Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 2000, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 28, 2000--25 Classifiled CL'îotBl O N US!a MnDAuT FIAY Ilz OUYT RS AY Cssified Ads 9:00 AM -5:00 PM AL qnprt BIRTHDAY , BIRTHDAY Happy Happy 8Oth Birthday l6th Birthday D= s Stephanie! Uv.rmyu Jack Dewhurst £ove, Maûm. (lad, .O, eiWishes Oniy 'Ian &1 'Miek 51h&uiay Mallory ~~Ai ourove alwayrs3 &oPl Ja e SIMMONS - Robait and Joanne (Hamili) ara happy to announce the arnivai of ihaîr son Robent Shene. Robert cas bors on March 6, 2000 ai 8:26 pin, ceighing 7 ibs, 2 oz. Proud gmndparents ara Anna & Larry Simmons and Pal & Craig Hamili. Big brother flmmy and sis- ter Zoe also caicoma Robent with open amis. Spaciai thanka go ta Dr. Gunarsthamn & Dr. Furness and 10 the nursing staff of the Georgetowan Hospital. pICKET, Claude At Milton District Hospital on Thursday, Marcb 23,2000, Cloude eucumbed tlofailing health. Husband of the laIe Mary Peddia.Dabar brother of Margerai Poppleceil of Galiville, Gladys Lister of Guaiph, Edna Feathersfon 0f liton, and John of Homby. Predgesd by sestars, Dorolhy, Mary and Edith and brothers Vemon and Harold. Cleude cas an admirer of qselity Holstein cattle. A Memorti serviceimll be held et Hillicresi Uritad Church, Homby on Saturday, April 1, 2000 aI 11:00 A.M. Rcepto ta 110e. In lieu of tlowers, donations ta Une Hillcrast United Church Building Fund could be appreciated.' Arrangemants through lhe J. Scott Eaify Fuserai Home, Milon. Happy i5th ucarrying you in mny neart; today andal awayo" November -Match The family of the laie Michael Cronin wlsh f0 express our deepesi thanlis t0 the relatives, friands & valghhourn who otferad their support, sympathy and fiocers. Your ado 0of kindnass and ganarosily have comforiad un. To Fr. Eari & Hoiy Rosary Parish ce ihanik you for your prayars. To Dr. Chan & Dr. Hui & nurses ai the Miho Distict Hospital & Trefaigar Mamonal Hospital, wa ihanli Sou for your concern. And tb the Mckarsia- ~ochar F unearai Horna, ihanking you for guiding us ihrough our faracail. A big ihanl you ta tha ladlies oflSt. Peur's United Church i wish ta lhank friands, ralativas and naighbours for the cards, phone oeils and visita and espa- cially thair prayers during my racent slay in Milton District Hospital. Spacial Ihanks ta Dr. Koaiowsld for bis constant vigil, ta Dr. Hui, the nursea in l.C.U. and on the sacond floor, aiso ta Michaal, Pal and Rae. Yosr kindnass and carin wara grealy appraoalaed. LloYd Early The family of tha flie Ken Tueneley wish t0 anpress their aincara thanks to tamiiy, friands and Una ladias of Naasagacaya Preabyfeari Church for thair sup-I poil during sur Umre of sorroc. Aise 10 J. Scott EarlyI Faseral Home or thair caring and guidance.Spacial thanlis t Rav. Glas Sodarholm for is prayars and cords of kindsess. Wa thani 0cr rlativas, friands and naighbours for carda, gifts, donations for the Adtos Food Shora and the beaufiful tes pot and il's contents f rom Harmony Club on the occasion of our 50th annivaraary party. Wa also cash ta thank ail that attandad the parly and joinad euth us ta malcail a memtorabla occasion, ce ciii long ramember. Cal & Betty Meînlyre Fresentad lsy Jons Lockhori ond Mory Dobson p7le'te wl show you how ta creoa prson.1 stlei your home sing colon & îraossred possessions os kay ingradienîs. Thay will feotura styles selaciad from Benjamin Moores lotesI book. Coma & iaorn o stlei ihol expresses youir personaoiy. APRIL 26, 2000 $30. linlues FREE B001(1 Te rogile coii BEROSMA'S Paint & Walipap.r <905) 876-4922 ... the best way to start your day! HALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1151 Bronto Roaci (Hwy 25) Oakville Sal., April 1lat (Indoora) Viawing & Ragistraion 9:30 am-9.30 am. Auction alerte 9:30 a.m. AUCTION SALE 0F FOUND BICYCLES & ASSORTED UNCLAIMED PROPERTY APACS-rig, door; .Siov ,a; aulomaiic casher & dryar. Also, apartmavl sel. Undar csrran- ly. (905)637-8328 CARPET Carpet. i have sevaral lhousand yards of nec Stilmastar and 100% nylion carpef. i ciii car- paf your living roora and hall for $349. Price 'ti- dudaes carpat, pad and installaion. (30 sq. yards). Siava, 905-839-2902. FREE Estimafas- Love your sofa and chairs? Hale Ïour colours? Give Fields a oeil! Great Savingsl So- f as from$598.. Chairs front $198. Sanior Dis- couvits. Pilds Cstom Upholstaring, 875-4427, Da- iîy 9-9. FREE Estimalas... Gof cobbly chairs... weak spigs. irad iooking cooci finish as? Wa do il alti CÎuaSn,lrswood refinishinolurnilure rapairs. Fields Custom Fumifura. 9-9 deily 875-4427 MAC Tool Chast Spacial Edition Dreers Machina, branci naw. neyer usad. 51 1/2" xs60" x 24". $6000 0.6-.0. 905-873-1757. SIT on il-Donit sit in il Replacement boarn for cach- ions. RasidsntiaV/commerciai. Fields Uphoislary. 9- 9, 7 dasa/cak' 875-4427. ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unimifad Acceas only $15.95, great local ser- vice and support front SURF TH4E NET. 873-2602 We eppriailg appl ericevs, o ioi co vi esac grp is slucei ledd eof ao ini eri Tu Nurr relcev caI s enie asv. 'ste Building supply yard raquiras * DZ DRIVER$ GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Haavy libing involved. Drivers must pro- vide currant drivers licansa cith boom truck experience baing an essaI. Wa provideas compatitive slarting wage and company basaf ils. Appiy in person ta: Petene Building Supplies Ltd.7449 Trefalger Rond (Stouth of 401) Hornby, Onterio Tetephone: <905)875-0279 Attention: William Grendy Treff lc Menager bas opnig for ail shifts including a mui baker. Will train. Paid training. Uniforms suppliaci. Ranumeration based on aspnrenca. Apply in person ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontario St. Milton 80 Markiet Dr., Milion compsny raquires îuii lime Brokero cilh ocn yen or 5 ion truck. Es- cellent ceges. Experi- enca preferred. Plusse cel Doug or Julie ai POWER LINK (905)693-1143 or les ru- sume (905)693-9272. DAYTIME Cafeteria help. Grill esperience an asoal. Wages DOE. Oeil Neil or Debbie. (905)878-5571 est. 2106 EARN $200, $300, $500 Or more par ceali, assemrbling producti n the comfort of your ocn home. Sand a self ad- dresed slamped envel- opa t0: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundes St. West Suite 541 Ref 940, Misaiesau- ga, Ot., LSK 2R8. PART ima cleaner neaded 4 haurs par nighl. Monday ta Friday. Strigraie $7.50 par hour. Ceii Jaime after 1:00 pm. (905)561-990 or fao resume (905)561 - 8224. PERSON euth van (3/4 - liton) requirad ta daliver necepapers ta stores and vanding boses 7 nighls par ceei. Espari- anc preterred. Stad im- medliataiy. Oeil Jack <519)853-0351. PVTE stable in Limehouse requires caekend haip, 12-14 hours ceky. Succans- fui candidate wiii be as- parianced, reliable and capable of handing ail daily lealce. Suilabla for a eludani, patentia for summer amploymanl. Gond cages and plans- ant almosphere. Demie 878-8885 Days 1 Carol 877-7080 Daye. QUALITY Inn in Milton requirea housakeepars and front deeli persans. Ful and pari lime posi- tions including cee- kenda. Appiy in parson or tas rleume 10 (905)878-9701. i We oIter Training, Ca-p, then a JabI Skîlled traes ara chara tha monay !si Find ouI more et our frae information sassions in March Reese e seaet nowl Cali Isabel aI THE CENTRE 333-3499, est,. 121 Fax us your Classifieds 876 -2364«l REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated.

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