v The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Februay 25, 2000 - 9 Man charged with making 7Woman ehargedmhi alleged' threat in siots altercation $5,500 welfare fraud case A mai was cisarged with making a threat in connection witb an alter- cation ai Moisawk Raceway recent- ly. Halton Regional Police say two people were sitting beside escis otiser playing aloi machines attse Csmpbellville race track wisen one man ssked tise otiser to move iss foot. Words were excisanged aid it'a alleged one of tise men made a tisreatening comment to tise otiser. A Mississauga mai was cisarged. Main punched in face Police are iookissg for two whsite jmalea after a mai was puncised in tise face last Friday. At about 1 am., a mai was walk- ing home ai Main aid Commercial streets wisen two young maies bumped into hlm. Words were excisaiged and tise victint was puncised several timea in tise face. Police are iooking for iwo whsite maies between tise ages of 16 aid 20 years wearing basebail caps. One person ws wearing a yellow and red jacket. Police Blotter Stranger in kitchen Residents of a Bell Street home found a atranger standing in tiseir kitchen Monday. People were in tise home when tisey iseard a noise coming fromn tise kitchen. Upon investigation, tisey found a maie youtis in tiseir isome. Tise maie fled and tise police were caiied. Police arrested a 14-year-old maie youtis, wiso wss cisarged witis break aid enter and failing to comn- ply witis probation.. Impaired chargea laid A resident contacted police Sunday sfter ise witnessed a near collision on Thorapson and Derry roada ai about 3 s.m. Wisen police arrived, tisey noticed a veisicie swerving. Police cisarged a man witis dri- ving wisile impaired and isaving over th~e legs> lirait of alcoisol in is blood. Germas, Shepherd stolen Police say a seven-year-oid white Germait Sisepherd wss stolen frora a Firsi Line home Februssy 2. Tise dog weigiss about 100 pounds, is wisite aid is black on its back. Tise canine aiswers 10 tise namne of Keele. Counterfeit mnoney found Tise use of counterfeit money is on tise risc ai Moisawk Raceway, police say. Lait Friday and Saturday, about $190 wortis of counterfeit money tumed up at tise Campiseliville race track. Snowmobiles stolen Two 1997 Polaris Skidoos and a homemade trailer were stoien front tise rear of a business on Ontario Street Nortis Sunday between 4 and g pr.. Tise two snowmobiles, wortis $5,000 cacis, were sitting on a isomemade silver irailer valued at about $500. Police are investigating. I~i~'~! &! S IIV1 No f.91 mzà homcU Rent & relax f rom $7.60/mo. or purchase with a 10 year warranty for $348 + installation Cai for a f ree in-home estimate or for the take comfonr showroom location near you: m IOfl (905> 469,570 Bturlington 1 Oakville eriergy or 14888-71-UNION BRADCLEMNTS aren toM.., INVSTMENT ACCOUNTS 878- LE6576arOf t IV RRSP LOANS WALT ELLIOT un«.s eUfl 4 RRIFS 876-3377 w.? un wwwwtc.wow auffi OO »Me RESPa MUTUAL FUNDS à SEGREGATED FUNOS * otj no 0" ISUALI LABOUR SPONSOAED FUNDS NUAC HASSON TWISS FINANCIAL SERVICESJ ATTENTION ALL ELECTORS i THE FOUR AREA MUJNICIPALITIES COMP1USING THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON N oto Rsoon REGARDING THE DIRECT ELECTION 0F THE REGIONAL CHAIR 2000 ELECTION NOMINATIONS AND THE CANDIDATE CAMPAIGNS For thse firet tisne in the history of the Regional Municipality of Halton, electora throughout the Region will vote and disnctly clect a person to fil> the position of Regionai Chair for the 2000-2003 teri of Regional Council. Candidates rsnning for the office of Regional Chair will have their naines on tise ballots in ecish of tise four area nssnicipalities within tise Regional Mussicipality of Halton. naniely tise City of Burlington, and tise Towns of Oakville, Halton HuIs and Milton. Tise Municipal Elections Act, 1996 stass tisai a candidate's election period begins on tise date tise candidate files a nomination paper. Contiibutions are considered to be any inoney, goods or services given to, or accepted by, or on beisalf of tise candidate aid isaler canspaign. Nomination Procedure: t . Nominations uamng tise prescribed form, sisal> be filed at tise Office of tise Regional Clerk. Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, in person by cither tise candidate or isher agent; sduing thsebouts of 8:30 am. to4:30 p.m.L on any given day fromnnow until October 12,2000 when tie office is open wo tise public, or * during tise hours of 9:00 a&e. wo 5:00 pin, on Nomination Day, Fsiday, October 13, 2000. 2. lise nomination shall be: * in tise prescsibed formi available froint tise Regional Clerk or any of tise Ares Municipal Clerk'a offices; * accompanied by a fiing fee of $100.00 payable in cash, certilled ciseque or mnney order. payable w 'Tise Regional Municipality of Halton, aid, *accompanied by a consent wo tise nomination aid a declaration of qualification, botis in tise prescribed forin, signed by tise person being nominated. 3. 'ise onus is on tise person nominated for election to an office to file s bona fide nomination 1,9cr. Joan Bagiesisses, CMO Regional Clerli