10 - The.Canadan Champion, Frl Mch 24, 2000 q h a e bn ýýýStolen van mayhae.ee Crime Stoppers n F H A LTO0N used in golf store breakmi A van found aI Hwy. 25 and between March 14 and 16. Police seek Hwy. 401 lasI Friday may have~ "ePnj~ The thieves climbed the roof of v been used in an early mrigPlc on the building and stole the dish val- break-in aI Clarke's Golf Service-mRuuuu ued aI about $60. e lth f Regional Police said. Det. Larry Brassard said the 1987 GMC van was reporled stolen March 7 from Peel region and found abandoned the day afler the Match 16 break-in. The heist netted thieves about $14,000 in clolhing and golf cquip- ment. Robbed again The Marian Courlyard Seniors Residence construction vile on Martin -Street was robbe for the second lime veithin lwo weeks. This lime, Ihieves slole power tools including an air gun, air comn- pressor, TV, VCR and fax machine. 'Me esîimaîed value of the thefl, which occurred overnighl March 16, was about $3,000. Threats alleged A 16-year-old maie veas charged *ia Ideas Variety ils the spice of life or si the saying goes. So be creative. Snacks can be very appetizing if you use your imagination and add. variety to your choices. Here are a few snack ideas: " Strawberries with low fat vanilla dip " Apple wedges or grapes with a slice of cheese " Peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole grain bread IA handful of unsalted "Forgoodiess sake" is brought to you courtes of Halton Healthcare R E - V .i. -C*E *s and cb anabiant (bapin (4 15. The high achool student aileged- ly made a dealh Ibreal against his leacher February 24. The youlh wuli appear in Milton court April 28. Youtb charged An ongoihsg police investigation mbt several daylight break-mns in the Milton.area resulted in the arrest of a youlh. Thse break-mns occurred over the past monîh and included a February 21 incident aI a Bell Street home. A 15-year-old Milton youth bas been charged with break and enter as weil as theft. Thse investigation is continuing. Satellite dish stolen Someone stole a satellite diah from the roof of the Optimiat Centre on Commercial Street Fioravante Hair Design on Steeles Avenue had ils outaide sigri Abou A 19 charge cotde a at Gue Saturd Polie car. The court an uni ovemi Diabk Including Poyse Prit i Sois Sutns Linen-Looka, NFA 33 L ; %D OFF Our ReOFF ie CANATA LaRET M. S HO FARCDSnBTU u eu Price. I R 1 lo ~uIvau o esl01e vld acS5-e, .20 Ntsadcai vlr ,oort Saes feI ac 2-pil 9,000Dec n-tDmedas ly.R LoaT for he te cale ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 3a.9. Sctn pcaMtes laeNi:1 on eloscm en a esla a rie owr ha cr egla cai-oar pce Wet Iia'cmp lpieg coa h SANf' 1, 2 0 :1 cl MONIDAYlM01(ý iCRF PIT MARCUe De ............................................... Halton Regionai Police are inveatigating the theft of a large amount of jewelry stolen from Zellers aI Milton- MaIli March t $100 damage veas caused. A man was seen near the jewelry counterjuot belore the theft. Possession charge Police are 'isking for the public's assis- -year-old Milgrove man was tance in identifyîng the suspects, who d with possession of a nar- police think left the area in a vehicle. fierpolce toppd avehcle If you know who comrnitted the. thefl, fterpolce îoppd avehcle cali Crime Stoppers of Halton. tlph Line and Derry Road If you have any information that leads 10 ay. an arrest in Ibis or any other case, you may le seized marijuana froin the be eligible for a cash reward of up 10 $1.000. suspect wiul appear in Milton You need nol give your name and your îï,pril 10. information can be taken with complete dountin bke solen anonymity. vlocntan bie eole Crime Stoppers does nol subscribe 10 550 bicycle was stolen froro cali display. ocked garage on Syer Drive Cal 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-lIPS. ght lasI Friday. Crime Stoppers of Halton lis oprutrd by tas veileand lueMl.a board of directors made up of 18 civil- as awhie ad « lueMt.io ns from ail areas of the region. The mountain bike. rewardftmd resulosfrom thefinancial sup- port of business, industry, service clubs T/w board of directors raises the mone, decides on the amount of rewards and actualy pays the rewards. Crime Stoppers ils incorporated as a charitable organization and donations to the rewardfund are tal deductible. Have You Wanted to Enhance Vour Appearance? Now ie thce perfect tinte. Wr have the solstice wîth stafo.uj5n lavm Ledsrl sn a qiet, contfcctable and prvate office sist We offeritotalicenti for *Spider Veine Ae & Breswe Spets *FacilI Veila Sun & RedSpots * isiceemko Talin Itenrvai *Facial pigmcentaion * Wade *Suegery forac Variea *n cinectien Sdeeotherapy fer Varice Veins For a fin cecccltetic ral Dr.AMatlMD, FiCc SAT &SUN 1-4:30 PM Churchill Estates (Model Home Open for viewing) Guelph Lins (5 min N. of 401> Gary Thomas in attendance Remax Blue Springs Reallty (Halton)Corp. 878-7777