Tha Canadman Champion, Friday, Mareh 24,2000-17 ~Ski11fu1 showcase Houas league major peeweas -- Includlng (aboYa) Patrlck O'Rellly, <top rlght) goalle Davld Elmelle and othera waltlng on the bench - ware among thoas who took part lis the Goodîfe Fltn.SSIMMHA Skilla Compettlon at Memorlal Arena Satuuday. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE VI AA midgets knot championship series they were shortataffed - with several players By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion From road kil! to road warriors. After being completely whitewashed up north lait weekend at the Ontario Winter Games, Milton's AA midgets proved they can still score - and even thrive - outaide tIse confines of Memorial Mena. They did both ast Burlington's Appleby Ice Centre Tuesday evening, during gaine two of the Tri County chasnpionship finals. TIse Spectrum Airways Winterhawks put the brakes on a lengthy scorelesa stretch away from home lesa than three minutes into the conteat and maintained tIse upper hand ail night en mute to toppling the Eagles 5-2. This knotted the beat-of-five series. which continued Isat night in town, aI une win apiece. Crafty cage work Goalie Josh Amold delivered s convincing casnpaign as Milton's MVP. Flourishing under pressure with key stick checks and remarkable pad saves, he blanked the hosta for more than two periods and remained rock solid when they tinally did make a comeback bid. Evsn Jeans came through with a dynamite defensive effort while big brother Jordan snd Rob Day each tallied twice. Contributing a goal and two assista was Derek Mewhinney. The 'Hawks led 1-O and 2-O by penods. They capitalized on two of four powerplay chances, and overaîl exhîbited a fair amount of grit - despite missing a couple of regulars. Gise night earlier at home in the series opener, being benched for missing curfew up north - and eventually edged by Burlington 4-3. Netminder Chris Kovachik kept them within strîking distance while goals were registered by Mewhinney, Kris Beal and cati-up Julian Ricci - who offered an impressive effort, aa did Day. Gaine four wiIl be held at Burlington's Central Arena Sunday. If necessary, a fifth and deciding gaine wuIl be played at Milton Memorial Arena Monday. Gaine dine wiIl be 9 pin. R ONLY CHEESE 550 ONTARUO ST. MULTON