The CanadienChmin rdd Fbu 2520 Icould use a holiday right about now * tram WE COULD on page 14 out for its uniqueness. Right now, it's some kind of month, oome kind of week, and probably oome kind of day. Who can keep track of that otuff? It might be 'National Be Kind To Moooe Week' for ail] 1 know. We could go with a snow holiday this time of year, but we already tried that Iast Friday when everyhody pan- icked, prepared and booked off work for a huge storm that didn't corne. It might work as a sot-t of patriotic type thing, though, to celebrate the snow and have winter camnivalo and such. We could caîl it 'National Snow Day' except in Vancouver. where they would caîl il 'National Ramn Day'. 1 know in the United Stateo they've had votes for holidays, and some otates were dumb enough bo tut-n îhem down. Arizona is welI known for voting down Martin Luther King Day at one time. We could put our holiday 10 a vote. Whaî if there waa a holiday for everyone excepl govemment workers and bank employeeo. That would gel the vote of everyone but people employed in lhooe industries. Il would pass easily. If you included teachers among Ihose who don't gel the day off, you'd even gel the vote of governmenl workero and bank employees. How about 'National Play Day'? People would go 10 work, but flot actually have 10 work. They could play games ail day. Remember when we were kids and we couldn'l go out for recess because il was raining? We'd play games in the classroom such as seven-up. Business could have treasure hunto, play hide-and- seek or pin-the-tail-on-the-boss. My personal choice would be 'Law Enfoncement Day'. And I'm nol jusl saying Ihal jusl in case a local police officer reado Ihis column, catches me for speeding some lime and lets me off wiîh s warning. Not aI ail. Besides, 1 don't speed. We should give the police a break. The only problemr is thal we couldn'l actually give themn the day off because we couldn'l quite depend on the honour syslem for ct-immoala. Maybe we could juot caîl il 'National Holiday Day'. No reason whatsoever other than 10 have a holi- day. I îhink everybody would go for that. Find exercise you like, stick with it t ram INACTIVITY on page 14 Scientisto now say people need 30 10 60 minutes of physical acliviîy a day if lhey want 10 stay heallhy and improve Iheir health. How long people have 10, exercise depends on the aclivity itself. People who enjoy light exercise, such as walking and garden- ing, should do 60 minutes of aclivily, while people who partici- pate in biking, swimming, dancing or waler serobico can cul the lime down 10 30 minutes a day. four days a week. But people don't have 10 dlo the full amount al aI once. "You don't have to do the whole 30 minutes in one period; you can add up activities for aI least 10 minute periodo." Ms Hanna said people can lake a 10-minute walk on Iheir cof- fée break, do 10 minutes of stretching, take their children skating for 10 minutes and dance at-ound the house for anoîher 10 min- utes. "Il makes il a more achievable goal. It's nos so overwhelming." The moat important lhing about exercise is finding one you like and sticking with il. "When you ftnd thingo you like 10 do, you are more likely going 10 keep doing il, and you will be more likely 10 gel the health benefito from il." The Merlan roouityard SENIORS LIFESTYLE COMMUNITY MARTIN STREET, MILTON PRESENTATION CENTrRE OPEN MONDAY, WEDNÉiDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY & 2:00 - 4:00 Pm SUNDAY, 10:15 Amd - 1:30 Pm PRICES F1101 195,2001 Chris Néeol I S"li Repvesotahve (905) 878-1951 R/imax Blue Springs Realty <Halton) Corp. LEARN NOT TO BURN!! The Milton Professional Pire Fighters Association will be publishing and distributing a FIRE SAFETY HANDBOOK IM A F E T Y MANDBOOK MILTON PROFSSONALFIME IGITEI rn:+ Snoke Alarus -A Sound t-ou Con Laye Watt, Lt will be available free of charge! A telephone campaign is currently underway asking the business community to support our program. The bookiets are designed to raise public awareness on Pire Safety. As always, we appreciate your genterous help. MILTON PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION If you have any questions concemning this drive, pleose do not hesitale to cail Dreaming of a new INfestye? Ask for a coe* Do W lS F of a shampoo, OMerOlUiU îng, naîl fnimmtng, anal trnmstyle blow drylg, andtSie I Toppad off wif h a pertfmed oat an kffianar"Y.y~~ BOOK HERE BECAUSE WE CARE: V î YOU CAN COUNT ON US MijE~O-OD IIOARDING & GROOMING. 9ý 71710 CDittiiiio L-J;iii 1iý 875-2889