Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 2000, p. 17

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The Canadien Champion, Frsday, March 3,2000-17 The Speech & Language School Junior Kindergarten to Grade Three Speech Putisafogist and Acudeos>' Direccar Judy Nacisunsan is pieasei ta, anneunco thucTALC Acuieu' is navý accepting applications for che fail ef 2000.TALC Academy> is for ciiliren micis specif- ic uni intensive speech and lueguage eeeds. Chiudres mich a iistary ef speech uni language dola>', expressive uni receptivo voauular>' difficul- tien, uuditery memor>' dolu>, meuknessos in che aras of grammur sisilis. auditer>' precessisg, sequencing. novera phanaiegicol ar aral metor dif- ficaities meuhd ail besei frera thse speciuiizei pro- grams. le addition, chiudres in Grades Oee ta, Thrae experionciog difficuit>' mitis reading, speliig. mrittes lunguoge, uni che lunguage af stathemoatics are uppropriace candidates. TALC Acudera' is a foul year pragrans fer primu- r>' ageai chiudres. Juniar uni Senior Kindergurten clusses us moul as a Grades Cee, Tmoauni Tisree progruos ara offersi ut thse Acudemy>. Speech Language Pacisolagint uni Directer Judy Nuchunsen expluins chut as moul us individualiîzo ciassreees pragrammieg uni emoli clans sizos students recoîve dail>'. indinisuai ane ta, ane speech uni language ciserapyThera are mon>' ciiliran wich intensive speech uni lungugo soeds misa mauli honeft frara duil>' ane ta, one therapy", expluios Nachas. Usfortuotey wicis tise cut bocks io. thse isaspitai uni the scisoal systotus, duil>' ane ta, ose cherapy ar sosuil grasp support is sat uvail- able far mot chiliren". TALC Acudleosys speech ani lungage focsssei cunriculums miii incegrace ch. Individual speech uni isegouage neeis af the scuients ino tise Kindorgurteands Primas-y grade classrooms.Tne indMvdual therapy goals of eacis student mvli ho monlcared and enhancei within che language eeriched classrooms of TALC Acaierns. "Our goal is tco develop uni eshunce comamunication skills se choc stuiencs will ho able ce succonsful- ly roture ce, che regular school systeos" scaces Nachanson. 'As moîl as incensive one ce ave daily therapy,TALC Acadevqs aise, offers intes- sive classraosm support. Direccer of'~ Academic Operaciens David Fisher explains chat the " . ce Kiniergarcen classes ut TALC Academy have a maximum of frteFl elght students. The Primary il1l classes have a maximum of cmeive students with a coucher on t and educationai assistant."ln an enviromost mîis this much indi- . sl viduaI assistance in the classraom *EW me are able ta progratac meet individal neois" explaies Fisher The TALC Acuiemny Kindorgurten pragram voill use creutino play en erier ta, dovelep speech, eral language uni sacializatian sitillînThe precurser sitilîs choc are secessary for rouiing soch as rhyosiog, pheneosit awareneso. leccer uni soai recegnities and pactemninif are us integral parc af che Kinergarcen pragruos. Tise Kisiorgarten pragruos milI ulsa facas en ievelopieg osemer> skils. vocahuar>' develepseot gruomoar skilis ani audicor>' precessing."Theso are vital skilîs for chul- ires ta ievelop" oxplaies Nathanoe. "At TALC Acaiemy> me present these skilîs sn a mu>' chat s fuand oalleo che scadents ta acisieve success at choir omn level". Pull andi Haif Day programo are avaitlable andi parents cars choose fs-rn one te fiee days a week. 'Mue>' parents have aisa osreilei their chiliren ie choir lacal schaei's kindergarten pragruos us moul", expluios Nathansas. ChiuresC mi th sec h and lue- gaage neeis ver>' aften have a greut desi of difficait>' acquirisg roading and writteo languago sitilis. The Grade Ose ce Three classroam pragrumo ac TALC Acuiemy are fouse onevelaping -Sec deul ef individuai pragramming uni - phanics.Tisere are mue>' different a types af phonits programs chat me * z une for chiudres" expluins David - e fishot Fisher, mho is a punt nemine ferT.V. OntariesTeacher ef tisoYear staces "chat me have fauni chat same chul- iren master che Phenetit raies misen tise>' are presonted in tise ferra af sangs. Other chiudres neei a mare visuai apprach uni for chose chul- ires me use a calaur cadei mari fuamil> uppreuch.With iniividuuiizei pregrumming. me ras une che methodai chomrits bent fer each chili". Tise remuinier af che Primary progreos. iscluig mach. science, sacial studios, muasic-and pisysical educacian ns presencedi n u stuoner chut empisu- sites languoge skilis. Directer and Speech Lanugeg Pachelegint Judy Nachuas bas us extensive backgraund mich proviisg Innoautive speech ani languoge pragrara- osing for chiudres. She bus hees o Speech Language Pathaiagist far che pont cmenty noves years uni han markedin s ispitai uni sciseai houri seccings ail acrens Canada. Sise han a Master's af Educatian Degree.TALC Acadeos>' miii he starting its thiri year in Septerahot Par tise pasc six yoors sise bus eperaced CAMP TALC misich praviies speech uni lunguago pregramming fer chiliren betmeen thse agen af chree uni tes. Judy in olsa affiiiatei mich McGiii University misera nse super- vison Monter Level stuients in thse Speech Patheiagy Pregrans. "TALC Acadeo> is in oerution hecouse parents asked far intensive uni insoaoive speech uni lunguage services far choir cisiliren" exploins Judy Nathunson. "Parents af cisiliron mith snpeech uni lungage difficuitios knew chat tise reseurces are soc availahie in tise systeot ta, isel>' cheir cisiliren reucs choir poeesiai. TALC Acadeos> is far parents seoking intensive isdiviiual pragramming uni dail>' cherapy for choir cisiliren so chut tse>' miii he roui>' te, enter or retura co tise sciseel system mich o iirra faundatian af speech uni longoage sils. Our pragreos is ver>' specializei uni unique. Tise chiudres me mark mich have intensive speech and longuage neois. Wo have a bsig jais ced i s rder ca meet choir neois and me lave daing te. In order to find out more about TALC Academy and how it can help meet the needs of your child, please cail Judy at (905) 319-7011. Unique Summer Camp Can HeIp Your Child im According to David Fisher and Judy Natlanson, yq chlld la havlog speech, seguagle or acadernc difficulis chili nee" ta go ta i'.elr sommer camp. , Six years aga Nadianson and Fisher more frustrsco tecuthadis and long masong Ma for Speech s and services for cidreit. Theïr frustration led dsemn tam Ilob a sommer iqy camp for tidren wlth speechon sed academlic ddkveim Camp TALC (Nhnking, Articulation,.Language and Conssmcao) allers ch Tht>' ou>' olsa receire ondiidol and seuill group ssa for phanics rltten laoguage and riait Jody Nathanm a Registered Speech Laeguage Pashlogst aed David osea espmerea pia"r> teacher. Tagedher the>' hmn learolel cao ha successisit ODavid Fisher says '1la sksdqsae mo crus"iv way of dellverhsg speechs wwsssage searvices te ddwsIdrn ho eai Childe "wecle oas.heur ef esseteoattsw ho a Usd canp umireomenW». SAccordlsg ta jadis Nalisanso op ta cen perceot af sdhoal 08e childree cao have speech or language dhiil These dlficcsfoes can Impact oe a stodeet's acadesmdc gromth in ail areas cf the school prograsft These difi osa> lodude readirg and mnacten langualge prohiems,. lation problemo.,phaosaixgicl dlooriers, dlhiirafoies P ng oral hformotioe. memor>' dificultieo.weas vocais sifs, orsl formulatoon prohlemooead social langoage ses. ETarly intervention and programmisg cao esa a chdd mIls speech and laegsage cdfiulshes cao ho s fu i ac school'. eplailssJudl' Nathoosan. 0f couse oe of the esfacc of goveremeet cstha samis and hospitals han heee duat acems ta speech O ixsgoge services for childreso hmv hee e mduced. 'f are ý face. mlong msslng îlots for speech and langs services". st Doel Fser Mer purposa e sterm Camp TALC mas ta design se imadiv speech and guage pogam misera leornleg la han This os osa six mer operatix: s liqae camp". Tise camp ts locate dus salesdQEW sre& Ha wasd Pug dsppe sas gaslahl ho to week Mhiales (rom » 3ht p - I lt11 with Speech,Language & Academics sur INOD I4IIMZED PIIOGRANIMIPG me hae a oumber of chidren reho do sot have speech or allers lie pesi îyoar 'Y eiv tha chdiro ne pro wmin desage to language dificuaies registor mIls us for specuiic help midi the lose staff s omet theïr indiviiuel veede. Thatsmlsp me screen ail of reodog suiRs" sucte Naolioo ad Picher. needu.The cas i mvidi our ampera hefore lise sarc af camp",says lad>' PU4CEMEHT SITE FOR MtcG#LL UNIPERSITY do noc let liVg, Ntasn sarsuttecm rganPrn se 1gtage Nisesive Aud ofirsailis ro spechand 'Tise saccessocf due camp ic a resait cf the faha- the aneas cfs luage s teose siullsaio rassiy specosi. people me have moroing widi us" camp design porc of air camp progjam is mxplis jody Nalisaesoo. CamspTALC is A h n ilires ieoigned ta stiomiste a is hon- 0. ove cf due cinicat plceen sites for st t hema gugeskll. heon t oedents mc McGLL University misa an ins the speech and i py oag du Th os taoneMasters Fragrarn en Cosseuiscaion mi their tii tance dierspir diat du titires iiur t Sciences soi Disariers. This year grarisis Daily Fis h rcoe 5ro5raei b>'. ise rloait & aloes Speech Padiology stuients vmii ho day froo tam Fcher aflter cm progrm r-nt' si Location woring asier Ju4s' supervision and en ov f cfdu su eut hve- d orsalfdsp cam roe jl& tsua msltme a able ta aller a one parents cao c a> hocd one th sar os aeis e J my Aui-a to tw stf-sdn itio. We have UIE a ~ ~ ~ 1 td ch leet smi a a sA osidat mhen tho stuients ane given cmi ten brqa0 preamsoi rt- ffl dun eis ch hidivda attenton. die acai- Tise ory th o cu teelangsag proroomrtaernitgains cas ho quise mmsahaie.' Ficher anmd n md craft ani msic, disosa say Davi Fier Some cf lise staff ho fun.Paren soi gloses. AiH pares cf the Camp t ha bees milisCamspTALC for six years. "Ail campIt o o prograns ane language hasod. For Agothstf degea glyienve uucsfli uie. esample. sn Music, Dranso ani *A S Ten spch sand aneroe tahinigi> beltecamp ansdcpesyh-1 cute. Gomes.simple childreois poses stru. says judy Nalisso. "Au o resutdte chu- speech soid coites ng ane ooei ta enoc such con- to dren receive intesive speech soi language stiamule-es ratas speech soi icsgsage skilsosimsers< donc oves r oceso aaarsasare 1105S KIK AND MATH Nadisoson. ifihiil- Campre mispehsiigagiciecy ay COPTALC ahfers aJuior Kindergarten soisa Senior 'Wch ailc Chilrenwit spechandlanuagedificutie, tpicly isiergorten progroos for chidren Muhes di o fmi. Tht>' gramo. Camp re tht have prohiemu mises the>' ane iearsig ta read. Tht Camnp receine individuai speech and language dieapy tf needei. as services fors arceau- TALC progroos ha hees ver> sutteshol in teachhsg and mol as a luoguage rich Kisiergarten pragroosln m iii have hsaî 6 meadlog shills. 'Y*e aller a vaniet>' of readsg approaches fo enable dieue chidres ta ev;p due secessar>' precarsar' Ca rg dta ciireand soi miuse du approach lisatmvorha hoot for eath sils for remig soi mritng CamopTALC olsa celloes Math an more tisa i so chill. WAe iseheve so'ongly ind thsportance cf phanis, but RueOediOmYWe hmav foiod dut suis> of our chiliren r ý icreses me have o sisoser cf ifèrent meediod of teadding M-OO esperence dilloities in osodensalits because die>' dosot ae Ica" mpinoDavid Fisher. "Sass cilres can aqure dutihse d igaec otsoois eilisj> camp soi thi bg phonics dkits aslog music and sogs. Odier cldee may piadwsaeoN* ane ollerhsg Indviduel on to . on si- Parentsdii Ias- eeed a mare eisua spproach duât stay lodude maori bora e tance sodi seut group prograng duat mdl ose banis on Reliter sun sias so our cadls<. Au met an due oindoduansl ma et oteris inl orner ta anierscaoi due languagre soi concepts Ils. fro dIs gsotp phanics lescrucSoscampers receive reaiof an sooaated it mois ouiossos' re& o tpea puMo mrltong progranosdag each day i h dur larger camp groip. M T n "Children cao practice soi use due sils that tht>' an RMEDIAIlOD1 N RI Ins order horvsg sn die ane ta one sessios sodin stdu grop settmg For due un>' parents misa an liughfr extra asis- how is cas each dey Osa readiag progruos ha hees sa Suiu cha.lt tance for duer chilldroer u esurnm«eCa"spTALC, lu t 1905 hct sion.The isdivilaiaed pregramosi n "ndet ratio assiots each camper midi their sp progruos cao help maie sure chat stodens r acaderii shilils"sIip' oner due suneet ce ooiog for esrichmeet oppertuites in sacheomatosýreodsg soi mrnisg cao have the o isdivdoaised prograre for duer iidres. of due camp sension, parents miii ho given a vgusge sasetur>' repart that cao ho oharei IcI othoal sn Septeosher ta assist milis pro- tasmsescaios hacha an sent home suds pmich goses soi foiiom up activts.At due wner Judy cao help design a prograruos a u musle ta mark is midi r ildures. JN isg chat hadi judy Nalisanoando David ueat abosot la that due camp progrsos has ta us cao tell choir chiudres duc ane catsig ta cscbaoorTon many cf car campers have hees n schoot. We do camp liigs ir« camp sango poses. It is just duat oor camp fotuses os nguage, modieg moi mritang and math, id ifs misile lise>' ane sieging and piayisg soi duey aise that die> ane ieseissg' eplais Jai>' f lihe ctdacha ta stisool soi haspitai pro- TALC lu providleg desperatel>' neeiei chidren etriask. Over due paut sanssers me lous foedacfom pareots reprdsg due soi liheir tisilires' gromdthinh ail aieao.We ohappy ta pronise paa'nc seNs says David Rsher"We an reul>' pressa of osa e maork moe ewth due dNIdreo SAe aller pesas dhiki i Ca"mTALC, oi. if alller eh pesa ase net hspsW . ue i ta fioutan more aout TALC Acades>' soi weip ment due nos of peur chili. please rail I319-7011.

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