,4 - 1%9 Canadien Champton, Fnday -Match 24,-2000 Thank you for voting us F #1 Auto Service & Repair! " *1 B DRIVE CLEAN N Ri' OSTEST & REPAIR M FACILITY No AT O THE APPRLu vMUt«ICON YAO E Nramps or obstructions.R LUHOITIGUNDNMMER /High volume capabitity gels you in arn outInl the shorteit amount oftlime. /Appointments flot atways necessary. (homever recommended) .e 750 sq. fil. bey dedicated soleiy ta Drive Cleen testing. ACCESSORIES INCLUDE: a Bicycle Rack e Tow Bars & Draw Bars * Wiring Kits *Weight Distributing Hitches *Hitch Security Locks 3,500 Ibs. towing capacity For maximum Glass il tswing Low Profile Design Compliments the styling of tsday's vehicles Romovable Drawbar Eliminales banged or bruised ohmns Custom Designed For sach vehicle makte, model and yeor WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTON ON TIIOMPSON ROAD AND MAIN STREET IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON CONTRACT NUMBER: W-1817-00 SCHEDULED START DATE: MAY 2000 SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE: AUGUST 2000 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: LEONARD VERWEY TELEPItONE: (905) 825-6030 ext 7616 t:Wisy did thse a ogr hrn chicken cross à lve logr Heoltier thse mad? FuturetM e9.t- - F0 'Big Pipe' is coming doser The Region's big pipe projeet, due to wrap up this fail, has reached Bumnhamthorpe Road. The undertaking will help ser- vice new growth by bringing lake water ta Milton. That will help provide for a pop- ulation spurt expccted to.reach 85,000 by 2016. Currently, there are about 35,000 residenta in town. Construction of the pipe began January 24. Since then, concrete wastewater pipes and manholes have been put in place from Dundas Road t0 Burnham Road along Regional Road 2 Excavation of a pump sta the Halton Waste Monagemi has also begun, ond is likel~ completed by the beginn April. At that lime, concrete uhould start aI the site. Throughout March, the piî continue from the Saw-Wh course ta Regionol Road 2 continue north of Bumnham Road. Waîer pipes will be mns from the Hwy. 407 eauem just sauth of Henderson To qualify for your 20% savings,' cal in your order between 8:OOam and 8:OOpm Bonus: \Vîn a free compact when you book a Spning Miakeover Session to pamrper yourselr & two friends' Fiee Llpsdc for Uhe aim 10 CaOts! Cmli Sarah MIUS ait (905) 693-1179 REQUEST FOIR BIDS 00-140-P FacIIIty FealblIty Study for Town Hall, Ubvary and Culturel Arts-Centre eloslng Wednesday, April 19, 2000 00-164-Q Fuel Tank Removal at the Brookville Yard Closlng Frlday, April 7, 2000 Sealed Blds on forrns suppliod by the Town ot Milton will be reoeived by the Corporate Services Departrnent until 11:*00 arn local Urne. Specifications and forrns rnay be obtained at the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario, Corporate Services Departrnent, during normal business heurs, Monday throughFriday, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.rn. There is a bid diocurnent tee ef $26.75 ($25.00 + $1 .75 GST) for regular bids or $53.50 ($50.00 + $3.50 GST) for bids with dlrawings. Payrnent can bo mnade with cash, choque, interac or Visal/Mastercard. Any inquiries regarcfing these bids rnay be' directed te Denise Black, Purchasing Assistant at (905) 878-7252 x 143. If yeu weuld prefer that this bld be ceuriered te yeu please complote the Request fei Bld Document terni on tho Tewn's website: curront and upceming bids are aise posted on the web site.- HIDDEN" HTCH- thorpe along Regional Road 25. 5. Construction work is scheduled lion at ta non from 7 arn. ta 6 p.m. doily. ent site Where uafety is o factor, one laite ita be of traffic will be clooed. ing of To prevent gridlock through the ores, 'the closure will affect no work more thon 200 metres of Regionol Road 25 at a time. ,will And au promised earlier, resi- ait golf dento and businesses will be noti- 5, and fied when construction approaches. thorpe Current, 24-hour, recorded infor- mation on the construction uched- talled ule con olso'be obtained by calling ent 10 905-693-1166, or by logging on 10, Road, www.thebigpipe.on.ca. Road blitz niets 89 charges By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Just shy of 90 Milton rnotorists were charged with traffic viola- tions during the first week of Halton Regional Police's aggres- sive driving crackdown. The 89 Highway Troffic Act charges, which încluded speeding, failing to stop for uchool buses ond cutting off other dri- vers on Ontario Street Match 16, were in addition 10 136 charges laid in Halton HuIs, Burlingson and Oakville. The ongoing campaign, which began March 13, was lounched bo reduce the number of traffic complaints, oaid Acting Sgt. David Cross. He said police have received about 1,500 traftic complaints since Jonuary. Police also wont 10, decrease the number accidents, especial ly fatalities, on Halton's roado, Sgt. Cross said. Each day, police are targeting a parlicu- lar area of the region. Police set up on Martin Street for about an hour Wednesday morning, but the number of charges wasnît available at press lime. In addition t0 the 225 Hallon-wide charges, 20 other tickets were honded out for infractions such as seat bell violations ond dtiving white under suspension. In total, 247 charges were laid in the first four dayu of the prograra. "Our ultimate goal iu 10 make the road- ways safer,' Sgt. Cross uaid. He baid he didn't know how long the bîjtz would continue. Cloan eut the closet for Amitfy GoodwII. Please take your extra clothing and household items to the Amity Goodwill store close to you. Asc about aur Tax Réc(t prom UÉO and ber teamn are eoger ta help yau 550 Ontario Street S. > - HA LTON REGION PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT