Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Mar 2000, p. 16

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il-Tl6Càtbmj CharI4in, Frtday, £¶ac 24,'200(J Dateline t ram DATELINE on page 15 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ait 6612 Panton St. in Kilbride. Individuals, couples, families, student and junior membersbips are available. For infor- mation caîl Rob ai 659-7273 or Ji11 at 335-6573. Tuesday Mar. 28 the return of the popular bandi Inishowen and Highland dancers. Rehtearsals begin at 7:45 p.m. The Milton Choristers hoat rehearsals for its at Grace Anglican Church. For details cali Robin upcoming concert Maritime Pub Nighs. Thre con- ait 876-3307. cert is an authentic doren east celebration with A Parent Support Group meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., in Burlington. Tis non- denominational self-support group helpa parents of chidren who are in trouble with the law or taking drugs. Caîl 1-800-488-5666 for details. - IW-u Sr ý)rco 10 COMMANDMENTS FOR PARENTS Thefaiher of the righleous wiil greatly rejoice. Proverbts 23:24 Children corne without guaranlees. no malter bow wett we take care of them. tbey don't atways perforis as we think tbey should: They're oftcn bard ta ster. Or tbey may lose their ""brakes.' Parents, hoseever. are flot seithout rsponsibiltiy. Wr must belli our ebjîdren grow int godly people. David Witkerson, author of The Crorss and The Swjitchblade' said "Gond parents do soi always prodece good chiidren. bat decoted, dedicuîed. hurdworking mothers andfathers con weigh the balance in facour ofdecency and moral character'" To assial in your quesl t lbe good parents, brr are 10 commandments for guiding your cbitdres. t. Teacb theis. using Godas Word (Dent. 6:4-9) 2. Tett tbem sebals righl and wrong Nassagaweya end Stavlda Preabyterlan. Churches Ministur. Rev. Glus Soderhare VoutIr and Music Dlretor: Ooug Rool WORSHIP SERVICE, SUNDAV SCHOOL AND NURSERYCARE 9:30 s.m. Nasagaweya 3097 151h Slereoad tuaI east oI Guelph Une) 854- 1055 11:00 s.m. St. Davidas 132 Main St. N., Campbellvllle 854-9800 MOUNTAINS 0F LENT SERtES Ma. 286 e Mounlain oI Angur Apr. 2 The Moontain aI Lonelîness Api. 9 The Mountain af Sorrow Apr. 16 The Moontain ot Shamu You are lnvitud la womshlp wlltr us. MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Àdffled& CHURCH Welcomes you 10 Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat. 9:30 a. m. Sabbath Schooj Sait. 11:00 a.m. Divine Service Corne and join us for worship Sen or PBstOr - prae. serice ingie WorShlp - Me. Eoston eae Ofy 12k outh (ifs SariiCa Chuich Affljote Sthothe 904 amn -. econ Worshp Service Epri.ncig dmn Mastr's Touch D5. adrk àhdu' pregrerns & Nursery Aveilebl 62:30u Pm - Proise a Cétiebration Plus Paustor Gord: Mission Possiblll (I Kings 1:6) 3. See tbem as gifts from God (Psatm 127:3) 4. Guide lbrm in godty ways (Proverbs 22:6) 5. Discipline lbem (Proveebs 29:17) 6. Love tbem ancondilionatty (Luke 15:11-32) 7. Do sot peovoke Ibras 10 wratb (Epbrsians 6:4) 8. Bain Ibeir respect by example (I Ttmotlsy 3:4) 9. Provide for Ibeir pbysical nerds (I Timotby 5:8) 10. Pass yoar faitb along la tbem (il Ttmotby 1:5) There are no greffier guarastres Ibat oui childeen will tam out wel. Bal we cas bave as edge in tryisg 10 "weigh the balance". Remember, a ehild's cherecter &di ?ýflIMillon Ba 1psf Church 900 Niplsslng RdI. (905) 875-1626 Sunday Schooi 9:45 Service 11:00 Sunday, Mar. 26, 2000 Sermon: The Enabllng Power of God.. God keepa us tramn stumbllng. Affiiated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec 8ev, Grog Macaulay - B.A., M.v 4 'i Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Miltona the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.welcrrme.to/Grsre.Milton Rev. Dr. Mark MeDenasott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:0)0 arn. - Hrrly Comîmuniorn 10:00) a.rn. - Sung Euchacesî Church 5chosl & Coffnu Houi Wheîctrir Acculs Ttrrssgb Parking Lot Dssrs vuThurnclay S10:00 ari. - Hrriy Commnruniorn MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. a878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 m.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wedneaday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study We know that this is indeed the Christ, the saviour of the world. John 4.42 tonorrow dépendson what that child ùs teught today. Moas or Dad, your exampte makes o difference. But yoa do sot need 10 maise yosr kids atone! Yoa cas enlist assistance! Yon can parner wilb God and expenience His power aI woek witbin you! Begin today by believing in tbe God wbo believes in you!! Let delenuuination arise wilbin. sapptying tbe drive necrssaey tu succerd! Make the decision tbat you seill strenglben tbe moral fabric of your cbild's soul by failbfatly finding youesetf in a cburcb service Ibat witt foltify youe inner self! Be patients! Change takes lime! Most imporlantly, bie consistent! To train more about failb and ils positive application i5t0 your fle, consider visitisg a cburcb near you ibis week! Cosait the dirrcloty below for directions and service limes. DISCO VER / AMAZING FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZI NG FACTS BIBLE GUIDES BISLE LESSONS Whrcrcs Gorluhenpeorpl -.nesulcotng and dyint! *Wn a parias dirc t. h *Whol is Ih crat roI a halppy ita? Is iterlrhrrpe fir achortcxrrîld Disecrer the omoa.isg Biblle anssors in therca nd arIser koy rtuestrrrus trt aflect yror hoppruorss Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 Ou diea interne ai hrtr plrswww.vrrtp.rism ord wwwr.oreo-rngracts.t)rghleschtx)rlrrî/.%chrrrîmai.sp HOLY ROSARY PARISH S 878.6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSP0RY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Masu ai5:30 p.m. Saturday 9OOam., 10:30 amn. & Nues Sunday ST PETER CHURCH MthLiue éBritannia SMasu ai9:00 ams Sunday EMRev. Earl Talbot,P.P. We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S f UNITED CHURCH I 123 Main St. E, Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m Nursery Available Chruch School 10:30 a.m. SRev. John Benham & Res,. John Ambrose judy HunIer, Director of Music Chrhoffice: (905) 878.8895 BAHAI The candle of thine hearf is lighted by the hand of My power, quench it flot with the Contrary winds of self and passion. The healer of ail thine Ils is remembrance of Me, forget it flot. Make My love thy treasure and cherish lt even as thy very slght and lite. - from the Bah01i writings LOCAL: .............................. 878-0011 REGIONAL: ....................... 1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL:....................www.bahai.org HOW MUCHOF YORLJE DO YOU THflG OR7E SMEOF OTHER HAVE YOUCOABVER WH4T THE LORD HAS SAOFRED FOR YOU? Aa vie get closer to the time of Easter, vie need ta understand Chriat's auffening for aur saivation. Join us thia SUnday aa vie contin- ue our look into the tabernacle of the Old Testament. 10:00 A.M. - Momng Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Room) (separole services for cbrîdren 9 yeoîs ond under> Check out Pastor Charles Boycc on Cogeco 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week" "Lisving A t4aorious Lfe Ry lire Wotl Of Gad" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worshup & Kids Church 100 Niplsslng Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Captains Dan and Wendy Broom For more Information about our services, and other programmlng pleaise cati 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERIRY IRD. (bI"twen the Frr Rat! avait Hos1pitai) Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg MeCombs 11 arn. SUNDAY MORNING WO8SHIP SERVICE il arn. SUNDAY ADVENTURELAND FOR CHILDREN Tuesday at 7 p.s. JR. HIGH - (g. e-8> Wedne.,day at 7 p.n. - PIONEER CLUBS (oges 4-12) Tbun-aay at 7 par. - SR. HIGH (g. 9-OAC) Forr more. ifi)onrrrr laii,ri r rts. yout/ ati chlfIrlirs rr rrlstrir's. ph-ise cotte ic drgrci orffice.

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