Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Mar 2000, p. 23

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i MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE Job Opportunity ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT * Reports to and works directi y wieh the Executive Director * Pull lime pocition responsible for co-ordinueton of ail Chamber commitieco including scheduling, agenda preparotion, recording secrctury, dieeribution and follow-up. * Individual muai be proficient in Microsofi Office producia, dusabaxe mon- agemeni, and Intemel eoftware. * Muai be a eelf-eîarter, enjoy a fuat poccd environment and work b deadfioce wîîh limitea supervieion. Excellent oral ond written communication okilis and pleasant selephone munner. * A solory posîlion with flexible houre including eorly moroing meetinge and after hours eventa. * Knowledge oU the Milton business community and politicul proceso would be a definite asaci. Please aecad your resume to: Sandy Martin, Executive Director, Milton Chamber of Commerce, 251 Main Street, Milton, On. L9T IPI Deadline for reaumea ta April 4, 2000. Only individuals receiving an inter- view wilf be contacted. Thank you for your intereet, SEN-Consarnmiiy Health Care tlweqh thu limite. CdC ulil h. p.- ~ vlilq - alto .urslug soralomo te Uu union cRissas atm lange Odmîlle moulu'. rsmldauom. Positions are sos oses for: <h ~* and Part-Turne R.P. N.'s & R.N.'s * Superior benefil package for ail fuit-lime empioyees. Ccenmanhiy Heafih Cave * Day/evening shifts avautabie ai ihe Supporeive Housing Comptes Hamac Reseurces * Compeeteive shili premiumo paid 698 Ktng Si W * 2 week paîd orieniaiïon and eraining Hamilien, ON L8P ici * Financial asomseance for continuin e ucation & skitt deveiopmene Tel 905-522-6887 * Expand and enhance nursmg okilis through varîed caseioads. Fax 905-522-5579 Curreut esperlence worklng wIlln seniors la a Long Term Car. Service Or Supporive Houslng sellinu lai musti ccd t isleresleri e sinise a dyoamic teare 0f protessienats, Excellence please sabmil yoas resame s costidecce ix Hamac Reocarces hy: te amer Wednesday, March 29, 2000 We thank ail applicants in advanee but ont>' those Neighbacrheeel selected for an interview wllI be contact ed. a-g.. mm8~ samu UlIlug.al Ondin Diak, Pons, $301 * Oakvtlle. Corporcle office * 2 pcarx et xolîd order deoh copesiecce * cempatesised ecvtrcnmeel * escelieci uorhicg ecviscnmenl Acoeuatlflg Chue Puni, 271. henusos * Oakville lucaliens, cerperale clOse * Large, triesdty Icua eceisacreect * Soiid ailI raundcd cccsucling copesiesce a ment * A/P. NF, G/L, Journal enîsies, CC Peceivahies * Varluas alher delies us required Aooentlag Supenwlaon, Puis 40-451. lusentlvos * Dakeilte location * Assislicg lis Cesîrcîter and scpervising cccl slati * Au accousliflg designalice eeedcd, es cussesttp wsrhing Icearda csc * Selid Practicai coperiecce a muaI Pairnoil Aimbnlatmaten * Ockvitle Headl3fiice tecattue * 2-3 pss exp. o a cempulesioid papsuti coolsosment * 8i-wcehtp payrcit les 800 emptspees * Experiesce wrth Cesidian soflease, atus ExceV 90usd * Satasy cegeliahie kcipthialst(5) * Dakeitie ccd Budînglec Lecalians * Inlermudiale MS Word skilis * MuaI hi fiesihie, ecergelic acd enlhasraslîc liserai LaIssOnS, ~idlati Opeulngs * Badicglae localtenn, $9-$10. * Millcc Ixcaliens, $1050. Date ht19 OpESteIS * topececced n lOurd ccd tocef * Budinglun acd Gabville Lccaliens Office Club, hemîdiabs Opiulnua * Fîtîsg. axsemhlp. gecerat aflîce okîlis * Budicgtcs asd Ochoitie Localieco * $8.5t -$9. dm11 905-034-4445 on Fax: 905-134'0011 SUN 15w Ste, (A~lgliIy Ln), knllngton iii duuatnueliun UuIted, a gcnercl cecîractas n mat ccd bridge consîrecitôn has an immediale cpcnicg fora Job Site Administrator initie Oakviite area. applicanîs mas! pussesu meut- lask ahililies, clesicat esperiecce, cempaler tileracy, excellent erganizalictat, cemmusicalios asd maSO shitis. Cloît Engiccerinfi Tcchcotcgp edacalien os eqaivaient <aperience ta preferrcd. Picase formard resame le: Bot Construction Llmltîd '-1 1224 Speers Rcad Ockvillc ON L6L 2X4 Fao: (905)827-8458* Emaîl: halcec2@vetcom.ca Senior Acoeunt.nt <Mîltes Leomilîs) A large disirihaler s icokicg fer c sectes acceanlaci te manage high votame ceolomer rehales and sevecue accoants. asclysis et misceitcneoas iccume, prepase monli ccd accacto, aod halasse ef same. Geai core- municatioo, xrganizaliesal 50h15 asd cumpaler kcswledge a mesl. mu us 3rd hem CGA or eqaivalml with a minimum ef 3 pears eoperience reqaired Scîrd resume 10: Manager- Flamnolal Aocoustln P.O.Box 70, Mîltms, Ontinlo LOT 1Y3 on fax te: 4905) 175-4744 HASTY MARKT AoarcPrdlygeOmiflQ15iaPc5ifllt1eCO5i5ei1~iice mas- Junior Bookk.qm.r Fuli-lime posîlien Mcxl hi prefîcieci c lis axe et ACCPAC, MYOB accoaclic~, tarai, Qualso Pm, Lo- tus 123 acd word prccessing Masi have gecd os- gacixaliccal okilis ccd hi tamilias euh geecral cilice admicisîselion. Pieuse saheoil resames lx: Fao (905)847-7731 or mait te: Hamac Ressusces 879 OÊulkU LIL 6J7 Ont>' caodisdates setectedtor îefervîecen eue be contactai. Need help b decide? Pleace mak your Qualnty Came Service Advieor r» c,,oc îe ~ Qua.oetyCare 875-2714 - Peter vî,caumgaflcatedmîne GldGOfO (905) 875-FORD ~ MMN ~ E MILION A iladilan etV~as iSeal skcs 1967 ~ The Canadian Champion, Fnday, March 24, 2000-23 BOOKKEEPERITECHNICIAN SALES & MARKETING PLANNER A National Accountiog Fîrm s Pakoille Oas a position aoaîtabte immediatety tus a talitime fiaakkeepenl (Contr.act Position) Teclisicîas. Itis positios requises previooa book- Evectta, as isduxtry teader ix the sales wd marketing et juvesite producto, keepîrrgeaperiesceasd computer silits. Esperiesce s carrectly ic search et a Scies & Markeiicg Planser (Cactraci Posiiiec). preparalios xl vear esd Primary respessibilities are as tatlaws: tisascial stalemecîs wtald be a detinile assel. Satary w- ~aîec force cuppori commeosarale wilh expenleoce. Resames ta: w-Preparaeon and management ot precentation material Box 6255, c/o Oakvllte Beaver 467 Speera Rd., Gakoitie, ON L6K 3S4 w-Sales report generation and analycia w-Account profile cee-up anti maintenance w-Trade apending maintenance and analycis The ideal cacdieiate will hase a hackgrcacd ic sales and marketing support passets excelleci campater skills acd ihrive ic a taxi paced dycamîc ccvi recmect If peu are a creative acd confident team player wtrc s tcghty arga cized ccd attentive te delait acd woald like te arc ihe Evectîs team secd peur resume ccd satarp expectatinas ta. Evenflo Company, Ina. 1171 Invicta Drive Oukvillu, ON L6H 4M1 Itflo le Supptamuntat Staftlng Fax (905) 337-1865 e v e * General Daty * Emergency * Onheal Care * Peeda Critical Cure Up 10 $35.00/hn A Sapperlice Housisg Prograre or the sxrixasty Fuît hs ah * Actas & (5,k,,iiiaawa General Duty Up 10 S25.OOlhr MesiatI 8hasacs~emc<~l0r: WOIU(ER Lot ce teks cars o>f pouf lyse * 30-37.5 NEW MILLENNIUM Pleaae Cati or Fax Reaume to A deerne ascV or stiploma s c reraled BUSINESS OPPOR- Ph: (905) 544-8282 or 1-800-461-5586 lîetd. Ksewtedge & Iraînint n PsycheseciatRehchili- TUNITY ¶XPLODES. Fax: (905) 544-5855 lalies. Torce le tise yeass expersecce s the tield ~ tacient grewmng The Atto: Manager, Nuralng Servlcea Hsesisg axd/ as Support Cecolication (ces clisical) Recitiscliai Alcnn Com- ix reqeimd. Kcewledge aI 10e Meclat Health Sysleve e Halles & sarrxasdisg calchmecîs s essecliat. ~ Mool hec leam plaper, handie multiple lasks & wertî ~gg mcc' now looking îcdepecdenll . MaxI pasoess ced premete a protes- te~0~ieatern. lnvectrnect -$35, cara siesal cOite & aplitade. A oalid drivers licesse & 25K. iccome: $9700- SEEKING MATH 905157-5713, roadworfhtp licecsed vehicte are relie 505,000/ mantir. Plua... TUTOR for Gr ~ ~ Sait le îî Please tsrwasd resame asd cuver e er 10: Reoccurricg reaideal te ativanceti math CarOattt essait oreOicanel Fao 905-844-4961 or osait malt: cenneti recycler 905- teecelive Direcler, Oclivilte Re-Etlry Hames tcc came farever. Gcr~r Mc- atudent 457 5713 599 Chartwett Read., Oakvitle, ON L6J 4A9 Donatl, 1-800-964-8805 Reterencea reqaîreti Pleaae Closîcg date for esumes s Ap or 1-204-228-7466 cait Bath 877-6863 Thanh pua for pour stemut octp Ihase selecîtil (Evenaga) E mail 1er tlervewwtlbecenlaclcd takares @ auto 1985 Cadîllac Fluet EqemIOppeVfWDIfyEUpl5yfl bahn mbcc woed $2500 orbeatatf er 878-7358 UFE Wcact meant f0 1990 Reti Mîcla 180 INCOME TAX RE Oc lived close don I km Hardtep new soC TU RNS prepared yaa dexerve aomeone top Enpy fise aummer 1992 Hyacdc Soncta 1908 Sunhm xiii mar Pleace ccli Steve Watt apecici n pour lite' Mia- sein $7000 878-2301 OLS 4 cpi auto a r rcntled 42 500 km $ wood 876-4279 iy Rmer lnlesdachonc pw pdl cerhhed cm c il 500 Ccli (905)693- Cicacifleda cenimnued Mîlton a Iradîlional PLEASE RECYCLE ciona feaieti. 106Km 8066. __________________ matchesaker - 416-rn- ti-es FAPEIt $4995. 906-876-1212. an Page 8 6302 '-s. - a u s - . a o.

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