dolla SCnOOI plan ChaionPi, FrIda9, March Z4,200-53 M/Iultimmill ndolr oo ln delaved Cnda By DENNIS SMITH Special ta The Champion Trustees took one step forward and one step back from approving a $409 million capital strategic plan for the Halton District School Board Wednesday night. The board deiayed considering tise plan until April 19 but agreed to establisis a committee to consider closing an Aiderahot eiementary schuol. Nearly 200 peuple attended the meeting. Burlington Trustee Michael Ellis pro- posed amendments to keep the process muving whiie allowing further examina- tion of consultant C.N. Watson's 20-year plan. "Tise timeliness have detinitely been a concern for thse community," lie said. '*This will provide staff witli extra time to check tise plan and wili give tise communi- ty additionai time to look as different alter- natives and scenarios." A committee wiil lie established imme- diately to look at potentiai closure of an Alderahot eiementary achool, likely Fairfieid or Mapleisurst. Tise board set a June 20 deadline to con- sider ciosing an Aidersisot eiementary scisool. If approved. tise scisool would lie closed effective June 30, 2001. Education director Dusty Papke lias told trustees tliey muat commit to, scisool dlo- sures to attract lenders for new scisool con- struction. He said the buard must act soon to build the first recommended new scisool by June, 2001. Proposais to estabiish committees to examine closing severai other schools were sheived and wiil probabiy be recon- sidered in June. The group recommended for closure includes tise eiementary scisools Martin Street in Milton, Paulie Johnson, Champlain and Mountain Gardens in Burlington, and Burlington high schools Central and General Brock. Altogether, tise capital plan recommends closing 15 schools and building 41 others over the next two decades. The board bas considered numerous scisool closure/construction proposais in recent years, but they've been stopped by vote reversais and deadlocks. But Mr. Ellis expressed optimism trustees miglit start reaching a consensus on scisool accommodation issues. "I'd corne to believe the consultant's report could separate the board even fur- ther than now if that's possible," lie said. "But if we couid look at what's going on in each other's area, thse report could bring us togetiser." Votes on the compromise amendments were approved unanimousiy after Burlingson Trustee Sheila Flook's propos- al to delay considering tise plan until June was defeated. "This is a whole new report with new scisools in it. Looking St it for an extra montis would have no implications," ase said. "It wouid provide an extra opportuni- ty su sec tise consultant and give us more time to underatanth Ue report. And I'd like some discussion about tise educational component." Sise added staff needs more lime tu answer tise many questions about tise Champion report, whicli was tirst unveiied February- 9. Mr. Papke lias said tise board is being asked t0 approve tise 20-year plan in prin- cipie, whicis would okay tise plan's first five years for impiementation, but stili suis- ject it 10, annual reviews. its l4Oth birthday this year ,'~W~ Masv IIntr CJ~learance 1999 Central Air Conditioners + Intallation *' Cail NOW For Details! camp elh Hsating & -iiokdDae Air Condutioning (888)689-77741oun Whe phyr p on .. Thyr P PGo . 1 30/ CashBack. That's what we give you when you give us business.* Clear. And ru the point. Thar's the message behind our 3% CashBack Mortgage. Get a new 5-year residential murrgage with a cumpetitive intereat rate from either ID Bank or Canada Trust. Then we'll give *you an amount equal to 3% of your mortgage principal, in cash, up front. On a $150,000 mortgage, that's $4,500 tu use however yuu wish. And there's no upper limit. CAL 1802182 VISIT A ID BANK OR CANADA TRUST BRANCH OR CHECK OUT SBANK =l Canada Trust -Some conditons appiy. Ask for delaîls. Offer rais be changeti or withdrawn at any Uime, without notice.