Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Mar 2000, p. 24

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24-Tra Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Marcir 14,2000 Classified CuLSIfriED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ~4X/j/c~çtcrnes liii ,l I' I I ]See Todaryn Champion for aur new 'MiIestones "section. To announce pour special eveni, cali The Champions Classified Department ai 875-3300. i CAIRNS, Archie Dennia Paacafuliy ai Aliendae in Milton an Fridlay, March 10, 2000, Archie Cairna of Milton in hia 95ih yaar. Baiovad huaband of tire ltie Anna Elizabeth Calma <oas Prudham). ar faiher of Audrayt of Mitanr, Marily of Bsrmaby, B.C., Eleanor of North Bey, Loia ai Milton and daughter-in-lawl Mamire of Bracabridge. Predeceasad by his aon Wfilliam. Loved b y 10 grandchldren and 16 graalgrandchiidren. Family and friands may cail ai tira J. Scott Eariy Funarai Home, 21 James St., Milaon on Tuaaday (tiay> fromr 3-5 and 7-9 PM. A Funaral Service miii ha held fram Si. Pauls United Cirurcir on Wadneaday ai 10:30 AM. Cramnation ta follore. If deairad, donations fa tira Mitan Millennium Community Rasidenicas ai the Hart and Siroira Faundcation wauid ha appraciaiad. DUNCAN, Douglas Forbea At the Cirronic Cara Unit ai Milton District Hospital arr Thursday, March 9, 2000, Dougla Duncan ai Miton, in his 79th yar. Baiaved husband ai 53 yars ai Margaret Duncan of Miton. Laning faihar oft Ian and iris rele Catheaine of Rlode. Dear g rendis_ tirer oi Jennifar, Jamia and Joanina. Dougla mas bom in Aberdeen, Scoiiand in 1921. Former Posimasier of Weston, Mississauqa, and Hamilton, and reiired fram Hamilton in 1979. Dougla seivad in tire Canadien Armed Farces " dthr Tira 48th Highlandera oversas in Itaiy, Siczi, and Hollend, during WILi Famnily and fiands caliad ai the J. Scott Eariy Funersi Home, 21 Jamas Si., Milton on Monday fir 3- 5 and 7-9 PM. A Fuserai Service wiii b h in1 tira Chapai on Tuaaday (Today) ai 1:00 PM. Informent to faiiaw in Evargreen Camaiary Milton. Donations ta tire Milton District Hospital or the chariiy ai oneas ciroice wauld ha appr- sied. MORLEY, Agirea Ai Oakvilia Esiendad Care an Friday, March 10, 2000, Mme. Agnes Morley af Milaon in hier 710h yaar. Wifa ai tir ate Clarence Moriay. Locbg moirer ai Don and his reie Mary oi Tiroroid, Jcen McMurray and Marilyn Weston, bouir of mon, Fred Morley ai Durhram, Isabel Creas and Richard Moriey ai Meaford. Sadly miased by hier 13 grandciidren and hier gra- randcildren. Survivad by lier brother John affrey of Goargeiown. Predeceasad by ana brother. Friands and familY called ai tira J. Scot Eaiy Funerai Home, 21 James Si., Miton on Mondayftroin3-5 and7-9 PM. AFunaralService milhahahld in tire cirapai on Tuaiday (today) ai 10:30 AM. Interment ta falaret ai rree Canretery i desired, donations ta tir Oakviile Extended Care wauld loiseppradaited. lddonfiontoTheCaadienl e1wwwCncaSocieWare deeply aPpr- L13 :1. i REALE, Imaclata Ai Mitan District Hospital on Thuraday, March 9, 2000, Mra Immaecolata Reale 0f Miltos. Baiovad wia 0f Glusappa Reale ai Mitas. Lacis g mather of Maria and lier huis- band Umharto Orlando of Miltion, Uns and hier husbend Vinceozo Cordi, Roa and hier huahand Salvafare Zaveglia, ail of Brampton, Sylvi and lier hushand Frank Padalie of Mitas and Visce and hie rfeli Taresea Rena of Richmond Hill. Wil1 ha sadly missad by hier 15 grandchildren and 19 g reei-gresdchiidras. Survîcad by hier sîsiar Goaense Orlando ot Australsa, brother Cosimo Figiiomani and his rieli Sera of Scirahar, Ontario. Predaceased by haer son Anthony and sistar Franceecirine Piiomeili. Femily and friands cafled et the J. Scott Eariy Fuserai Home, 21 James Si., Milaon as Friday train 6-9 PM, and Saiurdey and Susday 5-9 PM. Vligil Prayars mare reciaed from the Fanerai Home on Sunday ai 5 PM. A Mess ai Christian Bariai mes haid from Holy Rasary Cethoic Charch on Monday et 10 AM. Eniombmieni folareed ai Giendele Memorial Gardens. Donaions ta the Mifton Diatrict Hospial or the Canadien Diabaea Association reould heaeppreciaed, The femiiy wish la ihenk the niurses ai Milton Distrnct Hospital Chrosîc Caeaned Or. Hunier for Ihaîr support and care oser ire pasi nurer ai yars. 7'- HE 1MI VOU I I MU I 1 MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL 981 FOUNDATION The Milton District Hospital Foandcation miii hoid Mia; Annuel Meeting in0the Clisicai claaaroom of the Mition Dlitict Hospital os Wadnesday, March 29, 2000 ai 8.00 pm. Ail mambara oi lire Fouidation .. , aid the gaserel public are inciiad la, attend. I Thomas J. Logia Jin Strain 190 Ontario St, Millton 878-6522 Monuments Maricars - Bronza Marirers [ EMEBRANE I in efrm iof donaion to The Milto Di4iet H sii BUYISEILL Stanr lits, poch liOns, alevatara, scoot- ers, hads, etc. Cal i (905)847-5504. CARPET Carpet. i hava neyeraI thausand yards ai nere Staismeefaer and 100. nlon carpai. I mrll car- pet yaur livinrg rain and hall for $349. Price indludas carpat, ped aid istalletion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905639-2902. FREE Estimatas- Lava y aur sofa aid chairs? Hala y ar colours? Gise Rids ecai Great Sesinget So- fOUas in $598.. Chairs from $190. Senior Dis- countia. Ride Castom Upirolsterisg, 875-4427, De- ily 9-9. FREE Eatimaies.. Glot mobly ýchirs... weak aprings.. tred locig wd finies n We do if ahI! Custom reood refiniahinolurniture repaira. Fields Cusiom Fumiiure. 9-9 dailyl 875-4427 SIT on ît-Don it in il! Replacement foamn for cush- ions. Resideniicommercial. Fielda Uipholataiy. 9- 9, 7 dayalreeekl 875-4427. THOMASVILLE 3 place leaiher saciional, broren. $5000 or hast offer. 905-849-1761. UNRESRVD AUCTUON Distribution Centre Closeout 0f Carlton Cards Liquidation Warid has been authorized ta seli by unreserved 'auction: Ware- house racking and equipment Materiai handling equipment Shop equipment Cafeteria, Office & business machines, Miscalianeous goods and full rais of new commercial carpet. March 21, 10 a.m. on-site at 9500 McLaughiin Road N., Brampton Ontario. Viewing March 20, 9 tii 5. For more information oeil iim Giroux at (403) 616-7941 or check the Liquidation Worid Auction Website at GRANT, Terry March 13, 1985 They say memriciea are golden, Wall, maybe that as frue, But we neyer wanted memones We anly wanfed you. Nover forgotten and airemys lovod. Dad, Kerry, Tracey à family, Kelly & family CLEMENT, Kennetir Walter (Dick) Please accept aur hearffeit thanka for your preaence and kindneaa afler the paaamng of my huaband and our father on Marcfh 5, 2000. We are graieful for fthe aupporf and care of The Oakviiie Trafalgar Hoapifal ducing hia brief ili- neaa, ta Rev. Ken Rowfand for has upiiffing reorda and tribufe and f0 ail fhoae wfio aent fiowera and carda, and made donationa f0 The Cancer Sociefy and Salvafion Army in hNa memrci er Speai ifranka fa fhe J. Scoff EarfyFuneri Home for iheir comforfing assistance, and fhe Ladiaa Auxiiary of the Royal Canadien Legion forprovdi lyely lunch. Sal u ywtfe Edythe, daughiera Jeunette, Margaret Anne and Perd1, 6 grand- chlldren, and 2 greai-grandchldren. The famiiy of the laie Harry Buckley wiair t0 espreaa their aincere ihanka fa ail aur mainda, neigirbaura and relaivea who offered iheir aup- port and sympathy. To J. Scott Eady Funerel Home for iheir carfng and guidance. A special lhank yoa la Faiher Eari. Fahr Mike, Sisier Aadrey and Ladies ofi fhe C.W.L. We ihank the Docioras and nursea ai Milon District Hos piai for fheir apecial asaistance and kindnesa. We wil alwaya remnember tire kind- nana eapreaaed f0 us by ail. Mary Buciey li Famtiy Cooking Up %dye Wmth Colour "A FaW Star Seminar" Presentad by Jane Lockirarî and Mary Dobson Togeihe' fus w il showe yoa how la creoie personol stle in your home using color & tr.sr pseioa s ingeins UlmtdAes ny$15.95, great local ser- vieadsupport f rom SURF THE NET. MOVINO SALE For Pat & Tom Beer SATIJRDAY MARCH 18 10A.M. - 3 M. Corner of 5TH LUNE & 15TH SIDEROAD #11062 5TH LUNE Mapia dini9 roon aet, mapie desk, black ý ames iable, 3 anorchairs, chesierfiaid & chair. offea fable, rugs, vanious houaehoid items. Books & old records, Enghîsir brassi rubbings, 4 anframad. "OUBL cul rad doaver sead. Clean, raady to plant. CaIl Marrybrook Faims 878-63 EDEN PARK EQUESTRIAN CENTRE MOVING SALE SATURDAY MARCH 18 7077 4TH UNE N.E. camert Oany Rd. and Jamas Snow, Parlrway, Milton, ON 90475-M38 Nae and usaditach, staris ai 11:00 a.m, stable auppias, handyman tools, jumpa, sotie houaeiroid liams andi appliancaa. Scirool iorsas siali ai 1 p.m. "Tire business cirat corisiders irself immune ro] tire iiecessity for adverosing sooner or foreri fiords irseif immune 10 business." Derby Browni EXPERIENCED dlean- isg ledy available. Quai- iyciaaning. Reason- ale raies. Refarencas asaileble. Cali Dabbie, sftar 6, 875-2085. COME *NewlIn town? *Oebug amofelIne 3 moeufhar mre? *Havlng a baby? *Eatabiahirg a naw business? PLEAS CALL U&8 CommuoNs' Welreme Linia . 85.. 4-1563 Marilyn ..75-0519 Doris...332-4799 Bridai Kathy ...854-0144 Baby Tracy L ...876-4330 Buuae eaaallonal Pet...876-4040 AZ Drivers reantad. Home avasinga and reekenda. Boom as- parience an assa bai rel trais. Top maies pald. Graup issurance. Caîl (905)693.1800 or 1- 800-288-373. EARN $200, $300, $500 Or mare par meak, essemrbling praductins tira camsfart of yaur ares home. Send a self ad- dressad sampad arwai- opa ta: O.P.H. 6-2400 Dundas St. West Sote 541 Rai 940, Mississea- ge, Ont., 15K 2R8. LOOKING for e fam good ms/ y ra- Landscape compasste quirea resposibla, hard moricing individuels for fuli-tima amplayment. Raquired for bath lemn maintenance and fend- scae costruction. Praferance gises ta as- parienced persans. We offer compatitica reages and greai morfring ansi- ronmast. Fax reauima ta 875-3577 or cali 875- 0640. EOR1 FROMI HOME I PI T FIT HelsIdustry Foul Training. Frea Boola (416) 631-4925 BalI" lit or noe,. à8 comingi Mnd obhae con only Garage Sale Time! Advertîse yours .arly tlii yaar in gi, caBabiai I

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