12 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, February 25, 2000 vIntroducing E.C. Drury 's new principal Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Students at E.C. Drury Hlgh Sôhool wlI be aeelng a lot af Ruth Peden, their new principal. The former vlce-prlncrpal wants ta be more visable ta atudents. GMTr A FRISH START%. Get SOLUTIONS now Wo: Credit Cord Problerns loss of Job or Loyed One tepossessions Moqor Cash Flow Probeérns Wage Gamnishmnents Evîctions Persistent Bill Collectors Judemnents, Law suits Student son Delinquent Taxes Foreclosures Divore Relote Financial Probers P ~ PADDON + Baakrnpty ma bo a,o.dos Calins' No chargefor iabod onsnalion' YORKE INC.87i ,-ir TWMNfUmrS '08%mO 1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A better solution! By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion T enwprincipal at E.C. Drury High Sehool wants to make the Ontario Street institution the best school possible. ..If 1 was tai have a goal for E.C. Dntry, it ix tai ho a scbaol for acad- omics, a school for vacation and a achool for as many co-curricular pragrsms as we cas support," said Ruths Peders, wbo arrived at tise achool two weeka aga. ..I will ho a xuccessful school, and ho seers this way in the cars- munity." Ms Peden said site bas already interviewed mont of ber staff ta firsd out what changes they wauld like ta see. Teachers and assistants have %1a1 the answerx" an how ta make the school houter, shoe said. Alwaya knew what ahe wanted Ms Peden always knew site waited ta o s higb school teacher. "I always liked adolescences. I liked. hoing an adolescence," said Ms Peden. "I knew 1 wanted ta teach higis scbool. There ix a lot ai energy in bigh school," said tise motiser of two teenagers. After graduating frors university with a degroe in phyxical education and business, site attendod teach- ors' callege at Western University. Her first job out of teachers' cal- lege was at Georgetown District Higb Scbool. Ms Peders taugbt business and computer studios at a time whers typing was massdatary, computers; we re rare and tho Internet didn't oxist. She spont 10 years lit Georgetown befare transferrirsg tai Gardon E. Higis Scbool in Oakville. Sho alsa taught at White Oaks Secondary Scisool. She was promotod ta vice-princi- pal at Lord Elgin Higis Scisool in Burlington before gaing ta Nelson Higi Scisool. Not new ta, E.C. Drury Ms Peders isrs't new ta E.C. Dntry. She was the vice-principal for thse 1994-95 scisool yeur before applying for a principal's position at Sylappx School in Oakville. Sylapps ix a scisool for young offenders between thse agea of 12 ta 16. "It was a big challenge roaching students who, for moat of their livos, had beers neglected and did some pretty bad things." After three years at Sylapps, Ms Peden became the principal at Buriingtos Central Higb Scbool. She left Chat position to come ta E.C. Drury. While Ms Peden said she misses rhc direct impact shte bas on the lives as students as a teacher, she said being a principal allows her ta have a greater influence on a larger number of people. "I cars influence educatian for students." Principal wears many buta As a principal, Ms Poden's duties are ta provide a safe atmaxphere for everyono in thse building and ta provide quality education ta every student. She alxo attends meetings with both staff and parents, and acts as a chaperano at achool events. "I love My job," said Ms Poden, who also sits on the hourd of direc- tors for ADAPT (Alcobol and Drug Assessment, Prevention and Treatment). "One of my goals ix ta get into thse scbaol and be mare visible. t warst ta meet students and make a difféence in their lives and life al scisool. t hope I cars ftslfill (this goal). There is lots aif time." 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O. 1990, chapter M.45 as amended. that the Council for the Regional Municipality of Halton proposes ut its meeting on March 29, 2000, et 9:30 arn. ta pass a by-luw for the reconstruction of Trafalgar Road, from 150 m North of Highway No. 7 to Baliinafad Road. Town of Haltan Hulis. Planx sbowing the proposed work may be inspecteti at the Planning & Public Works Department. Hiton Regianat Centre, 1151 Bronte Road. Oakville. On Wednesday, March 22,2000, ut 9:30 arn. in the Halton Roomn as the Halton Regionxl Centre. 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, Council, through its Planning and Public Works Cornrittee, will hear in persan. or by bis/ber Counset, any person who dlaimrs Chat bis/ber lands will be prejudicialiy affecsed by the said by-law and who applies ta the Regianal Clerk no later than March 3,2000. Foi further informiation. maeaxe contact: Mr. ,Joseph Chai, P. Eng. Manager, Design Services Region of Halton 1151 Branle Rond, Oakvllle ON Telephane: BurlingtonlMiltonleall: (905) 825-6939, extension 7610 Froni Haltan Hilis, (905) 878-8113 www.reoiars @halton.ars.ca JOAN EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERK www.regian.haiton.on.cu of Elecp ir Q2