18 - The Canmadien Champion, Tuoaday, Match 7, 2000 -1 Ao 'Country Depnot -Notjustforfarmers- By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Real life country living is made a whole lot simpler at Country Depot. At 28 Bronte St. N., directly across from Mili Street, the sprawling, 5,000-square-foot store and a new I 300-square-foot greenhouse sit. Inside is a no-frilîs, easy access hold-all for items such as teeds, soi!, pet needs and outdoor ciothing - virtually everything required 10 get tbrough a typicai day in the country. Sitting at the beim of the store is owner Bill Lazenby. He devoted more than 30 years 10 the business before the ides of having s store of bis own began 10 set in. But when the first opportunity 10 go mbt busi- ness for bimself arose, be let it pass by. "I kicked myseil' for so long," be recaiied. "When another one came available, I said I ws going lo go alter il with both feet." So he did, tbree years ago, wben the former Co>- op in Milton ciosed down. Since then, life bas been a blur of revamping and renovsting the faciiity 10 better suit the needs of the customners. Today, Country Depot is an open-concept shop- ping experience with everything on one floor. "tt's more accessible and we hope 10 provide better customer service," said Mr. Lazenby. "Hopefuiiy we're offering a more visible service." As an oid hand in the business, Mr. Lazenby bas witnessed the changea it bas gone undergone over the years. .setoGARDENING on page 20 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Sprlng la the growth sason for the people et Country Depot. Hors, Brad Mothorol (lot) pitchos In by loadlng up th. plantlng mix with holp from Mark Hila. SAVEVYP $750Qot CENTRAL AIR & FURNAS *FREE air cleaner and FREElo « - 10 y a parts & labour 1 warranty OR e FREE power Do Not Pay ,M for 6 months. (M0) 564-8545 Tell Fm0 1 rf 257.3240 -p 3 Things AU Firearm Owners Need to Know about the Firearms Act 2 A "gistraton certificats fe each of your flreanns 3 Remember to safely store your firearm. For more information, application forma and assistance filmg them outcl 1 800 731-4000 or visit our Web site at www.cfc-ccaf.gc.ca Firearm safety is everyone's concern. Canadci- No s th e. sgty rlcne ce <>1) *0 'oL '-I CL M o0 E