28-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Mardi 31,2000 Opening April 1,2000 ~ Inner 5anctum 15 Martin St., #5 (Carnage Square) (905) 876-O~1 Fax: (905) 826-6497 Yoga classes - Workshops - Events - Music - Candies - Booka - Gifts ... and more! Presented ta yau with loue from Wendy Sommut, Certif led Yoga Instructar, warking In an appraach ta yoga lnspired by the wark ai Vanda Scaravetil. Wendy has studied this style af yoga fora number af years under the gentie guldance ai Helen Duquette. Came and brawse thraugh an assort- ment ai gîf t Ideas setected ta inspire the mmd and feed the saut. Ptease colt If you wostd tike mare infarmallon, or ta hase a uchedute sent ta you. I Pwelwowyapaiausars.s- I I elOfltuWOUuipdcbandealaya I nwod'oewtrll2pdoe. j Causeaafl.wsmuuS ueoe 1USoe. g ~t~rx4t~ i I..----------- r rz~r;~r1a A4akes your outdoor cooking experience more enjoyable. Suusuoev'u Dont DSa7* Sq Now! Boit better ta longer & cout Issu ta cool home NE' 'w Heating & Cooling .&878*4821 ~SILWT Unit 6-7 '~r 103 Steeles Ave. Heret Niethini speciel fer Ueu DO yeers or hethr Corne in anS on *ALL Reguler, Cleerence end Sele-priced Items. PLUS, trou, yuurselt te env Zellers Magicuts~ Selon Service md aise savo 10% AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL ZELLERS STORE MONDAY, APRIL ~ 2000 5Some exceptions apply. See Customer Service desk for details. tWhere available.