2-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 25, 2000 \ «Local show willi be haven for toy collectors By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion eople interested in toys should make a point to -- visit the Milton Toy Show Sunday. The second annual toy show, held at the Halton Grounds Cm-e Equipment, will fes- ture displays as well as toys people can Allis-Chalmers toys (tractors and machin- ery) for the last 15 years, said the hobby has gained popularity in North America in the last 30 years. Today, [here are shows and sales held throughout Canada and the United States. There's even a toy museumn in Ohio. "ht is an inteoesting hobby. It la fun," he said. At the Milton show, serious collectors will also be able [o pick up several maga- zines dedicated to toy collect ing as well as books detailing toys and their value. Itcan go up to hundreds of dollars for one toy," Mr. Weston said. But collectors have to be careful when buying toys, looking for authenticity, age and condition. Milton resident Diane Fisher said her husband John started collecting tractors and implements after the couple went to their first toy show 10 years ago. "We went to il and he (John) realized he had some old toya at home. He went home and unearthed [hem." Now Mr. Fisher has an entire room fll of toys, some as old as 40 years old. And the only time Ms Fisher says there are too many, is when it come lime [o dlean thers. 1I can't complain, I helped buy [hem," she said., "I have been bitten by the bug, [00. When we go out and see a new model, I see [he twinkle in his eye and think, why nol one more." Mr. Weston said toy collecting is a - e FARM on page 17 Startlng In March, 2000, you WIII have the power to choose your electrlclty from a number of companles. This important change wiii iead to greater competition and choice for you, the con- sumer. Naturaly, if you're happy with your current supplier, you don't have to switch. Either way, what won't change is the safety and reiiability of Ontario's eiectricity system. And to protect you, ail eiectricity suppiiers wiIi be licensed by the independent Ontario Energy Board. in the near future, you'l probabiy be hearing from a number of new energy retailers offering a variety of price options 1for deiivery of services beginning in November, 2000. So, if you have questions;, or want more information, simpiy cail our toil free number: Visît our website at www.est.gov.on.ca or e-mail: fyî@est.gov.on.ca it's Your Ilectriclty Now its Vour Cholce SOntario "no1o Dy um^AI1m tAINL Local resident John Flaher wlill Set up a dlsplay of his toy tractors at the Milton Toy Show Sunday. Commei & Rsita Sevie SWhy You Should Cali Us.. " Free On-Site Estimates e FuIly Bonded & lnsured " Competitively Prced * Professional, Hard Working " European Culture - We Deliver On Dur Promises " Available 7 Days A Week " Try us once and we know you'l cal us again! For f urther Information oeil: Kathy (905) 693-0953 Office Hours: Wednesday trom 1 pm - Spm or leave' a message any other day & we'Il cmli you. N WZ Wul1d lke B~ody /ei>to welcome e~SoLCarolyn our newest esthetician to our team. A graduate from Sheridan College with 4 years experience. Specializing! in AHA Facial Yeatments -fteatments help to: Moisturize Exfoliate Lighten Complexion Smooth lines & wrinkles Book now and receive 10% Off a weekly series Of 4 Or 6 treatments. Limili-D Tim[i OFi----l 550 Ontario St. S. Milon \(905) 875-0508 NOU- I Mon. 9-3 Tuas. 9-9 a Wed. 9-4 Thura. 9-9 e Fr1. 9-5 Sat. 9-3