The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Fubruury 25, 2000 - 23 iravel DEITI Goliger 's. TraveiPlus Imagine one of the world's. geatest playgrounds in which to sun, swim, snorkel, scuba, surf, sail orjust sleep on the sand. Comprised of seven hundred islands and covering a distance of just seven hundred miles, the Bahamas are a favorite Canadian destination. Nassau, the capital city is situated on Niew Providence Island.. Nassau offers plenty to do in the downtown. Sightseeing by horse-drawn car- niage, dining, dancing and shopping at the famous Straw Market. Connected to Nassau by a 600 foot bridge the nightlife of Paradise Island calîs out to aIl visitors. The Atlantis Resort and Casino with 2,355 rooms, a 44 acre waterscape, a 7 acre snorkeling lagoon with live sharks, barracudas and stingrays, over 20 restaurants, 18 bars and lounges, 18 hole golf course and much more make this resort a must see. A few miles west of Nassau is cable Beach with two and one-half miles of sandy white beach. Cable Beach has first class and luxury resorta with the largest casino in The Islands 0f The Bahamas. For the travell or looking for a unique adventure, just a swenty minute scenic boat ride from Paradise island takes you to Blue Lagoon Island. Famous for it's beau- tiful beaches, great snorkelîng and nature trails. While on the island vis- itors can take part in the Close Encounter experience. You sit in shallow water while doîphins play around you. For the more adventure- some, the Swim with Doîphins pro- gram lets you spend 30 unforgettable minutes swimming"in the water with Vacatiouaers euîjoy the beautiful surf and samd on one of thse many sunmy belaches i Nassau. doîphins. A new attraction on the island, Stingray City, enables swim- mers to interact with a large group of southemn stingrays. Opportunities exist to explore the reefs and marine world of the Islands of the Bahamas while walk- ing along the sea bottom wearing a diving helmet. For the golfer in the famnily, Nassau, Pas-adise Island boasts three spectac- ular courses. For the fisherman, deep sea fishing boats take anglers out on half or full day fishing trips. Just a short 3 hour flight from Phüladeiphia' Flower Show March7, 4 days $499 Price iper persmi sharing îwîn and sncIndes atltîases. DeNure Tours 1-800O-668-6859 LumKIsy,csOnt #21032991 Toronto. Charter flights depart Toronto every Sunday and Thursday for Nassau, making the Bahamas a conve- nient location for a short getaway. With ail this to offer why not try a holiday in the Bahamas this year. Subminied by Elaine Shirley Golliger's Travellus. A"n- 878-2324 550 Ontario St. S. ' W Open 7 days a woek Miltan (Pizza Hut Plaza) Gol1ig1er'se &T rvelp lu s. i MORE SCHfEDULED FUONTS TO UNITED KINGDOM AND GERMANY ireig allowed iry your federal govemrmeils ini yoar best isierest to farther leveli of service aid compeition sn the skies. Thia îhoatd ADO TO THE LIST 0F 'ACCEPTABLE' FARES & TIMETABLES for iii leveli of ieed. We ihail iee. CANADA 3000 AIRLINES irai irees deiigsited i ichediied air carrier 10 serve tirese destinations, which tirey have iiready irees serviciig wiîir i varyisg iciredate for tire msosi part via their Charter air service. This decisios ils i direct resait of the governmesi'i sew compelitive airlise poiicy setwork 10 proteci the isiereai of Casadiansins air travel. Sirosid ire ai iiiereaig summer inlire air trivel isdistry - ail the more reaaon 10 SEE YOUR PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL AGENT FOR ALL YOUR OPTIONS, SOON! AIR TRANSA HOLIDAYS liAS RELEASED A 2000 EUROPE BUYING GUIDE 10 asist travel agents in iervisg their prodacla to lire public. Tis 48-page, fuil- coloîr guide ouilises tire compaiy's fuigua, irotls and car. restai packages for 23 DESTINATIONS IN EUROPE. New to tris year's product lise are fligiris from Torosto ta Warsaw, Malaga and Marseilles. Tis puirlication is ai added bool for tire teavel coasseilor pro 10 uie alosg witir tireir ows experiesce aid maiy otirer sources of data at iraid to hest assisi tirem in arraigisg your travel pias ail tire way. AIR TRANSAT WILL MOVE TO TERMINAL THREE in tire sprisg as part of lire reatrictsrisg takisg place is Caiadas sinisne isdsstry. ALWAYS make sire of tire terminal yoa are depintiig fromt os yoîr carrier, irefore leaviig for tire airport! ISRAEL -'THE LAND WHERE TIME BEGAN' - ils tireir sew mollo for 2000, and tireir Ministry of Toanise iras ai expaided menu in store for toaris for tris new year/cestury/millenniîm. HISTORICAL, CULTURAL aid immense EMOTIONAL APPEAL are tire Ieading edge items wiricir draw millions every year. But tirere ia su, mach more - spas, grand irotels, kinirsiz irotels, hot apringa, mud hats, arcireology, golf, îkiing, faitastic siropping. A MEMORABLE VISIT WE HAD THERE a couple of years ago sirowed so many dramatic offerings in tire H.C. & E. areas, and ail tire test was a very enjoyahie addition 10 tire enjoyment aid memnories. TRAVEL TIF 0F THE WEEK: RECENT TRAVEL PROBLEMS WE HAVE 'ENDURED' remindi s s ell yoa tu, ire patient in travelling - tirere iiia saying - 'even afler your travel agent iras completed ail tire masy arrangements necessary for a safe aid enjoyirnle trip for yoî, aiy ose of 45 tirings cai go wrong'! Having liraI 'person' 10 go 10 in tire flormn of yoar travel agent 10 assisi yoî is great, hotir in good aid especially tirose not-so-good travel limes! :e oll j 8748-2886 16 Martin Street (downtown) Also in Haîton Hilîs and Oakvuîle TAN BEFORE YOU TRAVEL A tan is natural sunburn protection. M4 Sun Tan Vacation Additionai 20 minutes FREE witi parchase of Fioravante Hair Designl Santan Lotion. Limited lime offer Let us create a NEW LOOK for you!! Dream Naifs Iocated wifhin Fioravante Ha/r Design Dream Nalla 693-1113 500 Steeles Ave. E Fomvante 876-0663