Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 2000, p. 7

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Tise Canadien'Osa iTown of Milton looking at ways to boost revenues at its facilitiesM Staff planning new marketing concepts with goal of bringing ini more money By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Staff are hoping to bring bigger bucks into Town-run facilities through better business practices. To tisat end, buaineas plana for tise Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, Milton Leixure Centre, Joisn Tondul Sports Centre and Milton Memorial Arena came undec tise microxcope ut tise Town'x social services committee meeting last week. AIl tiscee plana siece received witisout comment attse Marcis 6 meeting. But tise ride may get rock- ier once tise facilities apply for Town money duc- ing operating budget deliberationa later tis monts. Goal 10 per cent Embracing marketing concepts and tracking demograpis ix one way tise Leisure Centre isopea to rake un revenues un 2000 and beyond, aaid tise centre's coordinator of aquatics and active living Patrick D'Almada. Thse goal, ise said, ia ta isike total revenue by 10 per cent over last year'x take. Wall advertiaing and an expussded mercisandis- ing prograis sisould iselp, 50 will turgeting an aging population un tise hopea of booxtiisg mcmt- bersip, xaid Mr. D'Almada. Tise measures sould iselp tise centre finiss off 2000 un sound fiscal sisape. lIn 1999, total expenditures were $469,000, wits total revenues coming is ut $430.000. Tisat result- ed un an overall loua of $38,000. But 2000 la pcojected to isave a $43,000 aurplus au projected revenues top out ut $543.000, wuite expenditurea are extimated at $500.000. Laut yeur, tise centre reported a 6 per cent increaue is annual viaita, frois 178,500 to 190,800. Pool rentaîx udded up to 1,427 isours, wisile facility rentalu canne un ut 1,072 isouca. "A lot of tis sic tisink ia attributed to tise nice ieutiser wc've been isaving and tise good econo- my," said Mr. D'Almada. To keep attracting imembers, tise leisure centre wili isave to keep a keen eye on sifling popula- tion needu, Mc. D'Almada xuid. "Cultural needa veili begin cisanging," ise said. "And we'll nec a cisange is tise dcmograpsic again back to young cisildcen." At budget time, staff ask for flanda to expand tise weigist roomn and pump up cacdio equipisent. Participation roue by 14 per cent ut tise seniors' centre at ycur, suid ita coordinutor of community developisent, Joy Anderson. "tI tisink we're providing a wide variety of activi- tiex for our seniors," aise uuid. Tise centre boasta a cote mcmberxsip of about 200, but uttructed 3,000 to, a number of upecial eventa and day trips isosted by tise centre. About 10,000 drop-in visita siere also recorded aitie Cisilda Drive centre lat year. And tisose figures could be increascd by anotiser 10 per' cent tisrougis an education drive uimcd ut letting seniors kisos sisat pro- m gramns andi services are avealable to tisei, Ms Anderson uaid. "If tlsings continue, welIl be auccexafial in reuliz- ing that," ase ad. We're il on our way." Lest year, revenues laggcd behind expenditures so the Town ended up paying $71,000 to the seniors' centre in 1999. But tisat'x more tiais $10,000 lesa tisais tise bud- get allotment of $82,000. "We didn't quite need ail tise money sie budget- cd for," Ms Anderson aaid. 'Mis yeac, tise centre iîl ask counicil for a bud- get of $93,000. Business boonsing And businesa ix boomning at botis tise Joisn Tonelli ansd Milton Memorial arenas, acenas super- vixor Derrck Neelanda told committee. "Tie next fesi years will be a great oppoatunity for us," aaid Mc. Neelanda. We'd like to promote family values tisat seemn to lacking tisee days." Witis a usage rate of 88 per cent ansd tise anasual participation of 180,000 aduits, youts and cl- dren, tise two acens managed to pull un a cois- bined profit of $27,000 last year.. Thsis yeac, tisat figure could ise padded by tise addition of an in-isouxe acena board advertising prograin. And money-aaving meaaures for 2000 will include energy consevation and tise atreamlining of arena contracta. Shaki V. William, Agent 3006 Derry Rd. West, Suite 204 Milton, L9T 5135 (905) 693-1400 Stat. Faim Inaurance Compes Cenadan Had Offce scetacçough, Ontario Go a Ho Tip Commnumity Care Access Centre o (CCAC) of Halton CCAC Vacancies on the Board of HALTON I)irectors If you are a resident of Halton loolamg for achaleagand oewaadag volunteer opportunaty, have a minium of twelve to flfteea bonis available a asontx, and fiel you have aone of tise skills and expiai- eace required to, govena a grawusg orgasizatios, the Commity Caav Arcess Centre (CCAC) of Hultma usauld i&e to hear from >cau. Residints of Haltos are invited to submnit ai application ta fill aauncies oa the Boarxdof Diertoas. Thie CCAC ia dediaated to pansading ease of acreaa to laigis quaity coansuaner faeused cmnunity, fer- aomal saupport and health cia aearies. Tise Board ia reapoanible face the averai amanagement of a bud- get ha excisa of $29 mxillion aauaafly. The CCAC provides accesa tu a rsange of long-tenx cire ceavaces irudig nauasing, homemaaig, rehabilitatin, aaad plaeenect itato loaag-tenn cire farilities. It alan proidia uafonnatima absout atier related commuaity services. Your sills aand expeainre i nae or seeaal of tise follaswig areas %voald ke fau assit: " A ucer (or pant uaer) of tise service(a) an a client or fassily raregivea* " Paiar expereaaoe as a boaard ineanher, preferably ofa aaoaa-pasfit orgaaazatioa " Sta'ategir plaanaiaagespeaieaare " Aca uaadiastaasdig of the healts cir system aaad isuis affectiag healts cir deliveay today " Aaa iaterest ha iansurng fuatiser developmeat ofisealts aaad social services " Coanfortabli worldaag its, aaad bave easpathy for iadividuals aaad oaîauaity gaoups Appoiastaniats are made for atenn of tree yeaas. It is a Bard of govenae, acot ofanaagemeant Tise CEO is respoaasible. for implaeaatatioa witbia Boaad presribed limitatioa. To avsid coaafirt of iaaterest, people direa*l assoriatidanvt agiaaries or orgaaimtioss tlaat have orbhopi to bave sirvice or supply otexra tis tiste CCAC, aaad people wha opiciti loaag-tirm cire farilities, arenot eligibli to hi Bosard Members of tise CCAC. Vihe dsdkmefiarapl& ati is AMIrl 30,2000. Lettees of appictioa, iaadudig a rescene aaad a atateaeat of by you are iatirestid in bersuming a Boaard Meanber should ke siaat to: Mc. Johaa Burisa, Chair, Noanations Coasaittie Comauaaity Care Access Cenatre of Haltoa 440 Elizabeth St., 4th FIeor Buahaagtoa ON U7R 2M 1 ForueSther infonnatian, pleese contact: " John Burinas, Chair, Nomintioans Ccmmittee <906-84-1066) or " Elahie Whitniue, Director of Plannig and Developmint et (905- 639-5228) (or tel fic 1-80.10.00) extension 8920.

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