8 - tliè Cénadlik Chamrplon, Fr§daj,Vardh 24,'20150 SCOMMENT Aiï,cir*"' What do y ou think on IIIT4RI about Flamborougli? Where are ail the letters? j Miltonsans haven't hesitated to oppose both the development at E.C.( ( Drury and a construction project on Guelph Line. But citizens have remained curiously mum on the ongoing debate over (,I whether or flot to lay the weicome mat out to Flamborough. I9 j And that's funny, since it's an issue that in one way or another wiii affect ail taxpayers. On Tuesday night, regional council wili decide if more than 22,000 - people and 48,000 acres of land shouId hook up to Burlington, and ) trugh that become part of Haiton. f If Flamborough bears the full cost of the move, the Halton hit wili be - minimal. About a $6 property tax hîke is expected for Milton and another $36 and $93 on the industrial and commercial sides respectively. But that picture could get much bleaker if the costs are spread through- out Halton. And what about one-time transition costs? What if the j Province follows its trend and downloads the costs of Highway 6 to the T Region i asking for public input on the matter, but so far the silence on the Milton front seems deafening. And time is running out. SO UR READERS WRITE Caitrnn sunSrts teacher tetn What a brilliant idea, reader tells Harris Deu Editor Tise Taxpayers Coalition Halton strongiy believea teachers shoulti be testeti. We tdn"s an organisation inde- pensdent of thse Ontario educatiols systeni be engaget do tse watt. Given tisat assr chsidmen are aur mst preciaua readurce, shoulti not tis profes- sionials wlso shape a great part of their nsindu be periodically testeti, as are ailer pirofesals? We would agree that sane teachers attenrd conferenees as de doctor, nurse, police officeis, engineer and ollir prio- fessionala. Yet these sanie profemsonals aiso upgrade continîoRsly. We expect this. Wby BMt tesebhers? The Missistry of Education has nmai- dated leselser testing. Thse teacher' fed- entions are opposed. Could this be because they fear that rnany of their members rnght na(tpass? While most teachets are dedicaled andi lsiglsly professional, there'a a low-per- formifig fiinge Ilsat teating woul identi- fy for upgrading or out-placing. Cas teachers set dweiaeves above atiser pro- fes"o" gropa andi be etteuseti tCsdteg HugliDouWl -rkof TaxpaYwa coalition M~iltonls. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. lb. Canadien Champion, pubtieti evory Tuesday andi Friday ai 191 Main Si. t., Milton, Ont., 191I 4N9 (Box 248), is are of Ttre Meirolanti Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printing, Publislrrng & Dostriboting Itti. grouir of suburirar companies wlriclr inc:luden: A.JaoPlctaerln News Atinartiser, Afliston lteralrilCourier, Barrie (905) 8 78 -234 1 ArvanceBarny's Bayt This Week, Baller Eteiîrise, Bramptor Suardiar, Buringof Pot, ufingonShopping News, City Parent, City oi Yonk Suardiarr, CollngwoodlWaaga Conneclion, tast Yrk Mrror, trir Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AdvocatelCountry Rouies, tobicoke Guandian, Flamiroroogtt Posl, Foreuin YongB Georgetowr lndependentldclnn Free Press, Iloronia Basiness Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston Thrs Week, Lindsay This Woek, Manlilam Ecorromist & Son, Midland/Pernetainguistiero Mirron, Milan Siropping News, MissiSaua Classified: 875-3300 Busness imes, Misissug News, Napanea Guide, Nassagaweya News, Ian Oliver Publisher Datiltte Beaoer, Sakoilte Siropping News, Sititim:rs Hockey News, Stillea Today, OshawalWiibylaringtonlPort Perry This Aleet, Swen Sourd Nel Oliver A.nrraaute Pablinher Tribune, Peterborough bhis Weîk. Piclor Couniy Saide, Richrmondl BMi Begin Generial Manager lliltTirornihll an Liberai, Scarborougir Mirror, Stoutioilleliixbridge Tribune. Karen Smithe Edildrr Atinertising is uccepleti or tire condiionitliai, rn thre eoori of a typo- grapiricat eror. tirai portion aftie advertisini space occupieti by the erro- steve Croaler Circuaton Manager neous itom, lognilier wiiir a reasonarte attowance ion signaturn. wll nt ire Tern Cama QfiJce Manager cirargnd ion, but lhi bralance of tire advetirsomori wrlt be pari tarit lte appticableo raie. Tire publisr rtenonnes the riglit to caiegoniae ativetisa- Tieas Coles Proidactojan Manager monts on declmne. (This followsng letter wan sent la Premier Mike Harris and a copy wasfiled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: My daughters attend Bishop Reding Secondary School. 1' m a member or the school counicil and a volunteer coach for the Bishop Reding junior boys basketball tearn. inm flot a teacher. I just fin- ished reading an article in the Msrch 11 Toronto Star reporting that you're contemplating legisia- tion that would make teacher par- ticipation in extra-curricular activi- ties mandatory. Obviously. your suggestion is brilliant. 1 appreciate that you and your govemment have not had an easy time implementing other equally- brilliant ideas. To ensure that you can anticipate and deai with ail of the issues that will arise as you draft the legialation, 1 would like to share with you some of the ideas I have gathered from my involve- ment in high school sports. 1) There are a tremendous num- ber of extra-cumecular sports, clubs etc. that need to be scheduled into limited school space. At our school, sonne teams have to prac- lice after dinner at 7 p.m. while others practice before irchool ait 7 arn. Please ensure that your legis- lation requires teachers to be avail- able flot just after school, but mn the evening and early mornong as well. 2) About two-thirds of our games take place on weekends at tourna- ments held at other high schools. Please ensure that your legisiation requires teachers to be available on weekends. Teachers have families too and some may flot be keen on this commitment. So that theoe is no misunderstanding, I suggest that you issue a regulation clarifying that if there is a conflict between a family adtivity and a school extra- cumrcutar activity, the itchool activ- ity will take priority. 3) 1 have seen teachers who are enthusiastic, caring, committed, and experts at the extra-cumicular activ- ity they direct. 1 have also met admirable traits. Your legisiation should make these worthwhile qualities mandatory. You should also have frequent testing of the teachers for these attributes and impose fines on those who don't come up to, standard. 4) Teachers often use their own vehicles to drive team members to gamtet, tournaments etc. without being paid mileage or glas money. You may want to entrench this practice in your legiolation. 5) Finally, 1 don't see why your concept should be lirnited to the teaching profession. There are many other worthwhile volunteer activities that could be made mandatory. Juat think how much better our Society would be if we could force anyone who relied on govemment funding to canvass for charities, become volunteer fire- fighters, teach Sunday School or give blood. John London Acton Pud by Steve Nease