S IGbH5,SCHOOL REPORT nisuOP REDINO E.C. DRURY IBi. SCEOL HISE SCUSOL L- -À 1=bl T SLiI 86 Royal Report By Diana Bedoya & Justin Yantho Tht varyîng wcatlier conditions have sot atýered tht ambience of Bishop Reding. Students have liesn focusing os their new semnester and trying 10 adapt t0 fthir licst abitity. Due 10, Environosent Canada's storm warning tant Fridsy, tht danse wtt postponed until tht third of Miareh. Previously purchascd tickets are stili vatid and more are availalte. Refunds witt lic issued to att tlote who cannot attend on the new date. The tsng'awaited retura of tht Bîtliop Reding Eucire Toursament bas finally anrived. Tht event soc huants more teams and more intense, high ansîety tevets of play. Wednesday was an exciting day for att students, as il ttlowed for an asmoesphere of comfort tliroughout the achoot. Pajama day wtt the per- fect opportunity for students îo, avoid the liassles ofecarly mormsg preparations and pmecced straight 10, sehool. Scholarship information conccrsisg "Escellence Awards" it avait. ale in student services. Seniors wlio require additional commnnity ser- vice boums to fulfill graduation requiren ar ecncouraged lu participat in student services organized programs. sabras are rrquired. especiatly in mathemnaties, for students with difficulties in specifie subjccts. the prospective tutor must havesa minimum 'B' average in the course of study in which hae or tht plans ta teach. "Yout Aiding Youth"i ia mensoring prograin for students aged 15-19 and saines place on Mondays fromn four Ion is ai J.M. Denyts School. Ths in the ideal opportunity for students 10, htlp Ilose with difficultits in thtir studies and ansumne a renpected position. Students in grades oint through twelvt rectived thecir option theet presentalsons lant wcek. Tht fora must ba fllled ont and retumned in student services hy Martch 1 with a check for $45. Thts fce envers the cos of registration and the yearliook. Bishop Reding thespians proved thtir excellence liy thtir Stars Festival estry. "Scenes froin a Café as Five O'clocin the Evening"' was written and diretd liy Vicky Artinoif and lioasttd the perfor- mances of many talented students. Thare was a screenisg of the nIa- dent-productd play as the nehool tant Thursday. It wtt performed for-. mally on Wedncnday in Burlington. Congratulations 10 aIl who partici- Royal sports entliusiasts were disappoinscd 10 set the end of varions team's seaaons over tht pas wcek. Tht senior boys' liakethaîl teain compesed in a toumnament in Kitchener lant wcekcnd, afler îhty were eliminaied fromn the playoffn. They played strong gamen and were ale to defeat powerful ttamns but wert nos uttimattly victorious. Congratulations 10 the graduasing mtmhtrs of the tena: Simon Ford. steve Perinovie and Sean Pierce. The senior girl's volleyliall scanon alto came 105a close over the pas wcek whtn thty lot a crucial playoff gaine 10 Georgetown. the girls redeemied themnelven aisa departure of Use following seniors: Katie Locke, ansie Parent. Melanie Gilbert, Jaclyn Hlunt, tara Dolan and Lauren macDonald. Congratulations for your excellent efforts over the pant fiye ytars. Tht bonds madt witli others throughout higli sehool are vital i0 the devtlopinettt of future friendthips. We bope that the departing seniors have made acquainsanes Ilirougli sports and oshtr social interactions shas will influence future relatiomshipt: "Bacli friendthip representa a worl in us, a world posailily nos hors until tlity arrive, and il is only liy ibis meeting that a new world is ioen."-Anaü. Nin Datolino Drury By canclice Hugo, Sarah Hamiton, Krialyn Di Giroaumo Welcome back 10 Dateline Drury. This past week han becs liuny for aIl students, whether they were ftllisg out option sheets, beîng honoured for academic achieversents. or practicisg for tht play or j panticipating in playoff garnes. Here is a tante of what lias becs going os. Unfortunately after baving acbieved an arsazing league record of nin and ose. Use Senior Girls Volîcybaîl tears wtt defeated liy M.M. Robinson tant Monday in tht quarterfinal round of playoffs. 'Ibis tars wan a group of talettd, dedicattd players, who did an excellent joli represestisg our school. If you happes to pats ose of shese ladies in tht hall give thero a pas on their liack for ail their liard work. E.C. Drury dots bowevcr bave a Volîcybaîl tars advancing to tht sersifinats and Usas tars woutd ba tht Junior Girls. Tht Junior Girls Volîcybaîl tars played an arsazing game againat Assomption. Ibis past week. to advance in tht ptayoffs. Congratulationts and Good Luck girls! Alto advancing to, G.H.A.C. are many of Use Wrestlcrn. Lat wcek thcy plactd firaI as tht Halson Toursament beid as Drury. Tht Drury wrettlers will take 10, Use mats again for G.H.A.C. and O.F.S.A.. We witi ba sure lu kecp you up 10, date on bow Ibis tesos in progretsiitg. Tht schoot reacli sou. txperienced a tante of vicsory an Usey fin- itbtd three and one as Useir mont recet tourament as Wbit Oaks Sccondary Sebool. Other achievers were bonoured as the annual bonour roIl break- fast Ibis pas Thursday. whicb is for students wbo have achicved 75% or higber. Many stodenta sas and tnjoyed a lovely rotai pre- partd liy Use food schoot whilt- they were being recogniztd for sheir bard work and achievemrents, for tas sersester. Lant bot nos lest wc would lune 10 inform you that thit yearn play Fider Won .tef bas been potbtd liack a fcw wcekt. Ail Use cat. band, andi set members are wurking bard 10 make this performance tht best ever. We witl lie sure lu inform you about ticket sales as tht opesisg niglit approaches. Sst, as you cao sec, ail sîndents are extrcmcly liusy and ibis about wraps op this wceks article. lot ont st rsention to, every- ont planning to retors 10, tehool in tht fait that yoo must I ouI your option shcets. wc will set you nexl week. tarse lime, tarse place. Grade "A" News at MDHS By Jacqueline Basa and Marissa Cheskey l certamnly was a beutiful snowy weekend, but it didn't amount 10 enough for a snow day on Monday. Oh wvell! Hopefully everyone had the chance 10 do stme of their favourite winter activillea on the weekend since il doesn't look like the snow will laat for long. Option aheets were due this week at M.D.H.S. If you haven't filled one out even if you will not lie returning next year, please see smiling Mrs. Schofield in the Guidance office. Wednesday was quise an amusing day during period 3 in the cafeteria. Romance was floating tbrougli Uhc air as some senior students were auctioned off as dates for junior students to take to the Junior Semi-Formal. This was a great way to have somte laughs and also to raise money, whicb will lie split between Prom Committee and Student Councîl. Junior Semi-Formal is quicly approaching next week on Thursdsy, March 2nd fromt 7- 1l in the eveniing here at the sebool. some seleeted senior Student Council membera have been selected to belp out as this event by setting up. serving food and doing anything else that needs 10 lbe done. tickets are stiUl leing sold in the front hall during period 3 for $17 or $30 for a couple. So get out your dancing shoes, juniors. Il will lie a blst! The grade 9 English and Geography classes have recently started working on a major projeet called "Tapestry of Nations." this project is a tudy of immigration and population in Canada. A display of research and interactive booth presen- tations will lie open 10 the whole school as well as to parents and the public on Mardi 23rd and 24th during the achool day. tbis should lie an interesting display of researchi and liard work. Everyone ii welcome! Lastly, we would like to, give an update fromn the talented Music Departmnent of M.D.H.S. the Senior Concert and Jazz bands and alto the M.D. choir are busy planning a trip 10 the Maritimes! this trip ia tcheduled to, leave on May 28th for 8 days. While away the students involved will lit on a perform- ing tour. Students will gel a tasse of what tome of their living arrangements may lie like next year. as tbey will lit taying in universîty residence for the duration of their stay. To raise funds for Ibis trip, students will lie selling chocolate bars. Mnmm! So take pity on these budding musicians and buy a yummy treat to support thts good cause! Alto from tih Music Depatment: Musicfeat was held today for tht Senior Concert Band in Misaîssauga. we hope that everything went well for al of you! Tht Junior Concert Band will alto lie performing as musicfest in Mississauga next Saturday, Mardh 4th. Break a legI. Senior Jazz Band will alto wow everyont with aperformance as Hamilton Place as tht Weil, Usatstums up tht major newa for thts week as M.D. Thanks for reading us agaln and have a wonderful wetkend! 7WWhy doothe driing oursoura thnstrctors oveie Young1 yers.rs. Maybe it's because Young Drivers has thirty years of ou ntutr vrteps 0yas experience teaching collision avoidance. 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