18 - The Canadian Chiampion, Tuesday, March 21,.2000 This Saturdays Day of Champions at Milton Memc>riaI Arena promises -qeW, cdn oraiocal hockeyfas MA RCbI23 TO MARC/I26 HOURS: THURSDAY & FRIDAY 1OAM TO 9PM, SATURDAY 1OAM TO 6PM, SUNOAY 12NOON TO 4PM CASH, VISA, MASTER CARD SPAL43ECGOFBAG BLOOUT oc PoÉ w UlHEBAGS FRM PRICES ...00Os%~ /IALF PRICE SPECIALS ON: o S " CALLAWAY Stand Bags 's LAD I)ES~ " FOOT JOY Shoes FOIjoN ETORIC, " Men's and Ladies' 8PC & 11 PC SETS I3Xt~LAD FMR«WM " Huge selection of Men's & Ladies' METAL WOO DE M)IIiR . SAND WEDGES UP O M7 " ZEBRA and 1EARDROP PUTERSk ?Mes qMstII " Men's RANWEAR " Gog GLOVES 1.P . ý-ýSUPER BAGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Haydar's Wildcats beat in semnifinals Darren Haydar's New Hampshire Wildcats had their conference championship run halted by an ill-timed scoring lapse and a littie Iuck of the Irish Friday. Againat local favounite and sbamrock- totting Boston Coliege, UNH aquandered an initial lead and eventual feul 2-1 in their Hockey Est semnifinal showdown at the Fleet Center. Haydar had a couple of key scoring chances - bis firat deemed to bave been kicked in wbiie the second was tumned aside wiUs a fantastic pad save by oppos- ing cager Scott Clemmensen inside the final minute of play. Despite the iota, UNH couid stili make a retumn trip to Use national finals. As one of the top seeds nationally ail year long, Usey've now secured an at-large bid to the regionai playdowns in Minnesota. Tbey'il face Niagara Friday, with the winner squaring off againat North Dakots the foliowing day for a berth to the NCAA't Frozen Four. Milton's sharp sbooting rigbt winger bas been named a second team ail-star in Hockey Est and was recently picked Use fan favourite by spectators at New Hampshire. Meanwhiie, feliow Merchant graduate Kevin O'Flaherty ended bis mookie tesson in Use NCAA Tbursday - as bis Clarkson Golden Knigbts were doubled by Comeil 4-2 in ECAC preliminary action. They outahot their division rivais 40-26 but gave up four unanswered goals - three within a sbaky second period - en route to defeat. Twin terrr Bail State University'a boys basebali team opened the home haif of regular ses- son play with a double-header sweep of Vaiparaiso Saturday. And Milton's Ridley brothers - as usual - put their stsnsp on tse victories. The twina combined for four bits and three runs in Use Cardinals' 7-0 gaine one whitewash of Valparaiso. Sbortatop Shayne, stili in the leadoff position, puncbed out a couple of doubles and stole'three bases. He alto brought in runs two and six. Jeremy - who continues to guard sec- ond base and bit third in the lineup - cashed in bis brother on a sacrifice fly, also bit a double and scored tbe team' s final mun. The Miltonians' plate pop wtt even more valuable later in Use day, wben tbey belped the Cardinala prevail 4-1. Sbayne lasbed out s double and later scored mun number two in Use Usird inning. Then Jeremy deiivered anoUser sacrifice fly to cash in Use eventual game-winning mun in the flftb frame. 'Me bashing bmothers - wbo remain top prospects for Use major leagues - will try to guide Bail State to a fifUs consecutive winning season, something that hasn't been acbieved since the mid '30s. In 1999, BSU won the regular season conference championsbip and finisbed witb an overal record of 40-16. LMSLAND DONIT xiss THIS SALE 1 # 1 ITIS HUGE11M