vx Match play cause of house fire A March 16 house fire that caused about $25,OOO damage was the resuit of children playing with matches, l'ire officiais say. The chiidren were in an upotairs bed- room of the King Street home when they iii some combuatibies on tire, according to Captain Mark Crosu of the Mîiton Fire Department. The occupants of the homo were alerteti of the hiaze by the ameli of umoke and the aouand of a smoke alares activating. Firetightera reuponded to the hôme at about 6:45 p.m. But by the tîme they arriveti, the hiaze waa out. One of the homeowneru had pot water on the tire hiesseif, Captain Cross uaid. No one was injured in the tire, which waa contained to the bedroom. But the famiiy isn't able to atay in the home, which uustained heavy smoke dam- age. The Marian Courtyard 80MW MODELS SOLD OUTI Movo In JuIy 2000 Don't miss your opportunhty to Ilve In thie carlng 50. communityl Prices from $95,200. Hooes Mon Wed Fn Sat2OO 4'OO.SuzllOl5am-130p<TI I Chris NeweII Sales Represastatsve (905) 878-1951 http //maroancourfyard com Relmax Blue Spunga Realty <HuRon) Coup OIT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credif Card Probtemns Lassai Job or loued Ose Repossessions Mapr Cash Fbw Probteors Wage Gammaheseafs Eviefions Persistent Bih Coiectora Jueigemeafs, Low Suifs Sfudenf bon Dehinquemaf Taxes Forecosures Divorce Rebfed Fisoacial Probteas q PADDON + Banknsptcy cas Oc acoidei Cal) us! No chsgeforsusiial consul talion! Il YORKE INC. 875-0811 5 Main Streef Easf (Mai n & Mari n St) Milton A botter solution! UfVHIi~~Ii&. intmdaeingtisc La-Z-Boy Furniture Gaikrirse "Super Saie"I lise Fearless furniturc upectacuiar witis eavings, seiec- tion, quaiit~t ossnfort and styiet Bat don't uakcouywonlforit Seedac "Super Saie" inaction Famous La~Z-Boy sofas, reciiners, oerasesnal chairs, bedrrsoms, diningroonus, i end tables, lampa and more-ail au unbeiicvabiy iow prices! Witls an amaling "tripie orro" finance offer, dais saie suas- ingthe day. Stop by. Mf La~Z-Boy Fuarniture Galeries todsy Bot burryl Because whiic dais "Super Soie" can do a number ofastônnhing dainga--it ean't bst flarever. Recliners from $399 Sofas from $599 Reclinin Sofas from $899 Dumhmg of a nw Ofrotyle? Jane has acbieved her new Reduce i to 2 sizes ~y~ee~ - - I * Rggistei~dNutrhiona1Consultant on Staff * Oneon oneSupport & Service * Guaranteedlesnlts * ~onali~kC~