14 - The Canadian Champion, Fnday, March 24, 2000 Goto hot scoop? yu LP members outnumbered at Region By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Members of the Guelph Line Preservation Committee - or GULP - came out to battie but found themselves swallowed by opposition Wednesday. The citizena' group sppeared before the Rcgion's planning committee witb hopes of stalling the passage of a construction bylaw for the reconstruction of a 3.2-km stretcb of Guelpb Line between No. 10 We'd love to hear your stoy ideas. GaR champion Editor Karen Smith at 878-2341. Earn one AIR MILE reward mile for every $25 of fumace oh 4- (905) 878-6380 s 32 Steeles Ave. Unit 15. MILTON Sidcroad sud No. 15 Sideroad. Instead, tbey found tbemselves outnum- bered by neigbboura and councillors wbo favoured the project. The proposaI is the final phase of an ongoing aim to dean up wbst Uic Region feels is a dangerous stretcb of road. GULP members say tbcy don't want to kilI the plan so mucb as scale il down. They feel specd is.tbe real mot of Uic road's troubles. "Peuple come to drive in the country, sot Erin Milîs Parkway," said GULP member Waltcr Tkacbenko "By going higher and Automatic computerlzed fuel delivery Comptltive Prices on Heatlng OUI, Diesels and Gasoline Fumace & Air Condltioner Sales, Service and Installations Hot Water Heater Rentais Experts in Eiectrlc-to-Oii Conversions 24-Hour Emergency Dumer Service higher (in speed) you nced greater and greater reaction times." Desigtiing the road for a lower speed would impact bow drivers view tbe ares, said GULP member Pst Bryant. "When people enter our little communi- ty, tbey sbould immediately feel that they are in a quiet, rural, safe neigbbourbood," she said. "Saving the trees and the feeling of a country road - not a highway - is very important to me." But other residents praised tbe Region for its efforts in the ares, sucb as address- ing local concerna about the bas of between 250 to 300 trees. They urgcd the Region to move abead witb the plan. "I'm here to represent the so-called silent majority of those who live in Nassagaweys," said resident Paul Rumford. "And they're firmly bchind this project." John Glasgow, a 30-year resident of the rural ares, attcnded Uic meeting for another agenda item but felt he bad to speak up. "Guelph Line is an absolute disaster," be said. "Let's get it donc before someone is killed out there." Resident Nick Cortese appeared before committcc to represent bis family, who own seven properties on Guelpb Line. He characterized it as rife witb accidents and near misses. "(Mr. Tkacbenko) failed to mention tisaI be bimacîf bas been t-boned," said Mr. Cortese. "t, myscîf, bave been driven off Uic road" Michael West of the Nassagaweya Community Consultation Committee also backed the Region's proposed plans. "It would lic vcry nice if wc could revcrt to Uic 1850s and have buggies running up 1U1S~m1I TitatsMtucus.,5oe 511,U SPORT (UDJIE IUF.rilacSeuNMdSttltcsats,ÈB SliU IUFmtEoplouWPwtle, 54k Saied loa5e~aAs S~I4IU. ISSU 1gua,,i,êgC,~krza414k a CD, spslei poe~ds S11,U ilUl.kaOtaÉLU Iak4ikloatur, 555, >c aioy SIOSmo. PSU SUFuI l*ru11', Re445s~craa, PC CD. Saled PiSin. S19.U ppt<5j~~~~ W JIS 1Uut~,12kloa5wisaled FIui@ PSU 1UD.dg.kmSSN55teatl5pas.,4tk PSU WxplomlIT 55d1.VSSISdCd 53354U. PSU 1UM..~ySshuuroeSoe,4tkaJs.pv.sIt'. 54154no 521,U 1U1Fe~lxgIom5I1 Pours~dosa Sotar sala mulote, S1lU lWTMmrnyVlhpGroest ,driogcnise,15 hOU 1U1J.WSiai ISruakN Wt4k C5 lostrer ai 4x4 SOliSte PSU lUForiWtoiuIuSLSse. astsai~ FS, Pt. tlk ISSU iHijeepsi i. ser5dhs,4x4,araloya t~ PliSsa 515,U 1UJoepte.Os~kaeW5S~t3 V8Joa5~ FI.. PSU SPORNI (EIRS lUFmlEwluuDJGaatay5tlssded Roaoee ISSU lUSMCJIuvlLTtvite 61k kraled I.w 4x4 F pig 1UFritutZ125FOate. S spd, poteedocla afloy, cisasar PliSsa. Sl2,U lUCIwereIitBIwJi GoS, t aid deS SalaS case Flousa PSU 1997*an lUmp Sue, CD moortoasse ai S17,U lUNWsuPaSO*L54s4, aStfrer, case arCS PIU lUTFuWlacSariIr. Coupe Wtite,4tSlSars, Stoyar, opales S11,U lUSoe..UloJauloSaFsi/45i 5 41k4s4, Flou. POU 1U7Oo~h.qr5sauisutoarVt PliSsa. SilU lUmtpoiqlUturiteaiurC5,41r 514,U 5H 1M.tuali~VPl~PPl.ft S9,U SUU.uuylahleSI Fpeeerlacls, 14kaa~a~iop~cau SiPSu. 51SU IUFMU FiOle STIIKaSO, poov~mser lUFeOlSeOmUPetx1ESpois laSer iooyasSSk $ilMu. hOU lUtI.C.umtu.IUIllda*,lSk tiaStup. lUtter 524,U lUlOepekmWDmuSNSosOI..i PSSsloi. hOU a oeuutorwin lU7MMyC~fU755UmaoS.U~OEi8l PSSSue. 51eU IMPORII 1oJ7au~.wumslkp soisasa., ~irsouoes, co~ se... SIZU lUVuOuWbguSiwIoOluscniss MMM,*yA~ PUIS 1UFdCou~7Skgoeuspsa~ Flousa NU lUVSOUVIrnOU5UOloiW~ SodaS SOMme. PIU lu~1aO4karpsururdou sur Ct S~ ~U UUEIRY ~ im~auass~.sat alU PoMme. PSU 1ULhm~TmumulobdeocS7t Mo, cusstNardsp ~g. 1U~UUW w SoJaS Si~U 1g.~i1ei'aarusioyeeOuêw PSMUL PSU lUhiUUON4lktAloiw Ou. 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SiSU 1U~emWXIGamfl.l5litloiW SIOIIS UPMF1UIUSII1kEiBPI SIZU lU~geuXUGreest1kV12 PSU UFuiF1uIGssaiswMg~55Feed ISSU ECONONY lU I la srnU ll1,U lUM..y~O~eLSawiyOlIkaalsupsai SUA CR6OS S «E S lUlFemUbumOLlWeSmeTw S~auSa~ par grp ~1U ~ Wtlo. 512U YMOREMAKES& MODELS 1IPhI.SOl5465~p~CD ioyspoooeu TO CHOOSE FROMI lU7MmPS~urSclscoaeW*u5il PoMme ISSU r doleS Craton I.esaeat- iel~ letfsrysurcsstomnoed quoSSeers Ittometroe osa spaprur Fncnsultiectts durge, oSergoed ~ www.autoparksuPe~mt sono mienvet.. and down, but the reality is as an artersal road," he asid. And if speed is the main issue, police can't crack down hefore Ihe road is recon- structed, addcd Mr. West. "When they pull a car over, where are they going to put b," he asked. "There's no shoulder." Resident Lynne Vanstone, who bought her Guelph Line home in 1997, reported that she feels her life is in danger each time she pulls out her driveway. "It'ajust that dangerous," she said. Committee members who had driven the stip didn't need much convincing that the road is in need of repair. "(Driving in the ares) ia one frightening experience," aaid Milton Councilor Barry Lee. "I feel strongly that this project is long overdue." Burlington Councillor John Taylor was also familiar with the area. "Even in good weather it's dangerous. I hate to think of what il would be like in Uic winter." Burlington Councilor Joan Lougheed said abe bas noticed a decline in the mad- way over the yesrs: "As a family, we've noticed a signifecant difference in the safety," she said. And Iowering the speed limit is rarely an effective way to slow lesd-footed drivera, noted Oakville Councillor Liz Behrens. "In my experience, if we decrease the speed we juat move the problcm some- wbere else," she said. 'To lower Uic speed will only increase the stress snd make thera take more chances thasi Uiey have in tise past." The proposai will bead to council for final approval Wednesday. e, Your Local Supplier for ail your Home Heating Needs i or, leathor, CD, aIS