i0-Tite Canadia ChamDion. FridaMrh Dfll Little Leroy went ta bis Motiter demanding a new bicycle for hia birtitday. Nia Mother deckded that he should take a look et his behavior before h. made suait a Btssag requst Site said «Wall Leroy. l'm not sure we have the money ta juat go out andi juat buy anytiting you want Why don't you write a iodter ta Jeus and pray for aon nsteati." After dlsplaying bis disappointment with ant intense temper tantrum, itho Leray was sent ta bis room. Tearfully, ha st down ta, write a letter ta Jesus. Oser Jesus, l've been, a good boy this year and wouid appreciste a new bicycle. Vour Friendi, Leroy Naw Leroy, underatooti that Jesus knew evurytbing andi ha really knew witat kinti of boy ha was. Sa ha ripputi Up thte letter andi decided ta give tl anatiter try. Oer Jesus, I've been an O.K. boy titis year andi 1 want a new If you would like to advertise in this space eall Adèle at... 878-2341. . 9fh4'-tlFtM. Elapep lKoffer #e'îhRo. «OIp rk SUNDAY FERUA RY 2 7 q>9 am - Early Warship S"erve 9:30 am - Sundoy Sehool 10:45 amn - Seond Worslnip Service 6:30 pm - Prais. & Colebration Plus Oh l.Gir -fGde Prs.ence MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST À0e9k CHURCH Welcornes you 10 Hugit Fouler Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat. 9:30 o. m. - Sabboîb Scisool Sot. 11:30 arn.- Divine Service Colt for mid-week prayer service info. PASTOR C.O. Roulston 416-821-4610 bicycle. Yaurs Trusi, Les'oy Again, Leroy knaw titat bis statement vies flot campluteiy honeat, sa he tore il up andi tried ance mare. Dear Jesus, l'vy titougat about being a gooti boy titis yeas, Can 1 havesa bicycle? Leroy Aller wrlting titis letter, Leroy examineti bis iteart anti bis actions, which la exactly what bis motiter wanted itim ta do. He knew ltat ha hati misbehaved. Ne knew that he hati been dis respectfui ta, bis motter. Sa ha crumpieti Up thte letter, tbrew it in the trasit andi ran outiiide. Aimiessly, be wantiered about. Depression gat te beat of him as ha cansidemed his behaviar. Finslly, littie Leroy faund bimseif in front of a large citurcit. Ne went insitie and knelt dawn. He loaked around, not reaily knawlng what ta do. After a few minutes ha began ta lt walk out. Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Miltonu thse Church on thse Hill1 Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.wBIltIme.I(I/Grars,e.MiIIsn Rev. Dr. Mark MeDersistt SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn. - Hîîly Commrunioîn 10:00 arn. - Sung Eucharest church Schosi & asIles Hour Whesichair Aces Througll Parking Lut Jours Tlsursday j ~ 10:00 a.m. - Hoiy Commrunioîn MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 a.rn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Jesus answered, Except a man be bomn agaln, He cannat see the kingdom of Gad WWe ore basting lte warld day af p rayer March 3 et 7:00 p.m. R.ev. Grog Macaulay -B.A.,M.DIv 90a Nilîusie Rd.,Milton, Ontario LOT 4Z9 (905) a75-1e2e Affitîateci wfth 1he Bapltlat Convention of Ontarioanc osuebea As be made bis exit, be bad an Idea. He grabiset lte statue af tha Vlrgin Mary and ran out tha door. Whan ha got home, ha bld Il under bis bed and wmote titis letter. Jesus, l'vy got yaur Mama. If you ever want ta ses er again, give mesa bike. Yau LnW wbo. Oflen, we fuel titat we need ta bold Goti bostage ln altIer ta se Hlm answer aur prayers. We forget titat Ne reaiiy laves us and desires ta, give us good titinga. Oflen, we fuel untieservlng and atander wbetber vie can appraacb God. Tbankfully, tbe way ta Gad bas been made accessible titmugb a persanal relatlonsbip with Jesus Cbrist. Ta Find out mata about Gad, visit a cburcb near you this Sunday. Service times andi locations may bu found in tite directory beiow. HOLY ROSARY PARISH 878-4535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Mar"i Street Mm ait5:30 ps.Salurday 9.411Oaa., 10-30 a&m. & Nues Seady ST PETER CHURCH 9â Liaite'Briuua Mass ait 9:00 amn Sussay Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P - Minuster - j Rev. John Benhama 7t. - Inîerlm Mînlolur - UNI TfRev. Dr. John Ambrose CHS DireeIor of Music- - Judly HunIer SUNDAY MARCH 5,2000 10:30 a.m Worship anti Churcs Schaol Sermon- 'THO nEmITRieuToN oe waEswTH Nursy cure availablu FmIIN» am e fstiy .5s..5sB.r saus.5b. V5.5 sW.5s httpdOww.gtsb*A»r.ses..t-sip.ssssta, I~ nformations Lino 878-1189 The Power of Love The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship SI Kide Church 100 Nlpleang Rond, Unit 3 Peators: Ceptas Dan and Woody Brousse Far mare Information about aur aervicea, and otiter pragrammlng pleaae caîl 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERBY RD. (betwveen the rire Hall and Housital) Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs il arn. SUND)AY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE "Solessan AssernblylDay of Prayer & Renewal" 1lam SUNDAY ADVENTURELAND FOR CHILDREN Tues. 7 prn Jr. Hlgh (gr. 6,- 8) Wed. 7 pas Pioneer Clubs <ages 4 - 12) Thurs.l7piniSr.High (gr. 9 -OAC) For mrnoeii- o onouradis, mens, y<:iths and childrens minstr, pIres csii the chiirch oiee. DISCO VER / AMAZINO FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FREE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BIBLE GUIDES BIBLE LESSONS Whem is QI whes puple ar ufeo icng and .Iying?! *Whens upusao die,, whaI tIson? *Whati., the secretl,, a happy lf? Is Iahr o.îfor hotiworkd? Disuw he auîsig Bhle arswenthecad o0ioky questionss Lii elct yîou happinss. Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 On the eh aihup//www.v'op.cibm and ww.asasgfauIs.îrg/hihloauh.cîI/chooîaai.cp *BANAlI The ulterance of Goi Is a lamp, wse iight are these words: Ve are the fruits of one tree, andi the leaves of one branch, Deal ye one with another with the utmnost .love and harmony with frlendflness and feliowship. - from the Basa'i writngs LOCAL: ..............................878-011 REGIONAL: ...................... 1-800433-3284 GLOBAL:..................... www.bahal.org VI=TVUUAOUO JS COMMUNMNOR 7MELORD' SUPM JSTAOTERELOJUM OBLIGTION VdHT DOESl f TAU MEAN Visit us titis Sunday soiyou cant knaw wbat the word of God ays about the Lards Supper as vie continue aur study.of tihe tabernacle. 10:00 A.M. - Momnmg Worslsip Milton Leisure Centre (Board Roosis) (separate services for chiîdren 9 years aud under) Check out Pastor Chartes Boyce on Cogeco 14 in bis 'Wisdom for lte Week" "LivingA l4cionious 14e Dy lise Woesl 0f Gcd' Pastor Chartes Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboycc@interhop.net I I I a Re ous Sevc J DPcor