8 - Thie Canadien Champion, Tuesday, March 28, 2000 Brin& Sptg Hlome eeeth Flotrere 487 Laurier Ave.,Co 878-2881 '/Local army cadets will1 march in Holland By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Ten members of the 2990 Lorne Scots Milton Army Cadets will join military forces from around the world for a march that spans 160 km around Nijmegen, Holland. The annual marcb began in 1909 as a training session for Dutch troops. It has expanded to include about 650 military personnel from the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Germany, the Far East and oth- ers. "It's flot a race," said Captain Phil Seabomne-Davies of the Lome Scots Army Cadets. "rhey frown on anyone who tries to make it a race." 'Me purpose of the march isn't about try- ing to reacb a destination firat. Rather, it's about toamwork. "You move as a team, corne as a teamn and do the job as a toam," ho said. "Mhe wholo ides is to be able ta march with a load and a gun for distance and arrive in fighting shape." Tetaswill march 40 km a day for "We expeet it takes between eight and 10 bours (esch day)." Captain Seaborne-Davies said when ho was in the British army, every person had to complote an annual test that included porforming a 25-mile march while carry- ing a 200-pound pack and s rifle. For tho march in Holland, participants will carry a 22-pound pack, which doesn't include food and water. "*It stili bas to woigh 22 pounds at the end of the march." No packs for cadets Due to their young age, the cadets won't ho requirod to carry the packs, though Captain Seaborne-Davies and Officer Cadet Peter Cranloy will. Cadets are between the ages of 12 and 19 -- but par- ticipants in the march must ho at least 16. Ths is the firat year cadets will take part in the march, which will ho held sometimo this sununer, likoly in JuRy. The date hasn't been confirmed. Captain Seabome-Davios said the event will allow cadets ta put thoir akilîs mbtc practice, as well as ta see a country where many Canadien soldiers died. The projeet involves more planning than trying to raise money, said Captain "You move as a team, corne as a team and do the job as a team. The whole idea is to b. able to march with a b.ad and a gun for distauce and arrive in fightiug shape." CAP1M Pu SEMO AVII Seaborno-Davios. mhe govemment had to gel permission from Holland to send over military personnel. "You can't jutt go mbt a country wear- ing a uniform. That is called an invasion." Canada's Departinent of National Defence will fund the project, paying for the flight over as well as accommodations and food. Goar such as sleeping bags, boots, hala, rainwear. fanny packs, suni- screen and snacks will alto ho provided. The Milton team, as well as air cadets from Toronto, army and air cadets from the Pacifie ares and ses cadets from Saskatchewan, will join the rogular forces, the primary reserves and the RCMP teama on the march. Several war veterans are also going over. Team selected On March 18, Captain Seabome-Davios bosted a 20-km march in Milton to pick bis team. Only 10 cadets will go to Holland, but four additional people wero picked as alterniatives. Now the training begins. It includes long-distance marches that will go up five t0 10 increments, ending with two 40-km marches back-to-back. Long-distance marcbing corntes with its own set of problema. The impact of marching usually causes sore backs, knees and bips. Heat exhaustion and blisters are alto problems the team will have to face. But Captain Seaborne-Davies said ho isn't expecting anything fmom stopping bis team from finishing the march. "I am absolutely confident our guys can do it. They can rite to a challenge. They can achieve and accomplisb remarkable fests. They cen do pretty well near enything." In Holland, the march bas become a community evont as residents pack a pic- nic lunch and walk 5 or 10 km. '%111% i:~r'COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - March 28th, 2000 -AprIl 3rd, 2000 s0M13t Ne IOMIlo - E u-mlaNm N l! 4m,5m 9n NWi! 1wlamNm PW tinnie WSm Inm ae m Ens '~"640p SsSta OMe 60p c*~ft rCIan 6tO4pn NlaSsm Slips som9nvase ta.«M LMrgnnte* 21 Main Street North,Ili nla Adtos, ON L7J lV9 ISSI 4p aias isalOs Meyue 519-85341270, or 853-4700 Foature this woek: FoUlOW your local council ail this woekl Tue, Wed, Thurs- 8 OOpm