22-The Canadien Champion, Tuesay, February 22, 2000 Program Coordinator, Hospicielfriendly Visiting/Special Stepa Programa e .FuH>Tine Poaltion Cleeng date: Mardi 01, 2000 at S:Obpm We arc eekisg an enthssiastic andivideal te werk in a faIltime positien sn thie Vatasteer sapport Pregramn cooeriag primcrily the North Hation area. 0 .é As Program Ceordisater, you milItbe respeasifile for jde- tfie cooridination of volanivees to provide ta-home ser- vice ta individuels midi end-stage dîseases and te seniors experieaciag social isoltion, physicat limita- dees and cognitive difficetties. Support le famity rei members is atmo necessary. Y.u wîi alc c e d m te provide "sance taitie geacerat Votentee Supporet Your na Pragrar as il relates solfie VON rate and responsihut- idesanmd te provide ceverage lhmeugfoel thle Hall.n Regise ah.n required, Quaifieaflse -Minimum of a Diptoma an healtf or social services discipline. *Desioenmud fleowtedge mnd expenience in gerail- egy, pallieave cae, cemmamlty wodc mnd velenise activillea (2-3yrs, mecml paflliative cere espeaseace)' *Exeielfeal comaunication m inlterperuenal afilstî *Deaafnledm individuel and femif y counnsellieg skiffs.ETAtu -Possession of a valid Ontario driveras f icee and EXR 00101 uccess ta a car, mast carry ineuane per VON pol- $10,495.87 cy and te witling le drive lflreegflae thle Halln Region, *Effeclve groep faclîleain mnd preseslatioe skiflas *Demnslraled kaamfedge cf commaral> resoarces. Gond planng, orgmnizelîonal, asnessmenl and teamwar kfills. -Souind jadgem.al and decisîou-aiafling ahilisies. *CPR certaficaio Qnalîficid candidates are csked tloapply an wnetng le: Anne King, Manager AFML Voluee Snpport Pragra.nAFML VON Halln LARGEST S 23703 Speer Rend, Oaflvîlle. ON L6L 5M2 Weldidat fqpk&ian but cLati le iefoaa yoe Mare ouli lrdî e edJufre aun w ailifWU beeeieele Nb Centr has 38% mize frining urn Wnda wokplaoerent frreaxi ee! FuliTim Prograni: Staits Muech20. RqW f« on M sunt! Cgl 1»W M Ë bb3"M749 81240 ext 121. 1 'c 71u,~we - compeay supplied uniformis ew career is only a phone cal awayi Dluras Itrnational Securkty Services Uimlted 3S03 Yoeage Street Suite 111 North York, Ontario M2M 3V5 Teh (416)>223-399S Fax: (416)>223-7995 An equolopportcnltyempoyet «95 VW Pausat GLX, ludd 5aed al nd omfission tested + werranty. -5M30/87-9331 ORRUDS 0, ui0 SALES a LEASIN NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - 81V - SEIL - LEASE ELECTIOfI 0F 050) VEIIICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 APPROX. 2K Sq.FI. Prime office apace, Georgetown. Scilahle for Engineering, Ac- cocnling, Alfslelîc busai- neaa!, Salea/Tlemar- keting, Comoputer mel- ed companiea, etc. 0$2.50 aq.ff.nel, nef. (905)2944527. OFFICE or rotail apace for lem. Contact Ray 876-86o87-37 SHARED office spae avallahle. Profesaional hc*icign Miflon. Pho- tocpier fa., kilohe anuafidng valhle. $30/nh t Il 876- 0258. WOALL PRIVATE OF- FfICE heaclifclly ap- poned, Hmy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. SPACE for rent. M Approximalaly 1500 WE need a nomew qI.Cati Peler 876- for Our relocalfng famfly. 4514.3 + hodrooama la $275,000. Open con- catil cr agent, Cri Nemefl Sue> tp ONE Bedrocm spart- Re\Max af 878-4444. ment tadiable for angle or professional coupl. Fireplace, oak spiral alaircase. Country sel- with referenceshbefore alowing. CatI Mark Mal- laliec, Commonwealth -Real Estale Services Corporation. Private lise (905)876-M3. TWO Bedroomn spart- ment availeble April 1. jIl o" Cali 69n9658. ! dC W" TWO Bedroom modem apariment. Oomnlown Listing M ais St. Availahle Voi March 1, stove and la fridge inclcded. Cati a 878-3636.I ROON rser Miffon MaIl, scilahle for working maie. No ahift ruorfera cusO1 plesse. $110O/week. I MADE 878-0882. - / L MN ROOM for tant, acitarie ALMN for a mas. Phone aller *Windows - Dg 5:00 ism., 878-0225. e r.1iInt - Soi XK Sq. Il. f ndcslrial Ialogreau spae, e e SUCCESSFUL? Accdispfished? Attractive? fa thaf lent for storage or enmait special someone the only lhîng mîsîng? Misty Riv- msnufactcrfng, George- er introductions, TOan traditional mslchmaker -416- toms location. (905)294- 777630. p. rihg a Kuon roochi se s a*remln o9 y ta 4527. hdp childre lear v edosble skMils-ond for you ta ea0 MINI Indcstrial Unit, 400 extra icarne.sqt.,idea for amal W ils oves 30,000 shîdenis unrolled in Kuon Mailh conîractor, ligit manua & Rending Ceotra es aSth outry, opporfos huas have facrng, Georgetown. neve bee baler.(9058667464. We sre cs ruvly seeking candidates for Kumons REASONABLE Indus- unique paluie rachepprmsty OiIM IIIOItrial Unlasforrlent. 1,200 Worklng- Hadri aa l nformathon pleue cati M KUM O docka & dnve-in 1i 05s i S00-ASCM MATH & READNG CEîNRS 277-9347 or 1-905-275- ~suu.uu LeaiaseHowTo Lana 6834. RESPONSIBLE tamil -BOARDER ruanled. 10o000 sq. Il. excel- seeks* 3 or 4 heocm Mcet like pets. Phase letofcssI).Sre home la rent. Excellent 876-3168. etofc nts.Sre references. Piease cati_________ entras.e handicapped $3,000-835, Cara Wanfed, 905-457-5713. Stop car 875-0965. THREE hodroora accessihle parking. thotf eil ta licensed recycler. 905-457-5713. 'THREE hedroca hoss- hosse. Carpofa, A/C 0$2.50 aq.Il. George- m ~~~is Dorset Park ares for 50w kitcheti. Véry cloan. tm.(0)9.57 profeseionai famiiy. Ref- lat & Lsl roqcired. C A SFE erencea avaîlehle spcn $l2SOImcnth + ctifiihes. EXTA dan 2 Tyo-aqest. Needeime Cati Fernando 876- CARS front $500.00G1. taCamiv. 4 cyf auto air deeyCt 7-09 63 emment aeizod & acr- & PW Certified & emis- Pics. Sdld kicaIly. Caf Sion leafed andf war. When fooking for housing look towarde m.u Toli-Froe for listings. 1- ty 995 878-5330 g e an ÀAb. Cb77lWIO 9aO -5y 888346-O700ext.N200. 87-31. u a1 CHRIS NeweII anal1 Audrey Newei I are arranging a frees home- sellera seminar for tate March. Cati ta reaerve b r seats 878-4444 iaBleSpringa. LOVELY, aemi-de- co tached home, Otd Mil- ton, French docra, 2 Saoes, large fenced lot, 2 large bedirooma-pine fa oder carpet, of- fice - akyight, ctilîty -r mcmn off% chen, n0w hardwood fogora living ront & dining room, nom root 89, 5 minutea watk ta downtown. Whs lIve in a torunhoca.? $149,900. for sale b corne. Showînga start 24/02 & 26102 orimard. 0 Pise Geave mesage if neceaaary (905)816- 2413. CC Tk~ <1 I