Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Mar 2000, p. 25

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Tire Canadien Champion, Friday, Marcir 10, 2000-25 ~4ii/eton es Srr Todays Champion for our nrw "Milesones" srction. To announcr your special avent, cati nie Champions Ctassified Classified CLASSIF1IED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AMI - 5:00 PM E/lE 11111 famity of Harold Cosîson woetd "'ýl/,tVV VVI VV tîke to invite you to an 85th *BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSEI * on Saturday, March 11l 2000 et 100 Mifîside Drive (Party Roora) m m u esMtmi Milreton lm -OU mOMNT ENGLI5H, Glenn and KimbrerIy (nie Rucbeli) arc ver prouc( Vo chilcd 1rooke VIctoria. arooke wa5 family anc( frienri waitir n~ tritc- ipationi on March 6, 2000. Weiqhiniq 7 b5i, l4oz. et Guelph Genieral HioEpital. Proud qranelpar j ents are [3arL'arer RusEeIl Roni Kuss5eli, Geore arid l't English, 3r'errla McGarrelI irrc( Tom, [3l aI Cath Mcarrel.Special thaniks Vo Pr. [3Iood, Or. Em1ýree, and: the riur5inq s5taff in the family Liithinq unit. We woucd also like Vo thanik our staff of A Counitr-y Mile for their 5upport anc( unc4ertarr1in. LAWRENCE.-Billyeand Msndy (nais Cottrafl) ara very îraud toaennaunca the sae arrivai of thiri soin Owaon Daniel, bora Fabruary il, 2000 wergflîng 9Ibs 2 1/2 oz. Proud Grandperents ara Jon & Brenda Cottraîll Alica Lawrance and wstdiing tram aboya Grandpe Ken Lawrence. Spadail tflanks ta Dr. B. MeMeekin, Nurse Judy and att of te McMaster staff. Ci8530 .iiy' ;rYLLOWICZ , Patrtcla Lee - Suddenly an Sundey, Mardi 5tfl, 2000. Pat, (nea Saxby) in ber' Bei ea,0 GeMoeon B ooe wff Dr. P eKuryllowi«cz. =oin matef Cathie «Kara", Bettna and fier fluebnit Robert Hayes, Peter Jr. and fils raife Lise and Wolfek. Exceedingly proud nenny af Hannah Leeaend Peter. Dear siater of Robert Saxby. Devoted daugiier ofeBaina Seeby and the tate Fredieric Sesby. Speciel nieca of Dora Gibbs and aunt of Glenn Sexby. Pat wll be terrbfy missed b,, att of her tamity and friands. Friende wara recarved et tire J.S. Jone and Son Funaral Home, 11582 Trafalgar Rd.N. of Maple Ave., Georgetaown, 877- 3631 an Wednasday tram 2-4 p.m. & 7-9 pr. Funeral Service waa flald at the Hitlcrasf United Ctrurcr (Trafagr Rd. et 5tfl stderoad, Halln Hitîs) on Tfluraday, Marefi 9fh, 2000 et 2:00 p.ra. Spning initarment Hillcrast Ceraeter.; Norvat. In meraory contiributios to, the Heerf & Strate Foundation 0f Ontario or the Hillcrast United Churdi wautd be eppradstd. REESE, lKennet - et Milton District Hospital on WednesdayMrh820, Mr. Kennetir Rame 0fMitton. Befoved husbandi of Betty Loving fether of Carol and her irusband John McCormack ot Lowville and Jlm and hia wif e Susan of Milton. Dear grandtattrer of Tim, Jenna, Jonathan, Ricki and Jamia. Survived by hie sistar Myrti aend her husband Lloyd Hîltier, brottera Wttliem and iris wite Marion Iteese and Lloyd Reesa and Maddie, ai of Semis. Predeceesed by infant son Raymond. Ken wes a member of thre Royal Canadien Legion, Bronta Branch #486. Family and friande mev cati et ftha J. Scott Early Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton on Fidey frorai 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm. A funerai service will be held in tira Chepel on Saturdey ai 10:00 a.m. Cremation to foilow. Donations to the Milton District Hospital Foundetion or Heart andi Stroke Fotindation woutd be appreciated by thre family. STEVENS, Lîllian - 'Peacefuilly et Milton District Hospitl on Wednasday, Marcir 8, 2000, Ullan Stevena of Milton. Batoved alfa of tira tatae Ted Stevens. Loving matir 0f Edwerd and hie alfa Edna 0f Dali, Kennatir and iris elfe Elaise 0f Weterford, Linde and tira fate Kenneth Whelen 0f Milton and Brian and iris waife Darathy orf Cambridge. Aiea ioved by 10 grandcildren and 12 great-grandchildran. Survived by aie- tare Evetyn Ford and Helen Lawrence and siser-in-law Rheeie Quinn. Predeceasedi by a brother William Quinnarnd sisters Tireresa McDanald, Doris Cirapman and Betty Patter. Feamit and friande may cati ai tire J. Scott Early Funeral Home , 21 James St., Milton on Saturdey t ram 6-9 pr aend Sunday 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm. A funerait service raili be ireld in tir chepeýl an Mondey etil 1:00 ara. itntermant ta fattara Evergraen Ceraetery. Donations ta tira heart and Stroka Faundatian or tira Canadian Cancer Society raould be eppracîated. WILLSHER, Eleanor -Follawing a lengtry iness et M*iton District Hospital on Wadneeday, Marcir 8, 2000, Mia. Eleanor Wlllahçr 0f Milton, fonneity 0f Kitbitde. Beloved wite of tha taita Leslie Richard Willsirer. Loving motirer 0f Lorraine and Grag 0f Burhngton, Carolyn and irer hue- band At Mose 0f Rockwood, Rick and hie wifa Debbie 0f Milton. Will ba eadly ied by irer grendchildren Mark, Jon,' Megiran and Kaillie and her great-grandchildren Kneftina, Rebecca, Amande and Jessica. Survived by irer brother Lloyd Cires Lang 0f Toronto. Faraily and friande may cati et tire J. Scott Eariy Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton on Friday tram 2-4 pra and 7-9 pm.A funeral service witl ba heid tramn Knox FrsyeinChurch on Saturdey et 1:00 rrm. Interment ta follow BaSail Cemetary. tIn lau of flowere, donations ta tire Juvenile Diabatas Association or tire Milton district Hospital Fourndation wouid be appreciated. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated. WILCHINSKI, Ira Marie Paraulty, on Tady -Mrh7,2000 ai tan Anderson Housa. tIa Mare Wltchfnskf, belovad raife 0f the tata Gus Wilcflimle. Lovirg motier of Gary and fie elfe Lysa and Bruce %sýhe aI be ssdly missed by fier brotrr se eletes aiea fier many dar hriande. Femly and friends may visti eir Mersie- Kodier Fuserai Home, 114 Main Street Milton. Tha fuserai service Mril ia held on Fridey, Mardi 10, 2000 et 11:00 ara frora St. Peurs Unit Churdi (123 Main St. Miltoan). Iniassent et Hatian Huai Memroal Gardons. Mmiorial donations ta loinAnderson Hanse racul te graty apprariatait bv She faraty. CARPET Carpet. t haeve saveal tflousend yards 0f nera Stalnas- fer and 1000/ nylon cer- pet. 1 i h cerpef y aur liv- ing roora and fiait for $3?49. Price inctudea rarpet, ped and installe- flan. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-839-2902. FREE Estimaes- Lave you r sots snd chis? et.e your ratours? Give Fields a relit Great Sev- lingot Sofas tram $696.. Chaira tram $198. Sen- ior Discounts. Fids Cuetora Upholstaring, 875-4427, Delly 9-9. FREE Esteas.. Gat raabbiy chaira... waak .prinja t led lookln9 finles? W, do Ri a111 Custom wood ratia- e ~tCustom raumws tura. 9-9 deilyf 875-4427 SIT on lt-Dont sit la rit Replaement foara for cueflians. Residen- tiel/commarcial. Fields upflolsery. 9-9, 7 deys/reakl 875-4427. THOMASVILLE 3 place leetflar sectiona, broran. $5000 or basf offer. 905-849-1761. USED 30" rafiripoal electrir stove. Almoad and black. Solid ea- ment. $300. Phone 878- 8073. ANTIQUE Shlow Bur- lingtan Royal Botanirel Gerdens Centre, 680 Pleins Rd., W. Mardi 10, 11, 12. Fri. 1-9pm, Set. 10-Spm, Sun. 11- Spm. Musaume & fils- taria Dispîsys. Qualily Dealera (905)335-0511. sala 4x5. Kept inerda, tirai cul. 877-9768. ing lady evailabte. Quer- enteed satisfacion. Cati for fIrais asti- mates.(905)702-3764. -Ie picker. Forkift espeni- enca requireit. Soma fleavy lifting invotvad. Send resume ta: Cerka Industries Ltd., 8125 Es- quesing (Faurth) Lina, R.R. #5, MiltonL9T 2X9 or Fex 905-878-5234 AUTO Clean Lube tl, De- teiling-eccesaariee- gahs.10 minute oit chne.925 Main St Est 878-8595. Loolring for fuît end part Uime auto- motiv detallers for busy cleanep sflop, ratltng ta train. Apply la pemion. au, PEARSON, Robait <Bob) March13, 1998 Sediy missad stan gite's wey Guti rarnmabere very day. No longer anmy Ilite to ehere Ramnemberad with lova, Margaret WATSON, Pauline - In loasn g emory of our dear Mottrar/Grandraothar wnio peseed awey 5 yeas ago todsy. We ara sed witflin aur meraory Lonaly sra aur hearte today, For tha oaa we lovad s0 deariy Has forevar been ceiiad eway. Wa thlnk 0f fier ia silence No eya mey sea us waap But rany suaent tisara are shead When others ara asteap. Aiwsys so good, unseltish and kind. Faw on this aarth her equal we tind. Honourable and uprigfll instil uer ways. Loyal and taie ta the end of fier days Vou ara flot forgolien, dear graadaotuer Lova atwaya and foravar Linda and Brandon, Nancy and Jordan xOxoxo VAN DER GEER, Frank si ioving memory of Frank etro ras killad byea drunk driver Mardi 8, 1996. Ha ruiaed our lives thet terrible day, Wfea fie killted Frank an aucir s forrendous wey, Ha scerred two lite boys for lite, And broke tira feart 0f e loviag wlfe. Ha want ta joli for fia terrible crime But fie didn t serve very mudi time, Six months satar fie was thame egein Sflowing nlo compassion, pity or sirama. In fect fia tinks fies flot f0 bleme. Meyba someay we cein forgive But in the meenlima we have to tiva raiffout Frank A taving Husband, Daddy, Son, Brother and Friand, Whlo is deeply missed by ail rafl knew hum. Remambared w»t love by Hia Motirar-in-faw Iaonseand brother-ntaa Daeirk, tamaille and friands. Van der Geai, Frank ta lovinq mamory of aur Deddy. Tflere le e star in fleaven, Tlal aimes bigflter tflan thle reet, We know il se aur Daddy's 'Cause our Daddy was thle basi. Love Jake & Justin Van dei, Geai, Frank la ioving raamory of myfusband Frank, killed byea drunfi driver Marc% 8,1996. "10 the worid fie ras juel oaa, To tflis ana fie ras She worid." 1 wifl love you foravar Leslie reducer the valuofmoe tattire ied t 875-3300 DEADLINES FOR TUESDAY & FRîDAY PAPER Deadiine Friday 3 pra. for Tussday Deedline Wednesday 3 pra. for Fnidsy

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