0f senior espenienco in Ail' processing md aulhnrized. G/t. entries, intercompany Imensactions, inventory asd standard costinit esposune. Posseusing a Businessi Accounting diptoma suite ting sage 10 continue personai devetopeent ont compiele your quatifica- lions. You musi ire motivated, detaiied orieuled, thon- ough, accorais md have excellent communication ski lis. if quatiffsd, pisase tas rename n contideece 10 lire H B Mmagsnal<U) 1594390. DATA ENTRY CLERK Seit-starler sIlo wouid enîoy a challenge o a sauti corperate office. Von are hlghty motinaled md ssii organnzsd. Minimum 3-5 peurs prenioas eupedencs n a simitar position, gOod commonicotion sinus, verbal & sniffen, compute shitis- Microsoff Wonê Excet. Lofes 123, WordPerfect (on-site training tom unr Irans- poitatlonpadsags) Excellent henfftn/dentai bensff~ nen-saetang enut- rnement. dererriose 0*nille tecolion - OahviiieTransit ~ iST8peeM., O~uUIeULIE3S4 - - - - ÔChudleigh 's ADMINISTRATiVE ASSISTANT FeU 7Ime Are yen: * A conscienOons, office sechnotony expert dus nakes pnide ta tookmne afeer sire deiats? Ideafly, y..'! Jeans: * Expertise je office prodecsiviiy lechnotogy: Windows, Mîcrosofe Office (Word, Excel. PowerPoint, OcilookI, tnnemet/E-mnil * 2 yeans experience ina nales/maztcesing envineiiflrenl * Knowledge 0f Norolar voire osait sysiens If ibis soends like yen, tires we cm provide yen wilh m opportunisy le work ina foui pnced envi- renenent, where yee'lt fie rewarded fer your abiliiy te perfores n vanety ef office lanko md teek aller tire needs ef e yenng md dynaonic management tenos. We are n gnowing exporter of higir qestily frozen desserts. lecaled in Hilton, dine oea previde you wide dre opportuaity le grew inte lire rote of Marixelins Ceordinaien. Fax yoer reseme md natary expecealions (mandatory) tees by Monday, April 10. te return, we'd tike ie mît yen airent aur coniflaitineni Ici givieg yee dan sep- port yeu need te stay on iep of yonr fleld, as yen irelp ns grow. Tirank yen fer yeer internat. We will ceniaci yen if you are aeleeied fer an inlerview. GEirERAL Office help wanted. Espertence sitir bhlling and cenoput- er alita reqeired. Muet be esantortehle slth a side vsniety ai dodu. nos 10 Trenspor- ndustry an essot. Fax resame te W. aNar Walmbag, Ca-sp, tran a .loIil Skliled trades are shere tire money Si Find eut more atour free information sessions in March Rosons a seat cool Cmli leabel et THE CENTRE 333-3499, ext. 121 DAYCARE NEEDED ton 10 mentir end 4 yr nid gid~ My home or yeuse. Fissible flouse a ment. Please oeil 875- 1794 sitar tipen or leave a massege. LOVINO Day Case pro- vided in my home, J.M.Deiryea ssea. DeIy salis, nutritienal muta. Registered silfi tire Hel- ton Clritd Case Registiy. Cati 875-3193. RAINBOW Vitage Day- case Centre fise s tes spacea availebie. Gueti- ty chuldeese for ciridren 18 mentira te 5 ~se. Musc, computera, crefis. 876-7552. ABANDONED RUB- BISH REMOVAL. Dia- peseta, demetiiens, teer-outa, cleso-ape, tree cutting, beficet & minl-excevetion service. Fent & selialole. 8 yssse esperience. Cali 'led (905)7B2-JUNK or (905)489-2862 A besatihai aprirsg day is tiret mach bolier ti ynea have semenne aloodet ~ tons tredltinnel metds- malter - 416-7774802. 83,000 - $35, Cars Wanted, 905-457-5713, Step CerTiref Self tel- censed secyder. 905- 457-5713. ian paipuai- GERAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY tien refis e-fie (rotonde 1024 sesia) PN Enter- t) You're du Boni. prises. 905-875-3806 2) lla yeur buainens. please leeve e message 3) Unlimiteel income potentisi sur yoer semer and dependine on yen and yose efforts. pirene nombet 4) Woelc et yoer ewn pore. INCOME TAX RE- For an eppeintinenl please cuti: TURNS prepsred. Helen or laines Tel.(905)693-5242 Pleese oeil Stave Weit- Bren. (905)693-1243 sceel, 876-4279. immediete avsilabiiiy, Georgeteren, $2S0Àntis~ (905)868-7484. SELF.Stosege, heated, nesm GO station, lore monllnly rotes, uniS unIt, 12s36 dock tavel leedini. Residentietl Cemmerosi (905)866- 7484. HORSEFARM, bunga- les, otatin, paddocks, eut boiidings, acreage, escarposent, 4 minutes Irons dosntown Miten, Fiset, est, atiuities, $1495 menttniy. 876- 0586. battre, iocsted doren- loren, atilties flot inded- ed. $900/menth. Aval- able May 1, 2000. Rel- esences. 878-6838. 8ACHELOR for sent. Seitabie fer ene peseen. Utiuities indaded. $Sl0lirrenth. Aveitabie Msy 1. Cati 3:OOpm- 9:O0pnr. 878-3023. CANPBELLVILLE boa bedreom apeniment. Aveitahie lsemedately. No doge. $700 mc. att- du. 854-3083. FOR sent Miflen, James Snow Ares, I bedmens apartirsent $700 par mentir uttities induded. And 2 beirneos main evel ni Heose, base- ment & gesege. $gtg> par mentir plus utitiien. Avaistole Aprit 1, 2000. 875-1190. ON! bedreoin spart- ment evaitable Mey 1. Aise, Tso bedmeoin epaniment eveltable Mey iCai 693-9658. TWO bedreens base- ment epS. ail firdasive, leundry, avaiishie Jane 1. Non sinokorat $72shrrenth, fi rot & tant. (905>878-9702. The Canadian Charoplon, Friday, Mardi 31,2000-41 - - - ROOM tor roni inclodex RETAIL/OFFICE spuce n onpornne room 1er liv- - Main Sn. location 2400 MILLSIDE îng main. use et ait nq.ft. Rear parlning, gan tactîttien. Peinais pre- tiO5t $1400 per mentir. 1011193 ferrsd. Meut tiCS ~* Cati 905-875-2408 sitar 82 MLL6I0! DR., Ci sffer600 PM. 905. 6:00 p.m. MILTON 878-0410 SMALL PRIVATE 0f 10W ROOJet nesrMffnn Mati LEASU.u~? for reedeng 1905-2779347 or 905- 2754834 1 and 2 Bedrooma 0682 aveitahie on bus routa, tresirlyr deceret- ALTON oungalore ed, 2 ~ ~ (rosar Orangenitile). ails laimihy, irdades BelgirI. cleaji Siodise, 2 59 titildu <~O~l REASONABLE Indus- balisa, W5lkeut te dedt pirnere & cehie.) Fres triai Unils ton sent. 1,200 Ftdly ftrded 72 s 205 panldng, on pets. - 3,201) sq Il Loadhrg toi Atticlred References reqtared. doctes & dnve-in I 905- Paved Dons Office Hotes 5M 277-9347 or 1905-275- besenrent, fissible dis- __ tng Close ta sidbrg geit igese-spes ~i. Bruce Trait Weik ta Wl- 965478-1249 croit Inn $197500 By~terniy (519>940-9910 Cati (519)938-2498 18 ON! bedroom aperi- Dod~a Drive Allen Ont ment aiwe iilsy 1. iaooe~ooo eqIt essai- ~ 1lou55 Sel & Son Aise, Trea bedreoin ont office anti(s). Street Apiff lai & 2nd <12:00 te apariment evailabie entrence handlcepped 5:00>. iCet 5-~ eccessîble parking. VLLAOE Parc Cendo. TWO bedreere base- *saso aqIt. George- Tone bedroornloffice, ment aplz ail indusive, tose. (oos>877-eall. soutireos esposare, 5 taundiy, avaishie Jane appliances, nes car- i Non amokerat OFFICE or rotai apece pet/paint. Sommer pos- S72SAnonth, tiret & lent. for loess. Contact Ray sessiols. $179.900. 1i051575-9702. a76-2a35 or 876-5317. tanerana-aene.