30--The Canadian Champion, Fndcay, February 25. 2000 MODULAR Telephane Iaterface Limited, isTeTw fOkil.vihapplto f gvrrqie forRENE cern- one of the largusi authorized disinibulors of NORTEL 14,00 is a gise-ofle ruquireni for Ma Nelwnrkn nyntems te medium andi large bunînennun. vvin cm ta look aller 3 childiren in We currenily have an immediate oeniig ter an: inteGe rTrnoA .Fa home. M ni ta ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CL R Fridm a li 876-4am4, anhect etcceenb paalcan agat il eentil ail aller 5:00pm. Thpect ofuccunt caddt b epa nble maaee tnIt EXPERIENCED DAY- Perchane Ortiera, metaran (RMAn), inveicea, credita E DE T n I AC I T N CARE. Nutritioue tan, etc .N ofatitn akilîn and abitiiy te aerk aiih RECREAT~~ I N A SSISTmA NT snacks, etractaresi & deadtinen ahi t ceerdinating euth otetrin lethe Fiîaa- nhsatcaddie tosuedy av wa t fee py atvte. cicat tiapariment are annentiat. Enperieece in Busi- weeaacankrvntonced yu aenht i ta y activitia' nesa Vinion anti Micronoft office akilîn are an annet. takes o assn nithe Recreaion Supervinor in praparing, organ- w kteîntoin, Ta apply. snnt or tan a reseme andi ceeering leiter te izng aid adminniering operating camp aid March break cas Carol,8î'-020. the attentien et Sanida Beatty ai: prograrn. Among your reupona b iane are prepaning RAINBOW Village Day- Modulai Talillisas I.arfa Lu., brochuren, schedaten aid regîiraion information, ordering ca Centra hs a taw - 333 Wyereft tlead, Oakvitte, On, L6K 2H2 necennary sapplien, aid organizing faciliiy requirementa epeans avaltable. Qeui- tan 905-338-5446 to ennuie the smnooth operation of the programa. Your ty ciide for chitdren Wa tbank ait iiterented in MTI. Only ihane candi- minimum of 2 years of eaperience ln napervising chitdrenN' 18 menthe te 5 tnaarn. daten ada qaalitty for interviewsn wielth centacted programs or nummer camp adminintration ns backed by a Music. computars, poni-secondary degren/dîploma in Recreation or a relted crfs 878-7552. discipline. High Fine training le preferred. RELIABLE Daycare avaitabta. Wilsn and To be coîsîdered for ihis 6-month itemporary position. Wuodward area. ______a_____________must_ ,ncld a no-u-ir-e attachmeni writh their _.Mase cati 876-4978. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT An eniablished, Tomonto baned, exacutîne search tinn as opening a branch office in a newly reeavated building la duwntown Oakvilie. An an Admin. Annintant, y nu ahil prnaîde cumpater-baaed nffice management & research te suppert 3-4 proeenian- aistn ainalet & international aanignmentn acruna a naniety ut induntry nectnra. $ Muai have Internet, Microsoft Werd, Excel and Email akia; b Muat be abte ta wnrk independentty un multiple and varied prulectu; e Muai hane exceltent interpersnaa akilta; e Shaald have mesearch enperience eaing the Intemnet, Directanies andi Databanen. This in a inhutme position attering a cempetitine compensation package. Please submlt a fuit resume by fax or emnailto1: The Bedford Consulting Group Inc. 132 Reynolds St., Oakvitte, O N L6J 3K5 Fax: (905) 338-0662; Emait: aIiison@bedfordgroup.com OTHE COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE (CCAC) 0F HALTON The Cammunity Care Accena Centra (CCAC) ai Ifaltte neeka a CCAC nember et nkilted, metinaied and ctient erieaied individuala ta nian theif tMitVBriet descriptiona ai the nariaun poaitions anaitabte tettea. Fer the mare tietaiter job peatiega, niait ear aeb site: hnp://www.ccac-hatan.on.ca/ Pregra Mamauwr <Feti-time): Yen ment be ticeeaed te practice in the Provnece ut Ontario, andi pannesa a Bacinetar et Science in a heatth-retated discipline plus have 3 te 5 yeurn' management eaperieece, er the eqainateet in educatian aind expe- rîence. Yee ali tead a team ai Cane Maeagers aed Team Ansistants prvid ig tead- ernhip andi administration aubhin the mandate uftihe CCAC. Yee aiti pertermi ether deien andi pralecia; an aasigeed. Oaally and Stanid" DewIop.aat Managur (Feit-time): Yae muai trace a Bacheter et Science in a healih-retated discipline atang aitti 5 yeara eeperieeoe ie Oeatity/Riak Management pregrama, pragram denelepment, prooram ptanning and enateatian inithe healtt nectar. An eqeinaleni cambinatian ut eeperience and edecatien in accecptable. Preticiency in niatintica preparatian! analynin and.in the une et computer baneti niatinticat reparting nyntema ia rentuireti. Eaperieace wlth the Accreditatien precean in a detinite annet. Cam Marn,. (Caneat getietlllegular Pari-time Weekendn/Term Positiens): Yae ment ha licenneti ta aerk ie the Provnce et Ontaria, and punnean a Bacheler et Science in a healtt-relaieti discipline plus have 1 ta 3 yeamn cammaniYeeperience, or the eqaiesteet en educatian and experience. Repediaf ta a Pragrare anager yau will aarh aith ctients te determiîne etigibilty, annena needa, arrange nervice delicery, andi tettea ep. Tailait LAstut <Camai IliubuI> Ynui muni trace a punt neceedary achant diplama la a retated necretariat/adminintrative tield, with additiinat training rn medicat ier lagy. An eqeinateat cembinatien et edecatien and eaperience ai be ceaaidered. Yae ment trace a aaued tmewtedge et computers and soetware pragrama. Vea aiti previnte annistance te the Cane Maragera wilt client nervice reqeire- menin (Miing, taeing, pheiecepying, and eCher dutien an reqeired). Te be cannidered for any ai the ahane appertenliien, pteane tarreard year renume by March 6, 2000. queting the position ou are ieterented le, te: CCAC et Hat.., Atteniona: Hm@a Nasoroas 4403 Etizabeih Street, 4th Flnar, Bertingian, Ontario L7TR 2M1 Fan: (005) 639-5320 e E-mail: hr@cca-baltan.en.ca Note: Ait heagh yoar respense do. apprecaiee, oety those applicants ander consideration wîtdl be centactie. FUJLTIME Dental Assistant required inl Campbelt- celae oftice for Monday - Thursday. HARP Cari. Ne eapenience necessry Cati Wendy 854-2247. H.C.AJR.P.N. needed for privete home cars. 30-35 + heurs a aeek. $12.00dnour. Cati 878-4195. Fax us youf Classifieds 876-2364 renumen, demonntraiing hoce their skilîn aid euperience correspond t0 each ofitihe qualificaions aid accoantabilities of the job. We invite you ta forenard yoar resumne, by March 8, 2000, 10 the Human Resources Depariment. The Corporation of the Town of OakvlIe, 1225 Trafalgar Road. PO. Box 310, Oakville. Ontario, Lii 5A6. Fax: (905) 338-4425. No agendaes, pleane. Pernonat information for thin application is cottecied under the authoriiy of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M45 (as amendedt. We rhank ait candidares for rheir inreresr, howevnr only rhose applicanrs nelecred for an inrerview w/ili be conracred. Thre Town is an Equai O AKV I I IE Opporiunity Employer. Psoa Supr o okeser ..,.sd oy th * lhc po,. sion-N W 0w Wereha BILL'S lobs are! Trades andOD Cumputer Techrongy AUTO BOD Indantrial Electrician/ MjP Mechanic; Women in Trades; Consruîction or Computer Tachnicat; Software Speciaint; Network Administra- tor... Courases atari in Februery/March. Cati The Centre, (905)333- -dt o 3499 to join a tree into Hwdlaus-ra e, nfinitint comptintred? Attractive? te 8hai epecia nomenne thne onty thing misang? Minty River lntrduc- tiona, TOcs traditionial matchmaker -416-77- 19 erra 474, 6302. 305 V8, att poweer, custom - cap, liner, vieer, renîing Mboard, remet, erig. red aid sitver. Great cand. 173,O00K. $1900 0.13.0. Bea. 905-823-90360 eat. ehoulti tae? The Cen- adf, 905-457-5713. Stop ire otters maiy courses car thettl Sait ta li- aid certitication pro- canned recydler. 905- game. Find eut wais 457-5713. cewaiet our Free Febru- ary nia, essaions. Cali <905)333-3499, E.i&.101 LEA5E RECYCLI te registeriHS AE IRICHARDSONI ITelasse rpurcheae Ipar caror truckl Hy2S.a eyRd. L878-2393 _ -- ~--------------- - $ BURLINGTON BASED COMPANY HAS AN IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR General Office Staff Caedidaten nheuld pansena basic knealedge et cari- aun Windoas pragramn, gued telephene mannema and the abiiity ta multi-iank. A anrking knawledge eftihe Frencb language in a detrelie ennet. Dutien aiti in- clude: " Order denk eninien Acceunta receleable " Pradeci neercing Marketing " Cuniemer nervice Pleane lurreard renumne via Emnail nnly te: larry.beddin@ictpnwer.cumn