Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 2000, p. 8

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The Canadien Champion Fnday, Mardi 17 2000 Catholic sehool board forced to revise its budget Board expecting a budget shorifali jor the 2000-01 school year The Halton District Catholic Scbool Board could be in for a budget short- fali for the 2000-01 school year. A ataif review ai tIse preliminary estîmates for tise year ataeting September 2000 indicaled tIsai tIse patential exiats for a aubstantial revenue shortiall unlesa tIse board's grant allacatian fmm the Student-Based Fundine Madel increases substantially. Accarding ta the board hawever, il bas yet ta receive tise Minhstry of Education's grant regula- hans far 2000-01, which were expected earlier tIsis month. This forced the board ta delay tise release of ils 2000-01 draft budget. The document was suppased ta be released lasE week. but ils intmductian bas been delaved until March 21. Board staff feit that in order ta prepare a more complete poeliminaay budget. the original scbed- ule needed ta be madified slightly Tise way it appears naw, however, is that this isn' ercpected ta alter tise final budget comple- tian date of June 6. The date ta receive public feedback an the draft budget has been delayed irom April 7 ta April 14 while the second draft of the budget esumate wiII be presenled ta tIse administrative council on May I ratiser than April 17. TIse second draft will be presented ta the board on May 16 rather than May 2. Review and approval ai the 2000-01 budget estîmate by the board then goes ahead as planned June 6. dd I CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE My wife, Natalie, has a beart for children. God bas blessed ber witb tbe wonderful appartunity of bringing leadersbip and direction ta aur denomî- nation's Cbildren's Ministry Department an a national level. Regularly, sbe is invoived in motivat- ing and inspiring otbers ta take up the cause of reacbing kids for Cbrist. A colourful poster bangs on ber office door ta silently remînd ber of tbe significant raie sbe can play in a cbild's life: If a child lives wiîh critjcism, A child learns 10 condemn. If a child lives with hosîilùy, A child learns tofight. If a child lives with ridicule, A child learns tobe shy. If a child lives wiîh shame, A child learns tofeel guilty. # MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Welcames yau ta Hugh Faster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat 9 30 a m Sabbath Scisool Sat. Il :00 arn.- Divine Service Corne and min us for worship Caîl for mid-week praver service info. If a child lives with tolerance, A child learns 10 be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, A child learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, A child learns 10 appreciate. If a child lives withfairness, A child learns justice. If a child lives with security, A child learns 10 have faith. If a child lives with approval, A child learns self.esîeem. If a child lives wiîh acceptance and friendship, A child learns tofind love in the world. Make an investment inta tbe life of a cbild taday! Determine ta bring your kids ta cburcb ta provide tbem witb tbe moral and cîbical foundation tbey'1I need ta make goad decisions along tbe Gi -ace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milîsîn the Churrh on the 11W Tel. 878-2415 t'as 878-3(8)5 www.weIEome.te/Graee.MiltIIn Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 aiD. - Hîrly Crîrnînuniîrn 10:1)0 ara. - Sung Eucharest Church Schsst & Cellee Hour Wheelchair Accens Thrsagh Parking LoI bars Thursday 10:0(1 arn. - Hrîly Cîrînrînunirîn ILTON GOSPEL HALL :06 Ontarlo St. N. * 878-3873 0:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 1:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study He that believeth on the Son Senior Pastor - Bey. urne HOOGO naîn everîaasing uu~e: ana ne ChilçirSn - Mes. Natufle Ragea that believeth not the Son Worshlp - tOrs. 1851,5e Itosslar shah not aee lite. Vouth - Rua. Gerd Clark SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27 John 3:36 t.' 9 arn - Early Wornhip Service 9:30 arn - Sundny School 10:iSam - Secon orshipSerseîce Polar ExpedIon Childeen'a Earsplasia 6:30 pon - Praise & Celebration Plus .M u ~ Our Cirel. ai Love road of life. Your efforts and actions are significant! The churcb directory below wilI assist you in making your selection! Visit as many churches as you need to until you find a place to cail borne! Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor o! New 14e Church, Milton DISCOVER I AMAZINO FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BIBLE GUIDES BIBLE LESSONS WhoxO::dxhsnp:pIoIIoeBgxeddy:BS? * WhOB apC,.:,B die... chaI IheB? * WhaI e. IScoarel I.: a happy IrES' * 151h eh: cErn harrîe.oarreîrl? Drrrr'ceîhreia.,eg Brhîeee:Irrîhearrrlrrlhaekey rIUnlrrrB. loI rEleal yen happer.:. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontarjo St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On Ihe oser as hIIp:llre S .rrp anrl egEar.rr. rreg/lr.bI ahrrrrî/eahrrrrîno:n x.r HOLY ROSARY PARISH hIIpJIni.ngnldnr ,nd.nlu1hs dra4.bIemaary eh ~ 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CIIURCH 139 Martias Street Masa Bt 5:30 pal. Saturday 9:OOam., 10-30 ja. & Neen Sunilay ST PETER CHURCH 9t1, Lin &Brirauuié ~ Mass at 9:00 arn Sunilay Rev. Earl TalbotP.P. Minister- - Inîenm Minisîer- Rev. John Benham U Ml T ~ Ren. Dr. John Ambrose C H U F - Direclor o) MssiE- Judy HunIer 123 Main SI. E. SUNDAY MARCH 5,2000 10:30 a.m Worahip and Church School Lent Il "Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up" Nursery care available FneilIli.n a,. nh..lnh.In nernmnîbl.. Clou nie W.bnll. httpJ5wno.ginbaloCn.ietl-CPOI.nuiItnl Information Lino 875-5895 BAHAI We chertsh the hope that the Ilght 0f justice moy shine upon the world and sancllfy if tram tyranny... There con be na doubt whatever thot If the day star of justice, which the clauds 0f tyranny have obscurred. were ta shed its Ilght upan men, the face af the earth wauld be campletely transfarmed. - tram the Bahal wrilings LOCAL:......878.0011 REGIONAL:....1-800433-3284 GLOBAL:....www.bahai.nrg VIOTORY MULE OHUROH DOEVERFEELLIKEYOUARENOT GEITING THRO(JGH TO GODDO YOU THINK1WELORDISNOTUSTEMNG TO VOUR PRA VERS? Thia Sunday we wiIl diacover how eaaily we can get through ta tho Lord. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Roorn) (separale SCEVIE~S Eor chîîdren 9 yeaes aed under) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 In his Wisdom for Ehe Week" "LsrulgA VuctoriousLifeBy The WorlOfGod" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@interhop.neî The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship & Kids Church 100 Nlplsslng Road, Unit 3 Posters: Captuins Dan and Weedy Breeme For more information about our services, snd other programmlng please caîl 076-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. (I:etneee Ihe lire Hall and H..sîriterl> Phene 878-5ee4 * Fax 878-e676 Paxtor Greg McCembr. (laie. Sanda y Menning Wer.rhip Service <baby nur.oery precudeni) ADVENTURELS.NO fer bus Sunday Mareh 16th. Weekly neneb-.es inebide Taeolay aI 7 PM - Preteen~r <Ganirs 6-S> Bible Stndy - Ce.nne.nity Bible Stndy (ail ladiers n'elrenne) Wndnesday aI 7PM - Pieneer Erdi CI.b floenday ai 7 PM - Sirnuer High Bible Stndy lee'îsfrrr,:euîrrrrfrr.I/.r-s:xrrd :,srrîhrr ,r:IsisI,-irs ;rlrere rreIC:1 itr' eI:,:,</r

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