m INCLUDES: AIAG se FRAME v- SINGLE ISON LENSES WAT SCRATCH EIIET COAT SEVI e 1 YEAR FRME WARRANTY 15 Martin St. Milton Registered Massage Theraplst -Acupuncturist- Effectively treats. Headaches - Neck Pain Stress PreventionLiRelaxation Motor Vehicle Accidents Arthnitis Hip and Back Pain Evening Appoiniments Gîfi Certificates Avaitabie 6,9j-J54Wô Convenient Downiown Milton Location *qÇýeW C(eaing SFuIiy Boncled and insure4 SPRINO CLEANINO SPECIAL o- for the month of Apnil indoor Cleaning andior Yard Maintenance Seniors Discount . For more info caîl Kathy Messages can be Ieft 24 hours/day ~ 905-693-9953 Hmvu dnsm yli dosutIII "ew baoe dostidys? Milton Denture Clinie " Saine dey - Myoloe relînes dentures " Comlets - Loat dentures dentures mode ln 24 " Partial hours dentures - Soft rubber " Impant liners HALTrON HELPING HANDS SERVINO THE ELDERLY AND OISABLED HANDYMAN SERVICES *Grab Bar'Installation "4 Carpentry D " Minor electrical/plumbing " Window Cleaning "Air Conditioner installation For more information cail JOHN at 878-M43 The Canadien Champion, Fniday, March 31, 2000-23 ____________________________________________________ I News M Milton Seniors Activity Centre Current Events "Ssy isdê akins ubifkidW APRIL CURRENT EVENTS WssegL&adUi "Spring Progra1S?' commence ai Seniors Centre. Check your Community Services Guide for full details. Monday, April.3 Come along on another fab outing t0 "Casino-Ramna" in Orillia. There's plenty to se and do, a terriftc buffet plus the opportunity to grab the brans ring! lt's only $5.00 when you bring a fniend or $3./person. Cali 875-1681 to sign up today! Monday,.MttlI3: lt's "ýSeniors Day et the Mail"! Corne along to meet and greet, play "Seniors Bingo"l and shop for super values! Wedod&L pdl :The Senior Centre Computer Club meets at 1:3Opm in Library. loin them 10, learn more about Internet Explorer 4. A film will be viewed- today followed by discussion.New members welcome. Thursday. Ar*l 6 (and everv Thurs.) "Seniors Cineonss"l :3Opm at Seniors Centre. Adm.$l. Includes refreshments. Sec April Feature Performances below. ffldaj. Aprfl 7: t's the Cenlre's Spring "Easier Feut Parade" event! At 6:OOpm the evening commences with a delicious chicken breaat or hamn (your choice) dinner with scalloped potatoea. dessert and coffe or tea.Then, listen to the voices of the "Song Spinners" and music of the "Easier Parade" while the Easter Bonnet competition takes place. Ladies and gents are invited to participate and show off their "Haute Couture" creations. Bonnets will be judged on their originality and winner will receive a prise. Tickets for "Easier Fest Parade" are $1.00 are now available. i saa, AprilU11 The Seniors "Lunch Bunch" holds ils monthly get together at a nearby eatery. Come along for good friends, food and the best news in town! lime: 12 noon 175--1611 for April location. Wednesday Aprl 12 ls "Volunteer Appreciaiioni Day! Join Senior Centre staff at 12:00 noon for a gel together to show you how much your volunteer support is appreciatedl by ail! Mgtnday.àaJBiU17 Corne along on another great fun day 10 "'Casino-Rama"! Plenty of fun & excitement. Plus a great buffet. lt's only $5. when you bring a friend or $3i/person. Cali 875-1681 andsign up today'. Wednesdav. Aril 26: New "Anm Chair 'fravel" Club being formed tu explore distant vists. If you're interested, corne to the lounge at I :00pm for an hour to give us your input as tu what the Club should be ! 1 Thurda,.April 27: Seniors Excursion Day! Firsi, viait Stoney Creek and Liuna Gardens for a luncheon show fea- turing "Radio Daze" a hilarious musical comedy. Cabaret style lunch. Then. on the way home vie will visit Dutch Mill Country Market for shopping. Cali Senior Centre to sign up for trip today! Ibsday. Alil 27: "Diners Club: holds its monthly get together at nearby eatery. Corne for camaraderie, great food and plenty of socializing. Meet at 6:00pm. Cali Centre 875-1681 for April location andior arrange car pooling. Mgndar-bMayL Monday Wslks for year 2000 along the Bruce Trail with Ken & Teresa Lamb kick off today. Meet at Senior Centre aIl 1: 3pm. 1- 1/2-2 hrts. MednsdaLyfrMay 3: A Fab Musical Concert is coming your way! It's the "Wel.th Maie Voice Choir" ('fredegar Orpheus) on its lat Canadian Tour. Datef Wed. May 3.. Time: 7:301pm at St. Pauls United Church. Tickets:$15.;Seniors/Studetlts $12. Concert sponsored by the MSAC Song Spinners and St. Pauls Towards 2000. 'l3ckets:ioyce Hayward or Carol Clarke. Also available at Peggy's and Delacourt's retailers. Wednesdav. AurHI 12: lt's the Centre's ever popular "lEvening Euchre Farty"starting at 7:30pm. Come along for keen competition and plenty of socializing. Prizes awarded. Cost: $2i1person. Wedne.sdal Apil12: The "Senior Gamei" (local compe- tition) sIas today in Milton. If you would like to, parlici- pale, check Senior Centre reception for info. ROBET (PE> LE, Bse. 878-2886 SHOF ZELLERS MILTON-. FOR EâaS7 CLUB Z l iPOINTS STP NAN II dentures ~-*. . .~ , , ~ ---- .. MILTON MALL I ITHE ABOVE INFORMATION 15 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. 55 ONTARIO ST. Gam' 'eto. etula orfuterdealsonativitien at the Milton Seniors Actlvity centre, Ho:M.-FI 30PO 1(3eaine CSC) E7.2O Cai (905) 875-1681te.50-5:0sn1:0-:0 10% discount AORS applies to 45 m3 8 Mon.-Thurs. SENIOR DISCOUNT The U ail r~ocery items, 3889:00 arn - 7:00 pin plns and much 07ZZiZEtEE Friday DAYSGreenhouse Planth more19:00 amn - 8:00 Pm DASBe Sure To Saturday Monday, Tuesday and COUNTRY Ormy MWr hii u7nAZmIi 8:00 a-p Wednesday MARKET Ff hk :0a :0p MisesJ~#~IÈ*J I I a on ut b iiiotued on bMuiu apai gufn* situaad bese.n noeswoed andden Mets EDEN HOUSE CARE FACILITY INC. NURSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1M B.B.A. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - Disability - Annuities - RRIFs - LIFsI RRSP's -Mulsai Funds (Uic aith M.SI.L.) Mftowne Isurance Group LIV. & Hith à Pension 245 COMMERCIAL STI MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 RES. 878-1150 W. are SENIOR TRAVEL SPECIALISTS #Resorts e Tours e Insuranoe