4-me Canadam Champion, Frlday, March 17,2000 ~z- ~ R ARMAI 5FR DRIVE CLEAN ilMUIJIIUMI TEST & REPAUR fl~~flVWhM FACILITY "STATE CF THE ARr FLUSHMOUNT INGROUND DYNAMOMETER / No ramps or obstructions. / High volume capability gets you in and ouf n the sho~est amount 0f time. / Appoiniments flot always neces- sary. (however recommended) / 750 aq. fI. bay dedicated solely ta Drive Cleantesting. NID~NU IITCH-I ACCESSORIES r INCLUDE: * Bicycle Rack * Tow Bars & Draw Bars *Winng Kits * Weight Distributing Hitches * Hitch Security Locks ~3,5OO Ibs. towlng capacity For maximum Class il lowing 10w Profils Deslgn Compliments Ihe stylmg ai today's vehicles Romovablo Drawbar Eliminates banged or bruîsed shins Custom Dosignod For each vehicle make, model and year "Mohawk 'milestone Mari. Waiker (centra) r.centiy became 1h. one miiiionth customor at Mohswic Raceway's siot machines. She was rewarded for her tim.iy tnp with oms million points at Ch. Campbeliviii. site. Pr.senting hon with Ch. gm worm Mohawk nepms.ntativ.s Jason Ailan (i.ft) and Geoff Smith. & 103 Steel.. Ave.