6 - lb. Canadien Champion, Tuaaday, Februaay 22,2000 ~ COMMENT A Student, parent using o' poor judgment, here A Bishop Reding Secondary School student has shown a lack of respect for botb bis schooi and bis religion by renouncing bis Catbohc faith in order to try to avoîd relsgious education classes. Wbile we don't agree wîth the grade il student's argument that he shouldn't have to take the courses, it's within bis rigbts to challenge 4 wbetber be sbould be required to or flot. Wbat we have a problem wîtb ts the way be's gone about addressing bis bone of contention. It's unfortunate that be bas chosen to tum bis back on his religion, or at least say lie bas, to try to make a point. p And what about the student's father? As an adult and parent, lie bas sbown a lack of judgment by not only condoning bis sons bebaviour, fl but by supporting and encouraging it. M e "T' If the family doesn't like the mies -- wbicb in this case we believe are reasonable -- challenge tbem in a well tbougbt-aut, respectful manner. If that doesn't work, remove yourself from the situation. - The student bas a choice to attend another scbool in wbicb Catbolic iii' education courses aren't required. ~ O UR READERS WRITE Madeley's Iawyer speaking nonsense: Crown Dear Editor: Re: 'Sheppard murder appeau expected ta start ibis year' (January 29). Along with Amy Stevensan ai ibis office, Irepresented the Crawn in the trial oi Keith Madeley for first-degree murder in the death ai Fred Sheppard. Mr. Madeley was canvicted by a jury i Mucnvh, 1998 aned was sen- tenced. In the above-mentianed article in yaur newspaper, Christopher Hicks, defence caunsel for Madeley, is quated as saying he believed Ray Hopkins taok back his confession when he oealized he would receive a life sentence if convicted of first-de~gree murder. This is a bizarre comment in light ai evidence now clearly known ta Mr. Hicks that Mr. Hopkins did not and could not have killed Fred Sheppard in Milton smnce he was in Calgary, Aiberta the day ai the murder being interviewed by hia parole officer. It is nonsense ta suggest Hopkins was in any jeopardy ai being charged or convicted ai this mur- der. The independent OPP investiga- tion ai the Hopkins "confession" also revealled he had falsely con- fessed years ago ta a murder in Toronto. The bottom une ia that Hopkins had a conclusive alibi for the day ai Fred Sheppard's death, which did not depend on bis own words. Brian O'Marra, Crown attorney Mlnhatry 0f Attomay General Halton Eye injury advertisement good to see, says doctor THE CMIAi>IAiV CÎI~<IPIoN Box 248, 191 Main St. E, 11. Ca.iiaa Champtea, puttisireti mary Tuetday md Friutay ai 191 Nain St. E., Mittor, Ont., LUT 489 (Bnn 248>. s nne nt Tire Metrniand Mutas, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prinhne. Pairhttrinti & Otstrhrtirg Ltd. îrnnp ni sarirurtiar cnmparus wticir inetades: AuanlPiclrerinî Naret Adnertiter. Aitistnn HeraidlCnnriar, Barrie (905) 878-2341 AdvanoeBarWs ni Ynrk Guardian. Cniiintiwnnd/Wasaîa Cnnnaetinn, tant Tarti Mirînt. trin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 ddneeaieltnnntry Rnatas. tanirtanka Guarriran, tramirnonugir Pnui, Fnrarer Ynnng. Geargattien tndepanrtenilAetnn Frac Pions. Mnrnnia Butinais Advertising Fax: 876-2364 linret, Kingttnn Tint Wenk. Lindsay Tins Weain, Marinirare tcnnnmtst S Sun MtttandiPaneuanguitineaa Mirrnr, Mftnn Sirnpping Nues, Mnssitsanga Classified: 875-3300 Butinass Tinnu. Minsittautia Naus. Napanea Guida, Nassagawaya Baies. Neemartat/Aurnia En-Banner, Nurtiiuniradand Neres. Nnrtir Ynrin Mirrnr. Ian ~vuver resonazener Oninvilte Boaner. Oainntiie Shnpping Nnus, Oldiniers Hneinay Baies, Oritiia NeC Oliver Assnnciae Paubli.rher Tnday. Oshawaiwiiiitiylotarirgtnnlrnrt Paniy Tint Wnek, Ove, mmd Triinunn, Peterirnrnugh Tins Week, Pictan Cnuniy Guida, Ricinmnnd BlD Boita Geaeral Manager ltiil/ThnnnuuttNaugiran Liberat, Searirnrnnoir Mirrnr, Stnutinitta/ttnunidga Triiruug. Karen Suaitih Edinnur Adnanising s acoepted ne tire cnndition tirai. n tire avant ni att/pt- grapiricai emrnr, tirai tnnriinn ni tire advertining spane nceutniad iry tire anti- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager nenus tan, ingetiner renir a reatinnainia atinvance lur ttanaiure, nAît mi Ina Tort Cacas Office Manager chartieti inr, mi tire iralarea ni tira aduartisemant reili lie t/aid inr ai tire appricairie raie. Tire puirlisiner restirset tire rigiri tn cntegnrite advenue- Tica Calta Prndactinn Manager monts s, dectine. Dear Editor: Re: Your public information con- tent (Febnaary 8). Thank you ta Milton District Hospital, Canadian Champion and the good health tip as poesented by Halton Healthcare Services. Your add was excellent -- 'LOOKOUT', an article reiated ta eye injuries acquired in sparts activities. But it would be interesting ta know how maaay people read it, sud even better, how many take Use advice. I have heard many ai my patienta say, "I neyer knew that" inter it already happened. Accidents happen, however seri- oua injury catit be prevented. Please keep the messages going osit. Our community really needo your help. It's good to see I'm fanally not alone in staiving for aur cammuni- ty's beat intereat as heart. Dr. Ron Strohan, optometriat Milton Pud by Steve Nease