Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 2000, p. 21

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To announce your special mvent, cati Thre Champions Closstfied Departesent ai 875-3300. A Cul Above Lawn & Garden main- tenance ta Iookrng for 2 individuals to join our team. Must be able to work weekends and have a good driving record. mark 905-601-316(Oaile) Society currently bas openings in the following departments: Adoption Mfier (Permanent Fuil-Time) Please submit resume to Shae Janssen before March 26th Animal Control Officers (Temporary Full-limne) Please submiit resume to, Coles Gyergyai before March 26th 445 CORNWALL ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L,6J 7S8 FAX: (905) 845-1973 DAEMAR INC. F/T Warohouso Persan W04h aa exanding praducf basa ot Precisian Cern- ponants & Cthar oelatad Fiuid Saaling Producto wa raquire o Warahousn Persan. We alfas a compafifian compansation & comprehensve banefit package. Please send yeur wnitten resume, in confidence, ta: DAEMAR INC., 861 Cranberry Crt, Oakville, ON L6L 6J7 Fax: (905)847-6943 Crew People Part-time crew workers needed to deliver and pick up catalogues in Burlington. Rate and/or incentive. Must speak/ write English and enjoy walkinq. Phiimp 336-8373 HIGHWAY D ISPATCHER Af lied Systema, Canadas largent cashaut campanry, han an opentng for a htghway dispatcher In Cxs centrai dlapafch office. Locafed in Burlingfon, this taxe pace oper- atton handlex upwards of 500 cafl ffrom drivers per day. Af I dixpafch ta dons by tetephone and computer. This position wttf suit a person wlth excellent inferpernonat skiflxs, good commuicafion skiffs and rasonabf e oompufer skitin. Shiftwork wtt f be requtred. terested appicantx forseard resumen to: AlIIId Systams (Canada) Company 4320 Harvester Rd, Buriisgten, ON L7L 5S4 Fax: (905) 637-6331 No tataphaua catis pase A/liad SystatnS ia an aquai Oppofluni4 employas Expxnding whofesate fumber compxny in Mil ton ara presently xccepting resumea for tha e uii-time/pan-time Yard/Warshouse Labourors Order Pichets e Gesarai Heip rail/pant time Sommas Far rasua t.(M5> 954-325 ESTIIMTO Residenfial Cencrete tornttng contracter bas as imme- diate epeniag fos an Estimatos Assistant. Appiicast must hae able te rend bleeprints, bave sonte knowt- edge et residanfiai construciton and perfnsm reiated dattes. Caimpefitive pay and basaf ifs. ptaass ferward rasrne fa: HATOIN FOMIO (1992) LED. 5» 9pears Rmad, =111lir ON LUE 284 attoti: Tenir, Fax <(M) 942-1575 (No phone catis pase) NEW STORE OPENING Customer Service/Production o Pad-f me SeonsstresslTailns positians reqaised c3 Loaotian: Milton Mati, Miltos ON " Day. eveing and weahand hauts " Dataes tact nde cens desk IL castar sarvice ci Ta appt y cafi Nassin sailet, (905) 566-4906 cio W aoe an Eqan Oppnfnity E mpae ALLSTATE INSURANCIE MWe gme*1g in Mtrn. We're ofing for aucceasfsd alfes 4erforers ta hetp us achieme eus Wrowfh goals. We elfes uniIm- Red inceme potenfiat, guaranteed nalary Plus commissions. Benefifa and paid expensên. Opportuntty f0 rus your osen office. Sand resme f0: Vnce De Angulle, 2427 Trafalgar Bd. unit 1, OmIevIlle, ON 66K Fax: (9W)257-4711. - - - BUSY aufeesotive repais cehp speciufîzrng ti A/' and Ersins requtres Csass A" Mectiesic or 4oar apprentice. Top wageS, and beneffs available. Fax re- turne f0 (905)87 65 Internet Technical Support Representatives, î One cf Canada's expertesce, you must largest cable providers. Cogee serves more Chas 800,000 custamers sationwide. Oar innovative devetopreents in high speed data, teiecommunications, corporate modts production services and internet aecess has mode us as indase ry leader for more Chas 40 years. tn Chis sole, yoa witf resposd Ca customer inqairtes and provide techsicaf assistance and diagnostics on mufti- tevet plueforma. Itespossihie for prsvtding feedlback to Windows a5, as, MAC, NT. TCP/IP, Weh Brswser sentins, and Internes apptications. Strosg interpersonat, srganizattsnal and custonrer service skiffs eif f round saC ysur qualifications. Cogeco sifers empisyees an environment Chut promotes raiturai heriCage and equal opportusit. Some rewards inde a pension, stock purchase ptan, and a comprehensive saiaty and benefits package. Make voar sent carter move coant, by forwarding vous resume to: WsrkAhf e Services, One James Street Southi, 2nd Fisse, Cetobrating a Birthday Weddîng Anniversary? Did you have A Baby A Graduation? Are you iooing for a new job? wanting to hiro? Do you have Something To But? To Soul? To Trade? Are you Iooking For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? sechsoogv performance, you Fux: 905-546-2835. E-muil: Phono the mutl resofve clitent emaif, f50 worblhe@egoeahf e.set cast conflicCo and moxdentlasfid eechstcaf difficuifies. In 875-3300 addition Ce previaus*customer 0 O ICD service or caf i centre mo construction UuIffa a atoarai contractas F/T Position Bookkeeper/ in od and bridge construcioun has on immad ote Office .Adrnnistrator upanin for a Haiton Recuvury Hvusa isavnon-Proatt aong-i m Job Site Administratr aesidentiai traatment tact i tur marl sn the Ookviiie area. appiicanta rnust Passeus ntulti- tosk abititu, ciericai aupasiasce, computer liilracy, eecellent urgasizafianai, comnincation and rnath skilis. Civil Engineering Technatagy edacatioa or eqaivuient topatiance is Preterted. Pitase latreord rasama fu: Grant Pasasha iI Bot Construction Limltod 1224 Spesrs Road Oaie. ON 15L 2X4 rs(905) 827-0458 e Entait: btcon2@retcam.ca " 3-5 yaars buakkespiogluffice adminiutrotion top. "proticiesi knoaiedga ut Simpiy Accounting & Windows 2000 Software " payroii administration ksowiedge " excellent communication and istarpersooai skiiis " vaid driver's ticersa Rasumas shnaid ha sabmttad by Match 27, 2000 ta: I I NALTON RECOVEIIY HOUSE semai DaII8vary Attutfis: Chairparmn The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 24, 2000-21 ASSISTANT CONTROLLER 9 mon Contract Position Working an a fast-pacad and daadlina-orientad anvironmani, you w/Il ha raspansibla tas haading ap a ornait taam et accauntants ta praduce tinancial stataments and accoant analysis tar t va plas campanias. Ofhar datias will inctada waakly cash tlolare rparting & afhar anatysis as raquirad. Yaa wili ha extansively involvad in the badgating stases for thase companias and yau wili hava major sespansihilifias satated ta yaar-and preparation and aaditar requiraments. Yau have a pratassional accaunting dasignatian (minimum CGA as CMA) and yaa have a minimumt af tiva yaars work naparienca. Expert knowladge ai Micrasaft Eacel, Word and AccPac is seqairad. You hava excatlent verhal and wnitten communication skiiis and yaa passans fhe abiiity ta prias- itie, muiti-task and sait mativate. Ferwad reu.,. by AMaI 3, 2M1 te: A. Stalos, SUR CORP 5360 South Service Rd, Sotte 20 Bastînglon, ON L7L 5L1 Fao (905) 681-5184 essail asfaios@siscasp.cern NO TELEPHONE CALLS PI.EASE. We appreciate your lsferesf, hswever, osiy candtdats$ selected fer Itfervtews wtl f be contacted. REMEMBRANCES in tIhe fores of dînations to The Mslton Distic MEDICAL Assistant parf-Ulme GvenIngs and wOfr Hosital Foundtiin honda espesieneed Noreth Osatvie. Fax 905-338 ire appreciated. 3144. R.. reqsired pant-bim fer iuxury redreesent rex-t- dasce sn Bufisgfen. Must bo avaiOable for ait shiftf. General Manager. (905)333-0596. Ma7 Trsbs -~I LO0 W V1LL "E GOLF CLUB Mon. - Fri. (exdluding holidays) UNLIMITED GOLF Limited Quantities Avoulable at Pre Seaison Prices Tournament Packages Available [rom $6S00p.p. RATED $Y TORONTO STAR »@GEY MAN «Best Makoover" ""Best Scenery" "Best Value" Britannia Rd. @ Guelph Line 1 19R 335-6181 www. Iowviiiegolf.com Fee ax uy: 905) 44-585 Ucnse.a Gf are forad oesum Fean r Dunlp to$5.0fi Un et 24 tk ar fyu Fax: (905) 501 4-5855aermeu Osy tas aager, rsin g erviewvl acesatat anecuiv gny ersn

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