22-The Canadian Champion, Fnidoy Februery 25, 2000 Citizens give council petition to save bus service *tram LOCAL on page 1 The decision ta keep transit going waa met by quiet but seemingly hesrtfelt appîsuse from a crowd, largely comprised ai seniors, who came out ta witness the vote. Support for the bedraggled.system had also been submitted ta Town Hall in Uic farm, of a 600-signature petition. Statua quo service will be in place until March, 3 1, which is when the Town's contract with cur- rent provider Stock Transportation expires. But Laidlaw will slip into the driver's seat April t. Tlcy'li drive tIse service until the end of 2003, at ans upset limit cot af $27 1,000 per year. That's when ridera cati expect to, say goodbye ta familiar, fixed moutes. They'll be abandoned in favour of a flexible, demand-oriented service in which clients caîl ahead for door-to-door service in the urban area. The service shift could drive off ridera un the short terni, wamied Milton's coordinator of engi- neering services, Phil Antoniow. "You have other people to, collect and drap off," he ssid. "A 15-minute trip now inay become a Isaîf Isour or 45-minute route." Councillor Rick Maîboeuf expressed concemn that a service*already plagued by low usage would nisk loaing more ridera. 'The recommendation says if we go on wit.h this option, we'll lose riderahip,' he said. "t'm a litle concemned about what we're committing ta.,, But that will change as drivers adapt ta the new service, aasured Mr. Antoniow. "As the pro- grain grows, the service becomes efficient." Councillor Ron Furik nated that the Town had ta either get ail the way in or out of transit. He wondered if it would be cheaper to send resi- dents around in taxis. But that idea was nixed by Councillor John Challinor. "I think you border on intellectual flatulence to talk about aending people out in cabs. t support thse staff recommendation.' And while Councillor Art Melanson .had hoped for continuation of the present service, he waa pleaaed 'to see transit kept on. Currently, Milton Tranisit clocka in about 200 rides a day at a cost of $265.000 per year. Dpt'fiu Seric p Di>4etr Like sny good moîber, mben Karen fouad out tbat asoiber baby mas os tbe may, sbe did mbat sbte could do 10 belp ber 3-year-old sos, Michael, 10 prepare for a new sibling. Tbey fosad out tbat the uew baby mas going 10 ho a girl. and- Michael began 10 sing 10 bis sister in Mommy's tommy. Karea's prrgascy progressed aormally. Montbs passed and the delivery lime came. Senloos complica- tions armse. bomever, and Karen foond berself ia bouns of bard labour. Finally, afler a long struggle, Miebsel's littIe sister mas bore. Bot sbe mas ia very serioos condition. Witb a sires bowling in the nigbt, the ambulance rusbed Use infant 10 tIse neonatal intensive care tait as St Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee. Tbe days incbed by. The littIe girl gos worse. Tbe pediatricias bad 10 tell Use parents, "There is tery little bope. Be peepaeed for tbe wonst." Karen and ber bosbsnd coatacted a local cemelery about a banial plot. Tbey bsd fixed op a special room in their bouse for their new baby but 110w they mere planning for a funerai. Michael bowever, kept begging bit parents 10 let bim see bis sister. I. mass 10 singto5 ber." be pleaded. Week Two in intensive care looked as if a fuseraI mould corne bofore the meek was over. Michael kept askisg to sing to bis nister, but cbildrea are sot allowed in an Intensive Care Unit. Kares made up ber misd, Usoagb. Sbe moald taIse Michael mbether tbey liked il or nos! If be dida't sec, bis sister soos, be msy neyer sec ber alite. She dressed bim in an oversired scrab sais and marcbed bim isto ICU. He looked tike a wstkiag laasdry biaset. Bot the bead anre recogaired bim as a cbild asd bellowed.'Cet Usai kid out of bere sow! No cbildren are allomed." Karen, usually a mitd-maosered lady. gtared steel-eyed rigti into the bead nurse's face, ber lips a ftrm lise. "He is sot leaviug until be sings tu bis sisser!" Karen towed Michael 10 bis sister's bedside. He gazed as the liuy infant losing the baIlle 10 lite. Afier a moment, be begas to sing. ln Use pare-bearsed toice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang: 'You are my sushise, my osly sushine, you make me happy wbea skies are gray." Almost immediatety, the baby girl respouded to the music. Her pulse rate began 10 calm doms. Her laboured breatbing sîcadird. "Keep on singing, Michael!' eacooraged Karen mitb tears in ber eyes. T r If you would like to advertise i this space cail Adèle at... u:br Canabiana CbLwqNon 878-2341 Grace Anglican Churc 317 Main St. E., Miltoîn the Church on thse Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-311)(15 www.weleiime.tto/Grace.Miltsn Rev. Dr. Mark MeDerusott SIUNDAX SERVICES 8:00 arn. - Hssly Cosmmunissn 1(0:00 assi. - Sung Eucharest Cburcb Scbsut & Cuttes Hoar Wheotcbnir Access Ttrroagb Parkinu Lot tuors orm Thursday nt- 0:0 aOOOa- HlyCommunion MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday SChool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesriay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study AIl we like sheep have gene astray; the Lord hath laid on Hlm (Jesus) X<> 9arn;-Eary Woraship-Sm -evice I 9:30 crn - Sunrasy School * 10:45 arn - Second Worship Service * Sermon Serin:, Mountains & Velleys I 6:30 pin - Prolo. & Celerotion Plus * Oh, the Glay af rodas Presene rxDntnie Chideee Procramà & Noeseey Afflilable 'Yos acter kaow, dear, how mscb I lote you, please dosit take my sansbise away!" As Michael saag 10 bis tisser. a peace came to the baby's ragged, straised cosatenasce. "Keep os siagisg sweeibeart!!!" "Thse other aighs. dear, as 1 lay sleeping, 1 dreamed 1 beld yoo ia my arms..." Teans trad nscw conqsered the face osf the bossy bead nurse. Karen glowed. "Yoa are my soashise, my oaly soashise. Please don't taIse my suashise away..." Thse seat day t. he tery seat day ... tbe hlte girl ia weli eaosgh to go borne! Women 'i Day magazine called it "Tbe Miracle of a Brother's Song." Tbe medical staff jout called it a miracle. Karen called it a miracle of Cod's Love! We most be carefsl acter t0 give op on the people me love, jast as God neyer gites sp os as. Find ot more abois His miraculoîs love by visiîiag a local charch ibis Ssaday. Service limes are psbtisbed sn thse directs- ry below. Subeul*d by: Rev. Dan Regge, Senior Pasler of New 14e Chua'ch, Milaon. HOLY ROSARY PARISH 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street 9:OOam., 10.30 a.m. & Nues Suaday ST PETER CHIURCH 9tb Lise é Byitasia Mou ut 9:00 amn Sunday LCRev. Earl Talbot,P.P -Minister - Re. John Benhamn Rev. Dr. John Ambrose CH ~ Direelor of Mice- Judt Hanmer SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27,2000 10:30 a.m Worship and Church School Sermon: WHY ARE WE HERE? Commiuaioning St. Pautos Councit and Committeen Cooncil Orientation Workshop 12:00 Nursery cane avaitabte F.elM e. t.uieh"hàac s.Ibl.. Information Unei 878-8895 *BANAl Be ye sincerly kind, flot in appearonce oniy. Let each one of God's loved ones centre Nis attention on this: to, be the Lord's mercy ta mon; ta be the Lord's gtoce. Let him do some good to every person whose poth he crosseth, and be ot some benefit to him. - from the 80ha'1 writings LOCAL: ...................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL:........................ 00-433-3284 GLOBAL: ........................... www.babai.org VIOOY ME OHUROH DOES GOD REALLY CAREABOUT YOU? DO YOU THINK GOD WOULDHA4VEA RELATIONSIHPWITHYOU? This Sunday we wiIl sec from the Bible tIsat we can have direct accets 50 the presence of Ced. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leinure Centre (Board Room) (separate services fer ctsildren 9 years and under) Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in his "Wisdom for thse Week" 'LivingA Victeriout LifeBy 71e Word 0/ God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship & Kids Church 100 Nlplsslng Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Captas Dan and Woody kroorne For more information about our services, and other programming please ceUl 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. (betiveen the Fsre Hall andi Hospital) Phone 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 Fautor Greg MeCombu Il arn. SUNDAY MOBNINC WORSHIP SERVICE t tam SUNDAY ADVEN'I1RELÂND FOR CHILDREN Tues. 7 pin jr. High (gr. 6 - 8) Wedl. 7 pin Pioneer Clubs (ages 4 - 12) Thurs. 7 pin Sr. High ( gr. 9 - OAC) For mo>re inrion ou ladies', meiis, ysits asd ctsitdrens missistries, tslease cati the cîsîret office. The Power of Love a -