Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 2000, p. 20

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20--The Canadien Champion, Friday, March 24, 2000 CjassIred BO NUS HOURS Casfe d MONDAY TO FRIDAY Casfe d 9:00 AM -5:00 PM L arnear ai... cansaunt Colins. LisSa ...0 54-156i3 Marilyn .... 7-0519 Dos... r .1.332-4799 Ktr ..... 854-0144 ELL IO S SA fa prh LtEtaarao- 13is, s i, i e 847-5504. ainmaaarer chifmd tr 100% nyl n carpetisf1 car-, nivn oo r n hatGordo $34.urme, nctunees *5pea 87 s F isax:on 905-878-7647 ass EVES, Marian At the Oakvîtla Trafalgar Mamoriat Hospital os Fridsy Mac 7,-2000. fil mas a Very Special Dayf Marion Eveas b er 97f h Y.ar =eadr mite of t ment ta express my aincera ihanka to evsryaae A the laie Malter Evea. Marlon la pradecsssed by mho atienderi my Service of Ordination and A bar 2 children Graham ari Dares. She wili be Induction ai Knox Preabyferian Church on 93 sdiy missari by her grndcrea ges Sunay, March 5. The mamship service massa jay- To ioc graadchitdrea. Faity asd frends may visif ai tut caiebrafion, anri baing aurraundari by friands, dm the McKemsia-Kocher Fuserai Home, 114 Main tamity ari colisaguas made ifsa more maningtut Sher Sftreet Miltos frora 7-9 pmn Tuesday. The Fanerai sapensance. For ail the carda, giflasari expres- Service miii be heiri on Wsdnsaday, March 22, sios of congratulationa tara îraly graîtut. lilsa 2000 ai 1:00 pra fromt the Fuserai Home. priviluge for ma ta continue ta serve Knox Church Intermeat et Gien Oaks Memoniat Gardana. in my aem miseas Asaocdate Miniater ari ta min- Memoriat donations fa the Canadien Cancer istar la the communhty of Miltas as a Minster ai Society la Marion's rnemory moutri be appreai- Word and Sacrements. atari by the famity. -Pouce and Blesainge Reversnd Colleen Smith11 TUERSLEY, Ken Suddealy ai Hamilton Geseret Hosphel os Fricfay March 17, 2000, We miat ta exrs or siacare thanka dridg Ken Tueraiy of Campbelvitte an hie 55th yer. theal o0f a odrfai Mothar, Graadraoihar, .- Belovari hushami of Charterne of Campbetvitfe. Great Gradmother anri Sister, Elsanor Laving father ai Steve anri bis mile Krista oi Wailfahsr. Oas gmeafest thanka ta aur familles for Acton. Oser graniather of Curtis. Surviveci by much meai mupport, aur friands ami naighbcura hia brother John of Stayner. Ken tounriec for thair acta 0of kiarinss. Atm thanstr ta Dr. Impariat Brees Liri. la 1978 anri mii aimays be Chuag and tha satre staff of Milton District remembereri for bis ions ai fishiag ari cars. Hospital. Our thanka ta Jaremy ami Michelle ai Famhyl ami friands mey cati ai the J. Scott Earty J. Scott Eartys ari Knox Preabyterias Ladies Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Miltas os Ausifiarr. Spacetl thanka ta Ras. Coties Smith, eUyla Tuaaday f rom 2-4 ami 7-9 PM. A Fanerai Kafhy Powell ami Ruth Kraendoak for thaîr are, be Service Mi be hardi tram Naesagamaya morde ofikindass. Presbyterian Charch as Wsdnesday ai 2:30 PM Thank yau ail CARP Buriet ta totiom la the church cematsry. I tram the bottais af aur hearta. aem St deasireri, donations ta tire Haart ami Straka Love Lorraine, Caralys and Rick pet yat Fouadatos moutri be appraciatari carpat, The family 0f the lafe ARCIIIE CAIRNS wish ta express thair alacare thaaks ta ' ihboum, FREE finrs ami reltives for expressions o syp- your co recent bereavement. cousis. Fialds Customa U.pholstinn 875-4427, Ds- Speciai thanks ta the J. Scott Eariy Funerai iiy 9-9. Home for their caring and guidanc. Deap FRE simes.Gawbbycir.. ek apprecistion ta Ras. John Benham, Ras. JohnFE siae o obycar..wa Ambros and Mms. Judy Hunier for their ministry' springa. tired ioaicing woad finishes? We do t alil to us. Customn woad refinishing/tumiture repairs. Raeis We miii always rememberithe iinciness and cars Custom Fumilure. 9-9 daiiy 875-4427 give bytheatai e Atandie.KORN Tickets for March 25. Cail 878-3281 aven- inga. 47LuirAe,Mdion 87-81 The family ai the laie Dean Cavait mish ta MAC Tool Cheat Speciai Edution Dreara 8 281 espress aur dsepest ihanks to the mainde, rea- Machine, branci nere, neyer used. 51 1/2"x fives and neighbours who oftered us iheir sup- 60" x 24". $6000 OBO. 905-873-1757. port ari sympathy. Vour acta of kindnasa andi SIr on ht-Don't ait in if! Replacement foarn for cush- gaeroaity have comforfed us. To Fr. Ead and ions. Rasidenlialcommercial. Fields Uphoisierr. 9- Hoy R osary Pariah we thank you for your 9, 7 dolmak! 875-4427. 4Z prayera. To Dr. Chung and Dr. Hui and the nurs- es ai Milton District Hospital me thank you for you WASIiING Machine, dryer, irige & saoe, ail whie. cars and concern. Andino J. Scott Eaily FaneraI Must ssii. Tmo radio conlrolied bas, fishfank wiih Home, thank you for guiding us fhrough our stand. Call 330-3629. The family of the laie Ken Reese wouid like f0 Jim Stan express our aincare ihanks and appreciafion ta 190 ntaio t.,Milon 78-522 relatives, friands anri selghbous for their many 190OntrtoSt. Miton878522 acta orf kindneas, tioral iributes, sympathy carda ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Monumenta Maricers - Bronze Maricers and meinoriai donations la the receni losa oi our Unfimriteri Acceas only $15.95, 9meai local ses- Cemetery Lettering dear huabanri, father, and Grandpa. Speciai vice anri support tram - _ thanka ta Pauiy and Narra Straub, Betty anri SURF THE NET. Marvis Fine, the second floor nursea ai M.D.H., 8320 J.Scoit Early Fuserai Home anri the ladies ascii- iary of the Royal Canadiarn Legion. We Mii lafmy remeraber the iindness aapressed to us MABEL, GREENFIELD by ali. March 21,1999 Betty Reese and Famiiy We had a Mors with a heart of god, Judi à Gr-snt CookmngUR è Coour (Ionm Est of James Snsm Parireay, South oide) PA Fa e Str S. inr SATURDAY MARCH 25,2000 PaeLchresentd May Dosn Hoasehald fumiaure, krack-knacra, mome office CH C O RAD! JnLohrtndMrDosn equipmeni, bocks, Christmas decaratians, and CHECKYOURTogether thejy will nhow yoa how ta creofe plenty of unique Remas. The Canadian Champion cannot be personai style in your home using color & otM cSalonerMu responsible for tha cosi of more than treasured io ns as key igredrents. Il15508 1015a as - -. ...,. Thev w ill eoiture styles selecîed frora one incorrect insertion. Any errurs rin the Classified Section should be called to the attention of the Classified Department after the first insertion, Adjusiments ara made ta the degree the error reduced the value of the ad. 875-3300 DEADLINES FOR TUESDAY & FRIDAY PAPER Deadlina Friday 3 p. m. for Tuesday Deadline Wednesday 3 p.m. for Fniday Benlamin Moores lateat book.Im Came & tsars a style that expresses your peraonolity. APRIL 26, 2000 $30. fîncludes FREE BOOK) GUARANTEED qualty housecleanîng. For Ires es- timais cat 875-1793 or 878-9840. Té regiate cull BERGSMA'S Point & ACfe Waillpaper zbt caiiabian Champion (905) 876-4922 .. te best way to stusrt your day! saby Tracy L.... 876-4330 pat..... 876-4040 FULTME SECURrYOFICERWl required for Nlght Shiff EJUDKINS, SECURITY OFFICE, TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS 875-2919 HLON HELPINO HAND3S Requises conaiderate cieaning hef p for the Milton area. *Abifit ta mark wiffi seniors and physicafy, dlaabied -Retlable transportation rsquirsd *Paid training & frayai atiowenca Cai Carat or Pam 8794043 or aand resume by fax ta 844-5656 PART TIME 111 LUMBER ___ YARD STAFF Pari rime Yard Staff requîreri ro work 2 eveniagu per week and wrekesds. A basic ksowtedge orf tamber and building reaiaa is reqaired. Application formas may be picked ap ai Schuyier Hme Hardware 385 Siretea Ave A.V.E.ENETIMN la iooking for a mature, enthuaiastic indi- vidual ta fi the position of Store Manager for aur music retuil location in the Milton Mail la Miltos. If you wish ta loin an ascii- ing team, pieuse fax your reauma fa:. 9054629-0414 Attention: Ian Derkach or emnail Iderkach@cdpiua.com Pieuse apacify rhar yos ara applying for Milton Mailt. Part-Tlme.Salea Clark/Service Counter positons avaitabte imrnediateiy ai Sargent Farma Refait Store. Includes some earfy evening and/or attemate weekend work. Muai be reliabie, trustworthy, have goari math akitis and excellent interpersonai skif ta. No previaus experiance required. Plasse caet tar an interview. Accouting Manager 878-4401 x-17 Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 Manufacturing Positions We are e growing, progressive manufactur- er of sveporehive cooiing equipmsnt. If you are a high achoot graduais and preterabiy have yeems of exparienca in a matai fabri- cating, wetding, assembty envirosment, pisase fax or detiver your reaumé ta: Baltimore Ai-cou aof Canadit 35 Sinclair Avenue Georgetown, ON L7G 1J3 Fax: (905) 877-9400 qairsd Maaday to Friday 3 PMfto11PM and mea- kemia. Appy, in persan ta Cotres Mira Dosais, 405 Maria Street, Mil- ton. DON CHERRY'S ta the Mitas Matil raquires lise cooka for daya, aven- inga ami meekasds. Ap- piy mithia, Momiay - Fr- day beiat 2 pra & 4pm. E.C.E. requireci for dey- cars centra. To start ira- maciiataty. Experieace prefarseri. Sabrait re- mmre ta: 258 Commer- ciel Sf. or fax ta 878- 7552. Attention Diasse. EARN $200, $300, $0 Os more par meek, a- sembtiag productinl the comtiort of yoas oms home. Senti a sait adi- draser stampati save- opa ta: O.P.H.8-2400 Dundas St- West Suite 541 Raf 940, Mlstsa- gis, Ont., LSI< 2R8. LANDSCAPE Construc- tion Labourera aeaded. Campbetvilte basci compeay. Long hauts. Positions availeble frora Aprit lst unh11 Christmas. Fax reaume ta (905)854-1368. LANOSCAPE Main- tenance individuel se- quirad tas the seaman. Muai be familier wiflh turf aqaiprasaf. Fiase cal 876-4100. PART lima hatp mastaril Hosesi, osgasizel, hep- py pers mho may an- ,aoy"mas s masteri by mîna-osn-preraiaa mak- isg stars for mome aven- ing. anri Safurrisys (possiby Suadayat. Same lifting is saquireri. Plesse appiy an persms wifh retessacex ta: JUST MINE 342 Branle Sf. #2, Miltas, Tsi.: 876-9463_ YARD persan raquireri fa operate loader ari machiasry. Must have previaus axparisace Mth the operatos airasa- chiaary. Fiease cai Taylor Nursery, 876- 4100. frum sentez To Place your garage sale ad cail Canabian Cjh-anipion 1875-3300 ~1 .9-2902 Entimatas- Lava yoar soa ari chaire? Haie stoara? Gins Fields a cati! Gresf Savingai Sa-

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