Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Mar 2000, p. 22

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22 - The Canadian Champion, Friday March 31, 2000 No delay granted in Miii Pond restoration project ,fromn MILL POND on page 4 clip into Uic capital budget. But couniciliors wercn't wiiiing to wait any longer. "This is now a pond with no watcr," aaid Councilior Waiiy Hunter. "Irn not prepared to put Uic job off." They aiso asked for assurances that enough sediment wouid be rcmoved to, enaure Uic inva- sive milfoi - which chokes out native pond species - doesn't return. And they objected to what Uicy pcrccived as iii-treatnscnt aBthei handa of Uic Town. "I'm not an engineer, but I'm notsatupid ejier," said Mr. Duignan. *"It's a siap in Uic face to Uic cornrntte Uiat staff didn't corne to us on Uiis and say ibis is thc bid we've accepted."' Involving Uiemn in Uic proceas wouid have pre- vented any misinfonnation on Uic acceptabiiitY of Uic tender, lic added. commttee and allayed these concerna," he said. "«Then 1 don't tbink there wouid be a probiem." Through thc tcnder, thc Mili Pond restoraition shouid be cornpieted by December at a colt of $595,000 to $742,000, down betwcen $4,000 and $144.000 frm previously-estimated coss. Sev *ce t re Ic ti ARE YOU AFRAID 0F aTHUf DAHMYlb Severai years ago, a weil-known Television Circus Show devcloped a Bengal Tiger act. Like the rest of the show, it was donc live before a large studio audience. During one broadcast taping, the tiger tramner went int the cage with several Bengals toi do a routine performance. The door was lockcd behind him, the spotiights highlighted the cage, the TV cameras moved un close and the audience watched in suspense as the tramner skillfully put the tigers through their paces. ho the middle of the perfor- mance, however, the worst possible fate befeil the act. The iights wcnt out. For twenty or thirty long seconds, the tramter was locked in with the tigers. In the darkness, thcy could sec him, but hie could not sec themn. The whip and a small kitchen chair seemed meagre p rotection under these circumstances. However, when the iights came back on they illuminated the fact that the tramner survived the incident and hie calmly finishcd the performance. In an interview aftcrwards, he was askcd how he feit knowing that the tigers could sec him but he couid flot see tbemn. He admitted bis initial chilling fear but pointed out that tbe tigers did not know that he couid not sec them. He said: 1I just kept cracking my whip and taiking to them until tbe iights came on. They neyer knew that 1 couid not see them as weil as they could see me." This experience gives us a vivid parable of humais life. At somte point, we ail face some formn of terrifyîng tigers in the dark. Many may face fear constantiy. Countless individuais cope daily with interniai probiemrs that are capable of destroying them. How persons respond to crises often determines the measure of success they will enjoy in the end. Faithi is responding with trust and confidence, deciaring that: "I can do al things through Christ who gives me strength." Faith says: "Be boid and of great courage for 1 the Lord am with you." No matter whatyou are facing in the midst of your personai darkness, let me encourage you to, pantner with God. He will not leave you alone, rather, hie wil give you the strength to make it MILTON S SEVENTH-DAY ÀoegL ADVENTIST CHURCH Welcornes you t0 Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat. 9:30 a. mn. - Sabbath School Sat. 11:00 arn.- Divine Service Corne and join us for worship Cail for rnîd-week prayer service inf. PASTOR C.O. Rouiston Worghlp - Mes. *siu mse , 9 eam - Early Worship Service S 9:30 amn - Sundy School 10.45 ams - Seceond Worship Service Exp.riencing dme Mastr's Touch D>vse.n Chuidmua Perna à Nseraoy A-&"ebi A30 "ms - Prou.e a Celabratian tlu., Grace Anglican Church 317 Maina St. E., Miltoan the Church ona the HiU Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3W05 www.wecnre.ttclGrace. Miltoni 11ev. Dr. Mark MeDermnet SUNDAY SERVICES 8:(X1) a.rn. - Holy Communsnioîn 10:00 arin. - Sung Eucharest church Schsol & coînee Hour Wheelchair Access Thrsagh Parking Lot Doers Thursday 15.2 10:00 arin. -Hîîly Crinmmon MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontarlo St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 a. m. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.rn. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Goapel Service. Wedneaday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Through his namne (Jesua) whosoever belleveth in him shail receive remnission of sins. Acts 10.43 P throssgh. The Psalmist David said, "Yea, though I go through the vailey of the shadow, I will fear no cvii, for tbou art with mie." Today, if you fmnd yourself going through adce dark valiey, fear not! Take hoý land confidence in God! Trust in the Lord and rely upon His grace. To learn more about faith and ils; positive application into your life, consider visitîng a church near you this week! Consuit the directory below for directions and service limes. DISCOVER 1 AMAZINO FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BIBLE GUIDES BIBLE LISSONS Wherc e Ged ichre petuple are sufTering and dying? *Wren a perstn dies, wliai lheB? *Whal is lhe secret iiia happy life? *Isllicr hîpeoa haic, t)rild' Disciieer tic amnaz sg Bible ansicers in ibese and (iher key questios liait affect ytur happinsicc. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On tihe intiernet ai htLlJ/i c.eliii) Md ww.amine.gfscl.cgliiblccheelillielrcin.ap HOLY ROSARY PARISII S 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Maus ai 5:30 pua. Sananiay 9:00am., 10:30 am. & Neen Sunday ST PETER CHURCH Mt Limo é Britamia Mu lit 9:00 amaSaday Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P. We welcome you to... *s ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E, Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m Nursery Availabe Church School 10:30 a.m. Rev. John Benhamt & Bey. John Amibrose judy HunIer, Direclor of Music Church office: (90S> 87"8595 esW.w.gobalsersre.net/-spausmiltofl Monthly Devoiofl Meeing "An Interfalth Spidtual Galh*dng» Joîn Fellow Mlltonlans In a Gatherlng of Spiritual Reading and Devotions 'Brlng a Favouuite Passage ta Share' Date: Aprii 5, 2000 lime: 7:30 pm Place: Hugh Foster Hall, Milton Info: (905) 693-0688 Next Gathellng: Thursday May 11. 2000 18 FRAYER JUSTA RM&WL TO YOU; SMETHnGTODO WPR IMES ARE TOUGHDo YOTIMCPR4YER CAN REALLYWO74(? Join us thia Sunday su yau cao see that prayer is flot a ritual but the means In haw we cao have a relationship with God through Christ. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Roorn) (separate services for eildren 9 yeari aid aider) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in his 'Wisdom for the Wcek" "Living A WtoiosLife By he Word Of God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Ernaji cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 amn - Mornlng Worship SI Kida Church 100 Nipiminq Remd, Unît 3 Pastors: Uetmnats Simden à Cure Fessier For more Information about our services, and other prograrmmIng plasa eal 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERBY D. (brewe the Fier, HaU cmi Htrslpiîel) Phone 878-5664 * Fax 878-6676 Fastor Greg MeCcombs 11 am. SUNDAY MORNINC WORSHIP SERVICE Il arn. SUNDAY ADVENTURELAND FOR CHILDREN Tuseday at 7 p... JR. HIGR - (g. 6-B> Wedsesslay ut 7 p.ms..- PIONEER CLUBS <tiges 4-12) Thss.aay rat 7 p.m. - SR. HICH (g. B-OAC) [-or iîeire lcifii Ottoir Iadliy fîreera. yriiîh ande chlldrcens eliieiL.tcles. pleei ced! the cittircla tfjicc. 1 m

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