The Canadien Champion, Friday, Match 17, 2000 -17 *7 «,,Merchants owner discusses setback By STEVE LBBLANC The Champion Brad Grant has gone over it ai at nauseam. Should he have made a coach- ing change? Should he have acquired more impact players down the stretch? In the three weeks since their quickest playoff exit in seven years, the Milton Merchants' owner has certainly donc his share of second gueasing. But not aIl of the questions have comte from obvious areas. While local fans may criticize the effort of players and/or coaches for a lets than succeasful season, thse junior hockey club propnietor refuses ta pans the blame comn- pletely onto others. in a candid interview at bis office Wednesday. Grant admitted ta personal sbortcomings this past year - whicb bie feels could have pîayed at least somte part in the team's setback. "I'm very much a banda-on owner but this year I didn't put in the time 1 bave in the pst. t wasn't there every night," bie said. That bad ta do with bis business intereats expanding - but wben rumours began popping up that be was planning ta selI the team, playera may bave seen bis absences as reason tai believe the unwarranted rum- blings. "There's a lot of jealousy around the league directed as the Merchants and that causes a lot of atonies to be told out of sehool," suggested Grant. "At timca t had to go into, the dressing rom to dismias the mumours, but I think they still took away from the club's focus." Nut that be's saying rumours alone coat the Merchants a fourth straight trip ta the league finals, juat that there were perhaps a number of reasons for their lacklustre sea- son. Gives no excuses And shoddy on-ice performances were no doubt at the top of that list. He said, "Bottom line is we under- achieved. There were games we clearly should have won, but didn't." Grant still believes that if his team bad gotten past Burlington in round one, they would have gone on to, win the conference. "I stîll don't think the best teamn is coin- ing out of this division.' He won't comment either way if a coacbing change was in order late in the year - but did note, "around the middle of January 1 wondered if the guys were responding ta Maety (Williamson)." For now, hie described Williamson as his leading candidate for the head coaching position next season. And whether or not hie decides a coach- ing change is necessary, hie knows it won't be the only change needed to get Milton back on track. Keys to turning things around will include finding players who can commit to more than a year in town and acquiring more support fromn the community in ternis of billeting - so that more impact players from out-of-town can be brought in. "Our billets have been great over the years, but we need more of them," remarked Grant. Grant will spend the next several weeks reevaluating his hockey club's direction and aeek counsel fromn now retired team president Gregg Canigan - whom many saw as the architeet and motivational back- bonte behind the Merchants' AII-Ontario championship win three years ago. One can only hope that Grant will try ta lure him back into the fold - even if it'a on a paet-time or temporaey basis. "He (Carrigan) is the best hockey man at this level in Ontario. "His ability ta read situations as well as communicate and motivate players is juat second ta none," the team owner stressed. Wbile Grant admita bis club is in somte- wbat of a tailspin rigbt now, hie assured fans that it will neyer go the way of the Bramalea Blues- who captured the provincial cbampionship last year, then sold off ail its talent and quickly became the division doormats. "t don't think there's any question about my commitment ta winning," hie said. "We've fallen and Uow the question is 'Cati we get back upT My answer is very simple - absolutely!" A novices chasing two tities File phto by GRAHAM FAINE Merchants owner Brad Grant admîls hlm hockey teamn underachleved this year - but la confident l can rebound and once again becomne a provincial powerhouae. Milton's A major novices are preparing to wage war on two championsbip fronts. TMe Sandatone Transport Winterhawks, who had arguably the beat goals-againat average and plus/minus of any local r.ep team thia season, will be battling for botb league and provincial titles. Their OMHA finals start this weekend against Owen Sound. The best-of-five seniea gels rolling tomorrow up nortb while game swo will be played as John Tonelli Sports Centre Sunday. Game time is 3 p.m. Meanwhile, Milton bas alto secured a berth to the Tri County finals againat Georgetown. This alter wrapping up a near-perfect playoff campaign with a 2-0 whitewash of Ancaster March 8. Backstopping the 'Hawks - who eamned about a dozen shutout wins tbis year m-was crafty cager Kienan Farrell. As usual, bie enjoyed ample assistance fromn dedicated defence- men Jonathan Cragg, Mats Fratarcangeli, John Grant and Brandon Rae-Hunt. Kria DeINin and Wade McGinnis did the scoring wbile assista were regiateoed by Tyler Lafontaine and Marshall Vince. MilIton went 6-I1-I in the Tri County playdowns. They're expected to put in nearly as much work during the finals - whicb are believed ta, be a beat-of-seven set this year. The series sehedule was nos finalized as press time, but action will likely start sometime next week. IO11111& 0*Iù ISPECIAL $5.OO OFF Green F.. Passport &Golf Accens Books corne, In A ses New Produet *Ping i/3 Wilson Fat Shaft *caîîaway X1 4 iitieist 990 Sp *Caîîaway Hakef e Taylor MadeSue WOODS *Callaway Hawkeye Ping ISI TI *Taylor Ssper Steel Callaway Steel He o e aIatO forou Steeln nnaur1 Regrippiflg Special Fron $1.99 18 Thompson Rd. 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