Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 2000, p. 17

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It you have any questions these professionals cani answer, please write to: 'Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 B['I[t~'I[SV> MARION HEALY Rergustereal Nuonstional Consolions Marlon Healy Managerne raco R.N.C. irOtarn St. S., Unit te (90)875-2889 CanIOEal.rncSS OVERWEIGHT? How lt can affect youl Bemag arerweieht is one of the leading causes of death in ibis country. nbe foi- sowing have snme connection: heant disease. certain types of cancers. stroke and diabetes. Excess weighi can aiso cause other conditions like varicase reins to sieeplessness in varying degrees of severity. A4 helithieu-hearf is a hcafhooryou. Heari diseuse, heurt aitacks and stroke .. a major case of ail ihese problema ls hei ng overweighi. Think ahoat tl! The more yoa exceed yoat ideai weight, tise harder yoar heart haa la keep pamping ta do ita jais and the greaier pressare yaamr placing an is. What ahoat the kînd of food yoa eal, how do they affect yoar heart? A hîeh fat diet cas casse artenies to plsg ap wilh plaque. flten hlood bas a harder time ta cireslie thraugh these plaque filîrd artenies. Bat a lom-fat diet tiens thon 30% of cal ories caming from fat! keops the bslood ftoming smooîhiy and dramaticaily cals your chance ofic h eau attac k. Decreoue your edud of diauhatat. 0f ail the major diseuses. diaheîes is ose cf flir mort cieariy iinkcd tahei ngarver- weight ... reports an ahesity expert at lthe National Institate of Diabolos. Titey report (t oes a modent wright loss can signtficantly redace therisk for the derleopreent of diahîres, us moul as improre tho hlood sagar of lisr mho already have it. Your hipn. hnoao and bock wilihank you. Estra poasdson yoar somach leads to srers onsyourhack wics resalîsîin hack prohlems. By elimisatisg ycarsparo tire you significantly redace your back proh- lem. andby reducisoyaourhbody fat you alroiakc aoand off your aready arerworked joints and help prerent asteaarthritis. Geung weil. .. souuyaug ml. Have younererknomn 2people togo thogh tesame srgerymiih different lenethu of recarery lime? The ane mho îook longer la recorer mus more likely ta he overweight. Sargery and recoveryhbecome more difiicuit the heavier yoa are. so hy coltine the fat and keepine healthy yas increase your chance of a quick mecovery. Muoneu Heusdyrn a ragLçeered Nuniuud Gitudii mith aver I1 jaarn eqteti- coteu in »ighhm aWnulincer She at Clion Direcusr qfilery Hign Weighe MantWgentaudNueutumCont Fre. 4c onertuutteu atucManemui ±Dr. long Wen'me Tooth Tra1k Towne Dental Group Tony H. Wan Milton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc. D.D.S (905) 876-1188 PuMI [Mks Bftwu bihmtui ad Sus[hm Ysa may soi a "heurt iseaiihy" diet, ha a aaa-smsker, eeercise ragelarîf, and map set he oerweigss, hui are paus afîf dati ansagh fat pour iseart? Mapha nef if peu have periedentai diseasa. New researcht suggasia that lte hacloria raspensible fot gem disease mon conirihafe o t he devefepreenl ai cardiavascatar diseases, pumei peu ai nisk fat heat sntacks and sirokes. The fisteai hagins wiih the bacia.ria tisai causes gingîvifis. This is thea miidesi ierm ai pariadenial disease, wisich is marked bp ted, sutofien gumu tisai bieed aasiip. Manp people ignare giegivifin, bui il cas advace Ca pi- odentiflas. This condition cas caase extensive tissue domage, hase lss and tesih fana, uthen gammallcee and taeth rases bacama aspesed. Lang-Cerm Severa petiedentai disease map poe the greateat danger Ca peur iseart because fise diSeasa prevides ne sniy fise hactaria, hue aise the condiiions and epperteeiip, farthfie bacieria fa gai inCa the bieed Chreugh the hieuding gaffa. Receni aCadien feund mes kinda ai bacieria asseciaied wiih periedentai disease - Sirapococcos sangais and.Peephyremas gingi- valis. P. gingivalis is the maie hacieriol casse oi destructive gemn disease and s fise oe responsibie fer bieed piafaf ai dumping. This fermation cas load Ce plaque bud-sp and censtricioee af cstenaep heurt scieries and sirekes affacting fise braie. AnaCher passible lini heimeen gem aed hearC diseuse inveives the bocierla item periadenial infactions ieiiltrating msso the hieedntream. Tise hacieria Stimafate tha immune sysiemn Ce refase ilan- aiery enzpmes Chas anar long perieda map damage ergans and blsad vessai minieg. Yeung mon utho de nef isa coa ai thair tests and gume Mp ha slipping snte a f ifesipie Chat places tbam a greaier tisk fer hearC disease. A siudp ai nearly 10,000 seiecis ( man il wamaen)fotnd a 25 percent increasa en heari diseane ameng Ciosae wiih gem disease. the cannecin mas Most remariobiele men undar 50 wbe isadl finie et ns pariedantol diseasa. The geud news as Chai po can prevent pariadeniai diseosa bp brushing year Ceetb, usieg deentai feas and honing ragslar cleuninga hy a dantisi et hpgeniSt. iain ai., m 876-1515 0: My'friend lus eaung a dues, and attending semae individual sas- sios Chat indludes stabiiation and illtes training aud site smys that tbis miglat ha helpiel fer me. Ceuld yeu tell me a bit abeut tIbis type of exercise? A: Stabifizatias training and Piiotes training hure hecanie more pepefar meth- adn of esercise, bat in commsnity fttness settingn and rebabifitation settinas. Stabiliaion programsaoim ta use lise muscle aysiemt ta peuteci the spine fromt repetifire trauma, angoing pais and degeneralire chaneges. Tise honis of this eser- cise recognizes tisai there are thtree nynlern 1hat mark ta support and stabif ize the spine. Tise passive nysiere (the contour of die joints and tise fligoments tat support tise jointn), ihe active nysîem (tse muscles) and tise rearafogica nyatem tse con- fmoi of hommwe more aur muscles by aur iscainl. Stabilisation and Pilles training bath empisusice a numbar of important factors. Tisese include a foras an goad posture 1*11k specîtic positianing of yaur baad, sisoulders, sisaulder bladte, spine, pelvit and irait, proper isresiising and body amareaess, and lise praper use of tise ahdominaln and other muscles tisai mark ta stabitize the spine.I i araIres mat eserciscu or tise are of aibar cqaipmhni la per. farre slow, controlîrd patteras of marnment ssing tha abdominain, gluteuf muscles, anar; and Iegsan tagain improvrd postare and setf-amareresn, improred absdomial streagîh and a sironger hack. Pilaies aad stahifizatios dorsal isave tht samne aeroiî iatearity asna sep clasa Yos mîgisî mont ta ensure tisai yu are damag rame type af acroii ererciîr ta hure a mcli eoanded fiîxeus progaur. Siailizatiox ix a lot more tisas j ont usina lise stomacs ta do a sit up. The foras is cary researcised hased and ases specittc mus- cles us mcli us the peincipie of centering or core xîaisiliîy fa aciîre a song and flexible oere or spine, medsced pain ced the prerextios of polists in tise fature. Ibis type of exercise ix a mindlhody uppmacb fa tmproving yaursetf. If yos are iaaking for a style of esercise tisai innairea ukase concepts and buîlds streaglis in a conrreied and carefai may, 1 maeid mecommend flou 1ev if! Fur mare Informatien contact canada or Tinu uit the Halten Communtty Reaub Centre 761515. n" Ra is4to B.A. CdnaratP"ouo KA ND 3rdafM(dicne Dtr ofJNtCffpa(uc Medicine H-atiy W 95 Main Street Dosa, 2nd F[mor ~ cpxt Mfttn (905)693-983 7 Er"snun RioBANs QC ama pregusunt and weuld like te knew if herbs er nutritienal supplements cetuld ha helipfwui for semae ef the sympeseus C have bean expautencing, such au nasea. Ara these and ether nature- pathic therupiax safa te ue tin preauuancy? A: Pregnancy iv definiteiy a lime 105ec very cautixus mils respect iv ruppiemnenir ced medications, misefier fhey aie nuturopatii le.g. hers) or conventionai (e.g. xrer-îise-cxunîer medicationa). Tisri is ecoure tise devefoping fetur receirer ihese subrtacee iisrougs tise motiser isiood ruppi y. Naturopatii tierupies turf ude herhs, sairitoat ruppteîaensr, isomexpothir rennedier, and acupancture. Tisee fieropier vary in tiseir appropriateners during pregnoncy. Homeopatii mediciner. for exumpie. are dilate reinedier prepared from naturai subsances and are nafe ta ure dnring pregncecy. Acnpuncture, on tise ofiser bond, needa I tba oseti mucs more cauiiouniy, us tisere are neyerai acupuncture points tisai coni canse contraction otf tise uteens. Hersand nutritionat suppiemenîr vary in tiseir rafety. Some hers con cause nîcrine contraction and tiserefore sisouid ba avoided. white others are traditionatiy uned for their baneficiai uteriue-Conifying and nuitionuf effects. Supplemestation must a particufar ntient, foiic-acid (rtarfisg a munis prior fo courais- lion aud continuing mbt pregnoncy). isr bacnsrhums lu preveuf neural tuba defecis, wite vitatain A con causa isirtis defecîr ut isigiser feveir <do nul esceed 5,000 CU/dupt. 0f course. dietary and fifestyfe counseliig are nafe interventios for pregnoncy. and are port of any naturopathie treulment pro- gam. Cf yos are iuterested in naturopathic approocis lu increasns your iseait in pregnancy or meif us addrerring proisiems Chat con urnse in pregnancy (e.g. nausea) and port-partumn (e.g. pont-natal depresrios). tises you may ha intererted in an upeoming lecture, "Naturopathir Approacher ta Pregnoncy". Ct taises place on Marris 20tk aI 7:30 p.m. Pieuse col (905) 693-9837 for defaif s. Q: Are Chiropractie Treatments Safe? A:Yes, they are, despite recent media reporta suggeating the contrary. There are some risks aasociated 'with chiropractic care, as with any other form of health care. However, the media reports have grealy exaggerated these naska. Chiropractors do flot use druga or surgery, which have their place, but may produce many aide effecta and compica- tiona. The one chiropractic treatment with any risk of significanf hemr la neck manipulation, after which, in rare casea, certain people can suifer a stroke. Research shows that the risk rate la very remote (one or two strokes per million treatements). To put this tigure into perspective, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuproten or Naproxen cause 1,000 serious complications and 100-200 deaths par million cases. Strokes can also happen after a wide range of neck move- ments such as turning to back up a car, having a shampoo, normal sporting activitas, bouts of violent coughing, etc. There is no evidance that any particular torm of neck activity or any ove type of chiropr.actic manipulation increases the risk. It la now thought that some people have a weakness or birth defect in their vertebral arteries which puis them at a greater risk of injury from any neck moicvement. This la obviously very rare, or there would be many more reports otf injury. It is so rare moat chiropractors do not have a single case of a patient sutfering a stroke or other senious injsry duning their entre practice lves. If you have any further questions, ask your chiropractor. IHawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton . S., HDV (Pizza Hut Plaza) B. S., O Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 The Easter Bunny is Coming Christmas and Easter are my busiest imes for treatment of chocolate ingestion in pets (mostly dogs). Chocolate is as much admired by dogs as it is by most of us. As a child 1 have memories of flot enjoy- ing my Easter bunny because my dogs enjoyed it first, as I forgot toi put it in a safe place out of reach. Chocolate is poisonous to pets. Its inges- tion can lead to serious effects involving the heart and the brain. If enough is eaten (and dogs don't use discretion as we may) it can cause gastrointestinal illness, seizures and abnormalities with the heart's rhythm. It is fatal if eaten in large quantities. Do all you can to avoid this from happen- ing, however if it does, caîl for help. If treated early your pet's life can be saved.

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