-The Canadman Champion, Tuesday, March 14, 2000 RRRR IIFR DRIVE CLEAN UMMI NITES T & RPI @,iV APROVE FACILITY "STATE OF THE ART FLUSHMOUNTf INGROUND DYNAMOMETER / No ramps or obstructions._______________ / io voum annbîtîtv netr. un. in Photo by GRAHAM4 PAINE 'eYouthffd sounds' Members of the Milton Chidren's Chorus perform at Milton Mai Satura I fnailsllg drive ta raies money for their upcoming trip ta New Brunswick. \ZMY 2 AM To 7 AM Nov. 15 to April 15 By-Law 1984-1 - l'his By-taw is intended ta assist Town works crews in our effort ta remnove snow during the winter months. While this By'Iaw tami effect, Hilton Regtonal Police will take appropriate mes- sures ta assilt us which cie teclude tnwing. Your cooperition ia requesteri: Conunity Services Dept. Engineering snd Operations 1999 Central Air Conditioners .000 $105 + Installation '.' Cali NOW For Details! hamp oUlI Heating &uhre ~Daler Ur Conditioning (888)689-77741 Amo Whe phyr pon .. ThyP GonP g "The business ffiat considers itseif immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself ,immune to business." Derby Brown -a 4 c I Massive Inventory Clearance