Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 2000, p. 8

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8 - lite Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 14,2000 ~r~ampion Bnn~ Spor'mgHome wathFlowen l87Laurwr Ave c o i 878-2881 Rt1~i u Big Brothers duo make a perfect match By LISA CARTWRIGHT Tho Champion F or Milton resident Kim Wilson, getting a Big Brother for her eight-year-old son was one of the best things she could have done. At first, however, she heaitated about puttîng her son Tyler on the Big Brother'a waiting Iist. "t thougbt maybe I was setting Tyler up for a heartbreak," said the single mother of three young children. Ma Wilson said she hoped gesting a Big Brother for Tyler would liii a gap. And 16 has. Tyler has found a maie figure he con Iook up to in Big Brother Steve Roy. Cm a letter to Big Brothera of Halton, Ms Wilson wrote: Tyler haa one of the beat Bog Brothera t could have ever hoped for. Tomorrow (February 3) they have been together for a year and my son looka up to and admires Steve with everything he haa. So dol. "I don't think I could ever repay hlm for the love andjoy he has brought into Tyler's life. AIl I could ever hope is that my chlldren grow up to be juat like the wonderful peraon Steve is." Voungeat Big Brother Mr. Roy, 22, is one of Use youngest Big Brothers in the Halton organization. But caaeworker Susan Smith aaid she dîdn't hesitate about choosing hlm for the program. She said he participates in aIl the activities, la available when needed and he regularly sees hls LittIe Brother. 'He is really good for Tyler," ahe said. Mr. Roy, who is in bis laat semester in the justice services pro- gram at Sheridan College, said he got involved with Big Brothers because he wanted to improve the life of a child. Mr. Roy said he had an excellent childhood and great parents. Bis love of cbildren makes being a Big Brother easy, he said. Before becomlng a Big Brother, Mr. Roy was interviewed by a caseworker and criminal and reference checks were completed. Caseworkers at the organization try to match the personality of Use Big Brother to the personality of the littie brother. Mr. Roy bad three littie boys to choose from, but choose Tyler because he said they enjoyed the same thinga. BotIt sports fanatica Both Mr. Roy and Tyler love sports and play on hockey and basebaîl leagues. When they meet, they usually play sports including downhill skling, road hockey and even mini-golf. Thanka to Big Brothers, they have also attended professional sports games. Mr. Roy also tries to see Tyler play. "You can tee (Tyler's) face light up wben he notices Steve in the stands," Ms Wilson said. A Big Brother is asked to give a mInimum of six hours a month with hls Little Brother, but Mr. Roy usually gives more. Tyler, wbo is a grade 3 student at St Peter's Sehool, bas had a aleepover at Mr. Roy's bouse and bas even gone over for Sunday dlnner. "I ara always looklng forward to it," Mr. Roy sald. "Its fun. It's fun for me and its fun for bim, too." A Big Brother only bas 60 commit hlmself to bis Little Brother fora year. But Ms Smith said if Use pair last that long, they usual- Big Brother Steve Roy and Lîttie Brother Tyler enjoy many sports together including hockey, basebali, soccer and football. ly last longer. "We have Little Brothers who have hecome Big Brothers, wbo still tee their Big Brothers," Ms Smitb said. 'Their Big Brothers are in Useir sixties and they still haves frlendship." Mr. Roy sald he expects bis and Tyler's friendship to last a long time. He bas a number of commitmenta, but always has time for Tyler. 'Tyler's not a problem," he once told Ms Wilson when she questioned how mucb free time be bas. Lots on the go In addition 60 going 60 sehool, Mr. Roy works two part-time jobs. Be is a chairlift attendant at Glen Eden Ski Ares and works as a youth counsellor at a detention centre for young offenders. He's also hoping to start volunteerlng, he said. Iii addition 60 visiting with Tyler, Mr. Roy will also talk 60 him on the phone. 'Anytime Tyler bas a badday, the tirat thing he wants 60 do is 60 caîl Steve," Ms Wilson said. She said after a five-minute phone caîl, Tyler feels mucb better. But Big Brothers have done more for Tyler than provide hlm with a best l'riend, Ms Wilson said. Ct bas also sent hlm and hls sister Megan 60 Disney World, as part of the 'Dreams Take Flight' program. Dream corne true In addition 60 paying for Use tnp, Use organization gave Tyler and bis sister each a bag of goodies including aunscreen, a bat, at- shirt, CDs, books, a backpack, a camera, $25 US. in spending money and more. 'C bought a yo-yo," Tyler said. Bîg Brothers bas also sponsored Tyler ta play hockey, some- thing Ms Wilson said she wouldn't have been able to afford on her own. Ms Wilson said abe can't say enough about Big Brothers or about Mr. Roy. "He bas become part of Use family. He is everything toTyler." ¶IIP~PNf'~1tN COGECO 14 Programmîng Schedule - March l4th, 2000 March 2Oth, 2000 vjdjJ,'.4.~ a. ~tdIEAhhM/ A Z 5tuttast~ P~ed5 tOuttunltor t~edt' 4ps5~n6ps rIUOItI tt~nttmrN~n PtaJed~ Encore Encore tran C~oatecE5 Oh qo.4' ~44E- 53t,5~,73Ops Pb~tn' 53363a1~tpn ~ 535635130een PSgslInr 4 15e1sc~Scee 53563O7~tçîn Ptrg~ 6~ps inessemose teOpfl ~ 6 Lnc~Sare 5Spr SessStoncae 6OO~ Ls~5e6~e 519653-1270, or 853-4700 T week 2000 Hockey Awarstsl - Match i4th, Spm www..cogeco.CU ~ ~ Sw~T* Lse Acton tftpn 2ttt ModwyMeei~e emrauQn baS tftpn C~e ~The Ciasan 8~ SçortsZtt(tse 21 Main Street NortIn, M~ÈtBMzmV~ Feature tItIs Heeltage Tuesday,

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