The Canadian Champion. Fniday, March 17, 2000-il N T.RT 1 S DR~IVE CLEANI Accredited Test &Repair Facility BUY A QUALITY PREwOWNED VEHICLE TODAY FRO MHILTON CHRYSLER AND YOU DON'T START PAYING FOR IT UNTIL THIS JULYS 1997 Ram 0500 1997 Neon 1997 chrysier Cirrus legs <aravain Spori r 4 D or, ir, Tlt CuieAir, Tilt, V8, o, Auto AiOLok ruise, AiC s.PPMirrora, Case., -- PW, Lock More Ol4100Otiiy 5000 & Mirrors kms kms 3.3LV6 t.#591626 % 5 ,9tS 300 S99990t St.#581 125 Z I 51,995t St.#596329 S 0 9,495 msort wagon 2000 Neon 1994 Meroury Topaz 1996 jeep C Low kms, Auto, Air, Auo, Air, PW, Like T i Rack, SNew Cass. Upgraded *Speclal lase rates, tinance rates & RIA cash backs may flot be combined. t Sale prices add tor admin tee, applicable taxes & licence tee. No payments unt I July 2000 are based on a deterred tinance plan. OAC. See Milton Chryster tor detaits. S t r. (hke Lareds . - Auto, Aht Tilt, M W Cruise, PW, Locks & Mirrot Casa. & Mucti More.Only 54000 kms 92 29995' ,"YES"9- AT HI1LTON4 CHRYSLER DODGE ALL OUR VEHICLES ARE CERTIFIED, CLEAN AIR TES TED& COMPLETEL Y RECONDITIONED WITH WARRANTY. frITL7>VLi] 8o7S88877 a WW DL7D6E~JE *n 2,&- S u u" 0 Bïr~ e C~ i 1r91For St.#172294 MUR& MW ..- - - - - âkw- -ak &ý ài- 1 îý ý ýý 2 IMM T -% ". 1 - - . ; ý - "ý 7"