Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Feb 2000, p. 21

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BING Coi*t is a leader in Ontario's charitable gaming a opeiates 34 locations across the-Provinces of Milton location fequires Assistant Mai Representatives, Floor Runners, Food Service The ideal candidates will be experiefli otganizational effectiventess through administ sales and cltstomef service, employee and regulatory compliance. The sucoessful candidates will have experien retail environments where excellent custome If these opportunities appeal to, you, pleas Hall Manu Milton Bingo Country, H Milton, Ontaio, Please indicate for which posi Weîan ilapltcantsfor tbei: selectecffor intervieo un IJNUM ts Northt Americans leadisg provider insirance. Tise foltowing rxciting opportunity tJNUM'n Burtingson office: BILINGUAL UND)ERWR SPECIALIST Working la te underwriting deparimeat as a fi underseriters. brokers and sales staff. tim positi tadividuai with excellent cualomner aervice and ci akilla, who enjoys workiag in a font pace term r offers career poiensial and vartety for the rig Seront knowledge of personal computers, exce workflow management skiis, abitity ta handte ad frequeni interruptions. Ulnivernity degree work esperience. bilingualtas.i bath seritten rrquired. Interestrd candidates. pîcase fax your resumé to or e-mail ta linda-neisonprovidentaflpaiie. inquiries. picase. Wr ihank all candidates and noie oni quaiintd individuais ii he coniacied. Join the Laidlaw Team If you have ale beurs 10 sportetarit scitool day, beorne a bus driver, for more lfo rai (905) 077-4448 OnrawTro5,LM Ois m ssyo n4MýF-ut ýMM WAREHOUS E POSITION A Misoissauga localud businesx is currenly seeking us enlhasiaslic, seif-mniivatd indiaiduai 10, loin our lusm. The ideai candidate must have hînti schsoi edu- cation us wtii as prior woralsouxu esperienca. Dalles vilii inciadu ortier flling, slocking sitelvas and generul warehuls dulies. A wtruing knowledga of shipping goncedures wouid be an assai. Ail days Mnnday 10 (M0)8234091I7, Atna: Ierothy Francie Burlington Post Mailroomn RECEVER wanted port-lime, day shift avoulable, 20-25 tirs weekiy. Farlift licence and salety boots requireti. Apply sn persan ta 4059 Faîrvîew Stir., Burtingtan Clegg Glass Building, use east entrance Ask for Krithia botween 9-5 Mon ta Fni 0 nd entertainment industiy which Ontrio and British Columbia, Our nagers, Lottery/Nevada Sales -mployees and Bingo Callers. :ed in bringing about greater ration and financial management, charity relations, and ail gaming cein the food service, financial or r service is a major focus. email or deliver your resmme to: lghway #25 North L9T 2X5 tions you are applyimg. r interest but only those Ibe contacted. MILTON Importer anti Distribular la iooiting for o Generol Wsrahouse per- son. Dulies include, os- - sembly af producis anti somte deliveubes. Muet ho of dinability salI motivoleti. Fox re- is availoble insaumo ta 9905)875-3210. PART Umo Cooks, woo- kontis, for womon'a cen- ITING tra. Plosse oei Mariye 875-3214 or fox reoume 10 875-3635. oison betaicen PRODUCTION worlsers on requirra as wmntod. Allemooui shili: ommunications anti day sift ovailoble. nviroament. lt Apply in persan ta: Blon it individual. Monufocluring, 886 Ni- lient lime and piaoing Rd., Mitaso. multiple tanks REGULAR Port Umo aor qial ar hetp requirati Thuroday, adoaae1 Friday anti Solurdoy. «Hondyman type" cap- *905-319-0560 able aI lifting heovy sein. No phtone items. Sonne electrica anti computer knawl etige on auset. Coul Mo aI 876-3185 Bomor Bar gain Bais. SAFELCAR Nelw Career? This coisîd be yoror amswerl specilic qualiifications but rther ite ablte ta demonstrale a stable histoiy with a personai or itusiness btackground Ihat indicates persisteace and determinatios. Titis is a luti lime position. Working tramn ast turllseton office lthe individuals' raie is ta lolalty manage and service a base af tong estaittisitet curiens by phtone. SafetyCare is an award sissise wartd teader in lte groslth arra af Workptact Healtit and balety selit opporlusities lot individsats ta acitieve success under lthe saibreita 010a sale, secure and successîsi international company. tRmsaeration coasisîs af a base satary and commission, seiith potential eaîaisgs btsrween 40K la 60K pet annum. Il yos are lalerestot an a carter change, ptease catt Ed Aaaonan at Safraycare ta discuss titis apporlsnily in more delail. Telephome: (905) 631-6070 MILTON LUMBER YARD bus FIT positions rmaging froro $tO-S t7hr. àà Dame for local deliveries ta construction sites. No turps, no Hmndbombtng. Sennu LABEUER ta bnlp assemobte tomber orders. PIeuse cuIt Kutity @ (905) 693-9663 or 1-877-517-7335 TheoCnadien Champion, Tussday, Februaiy 22, 2000-21 RN WMAER NOW ERINGfor busy medical Successfu a& lcai wNIN - no woR cn n aOMN croci, Oale. Delivery Divers (with own car) PtrHodge Transport. Umitsd Previaus faroily fat acdtentenirniet it awie a- M ECHA N UC preîerred. Ail age groupa and previous appicants ar Roqurod for olomoori shift. Mari. - Fri. Venputr n welcoine to apply in person to Dullea Include, prvnttv mitn c e eiecmanuter WINGS 1UP! andi runnlng reaie elasresumes toi: DELfVERY & TAKE-OUT WINGS This indivlua muet ba able ta work wfth G.Evans, 465 M .ain St. .---. minimusm suporisioni. MCI Meilcal JOB FAIR R.ply to Sob Show 9043 0 Cliko la. JOB AIR416-448-2M1 Ail positions have been file QnA.j.r IAAD NAUD We thank ail those who applieL (AmuneUv.> If yau are able ta lift 60-85ibs. on a continuons LMeadin~ Supplier of Stamping & AssembliesCA baiwoiic in a reffigerated environint, wjll- IS0 S9000 Production FaciIity »avillte area. pLUS ing ta work shifts, inciuding weekend n d am Reporting ta the Quality Manager -Nussfruse iooin fr ulitie OtcPractical eperice g000ÎM9M nironiseit. Su- Nurse Specialists for WE WANT TO SEE YOU! pe m.i oenne able bo pettonoi independently the tollowing: When: February 2, 9, 16, 23, 2000 nsZ' i t an structure. CMM eoperinsoe (or e CRITCAt. CAPE Where: Axia Lagleeco tle wîlling 10i tam), proficient *tlh GO. e PAEDIATRICS 2700 f11g Peint Drive Please reply to: Tht Oakvîltt Beaver, e NEUROTRAUMA Miltan, Ontairlo Box#6238, 467 Speers Rd., Oaktille L6K 3S4 e HEMODIALYSIS Hwy. #25 (Drente Rd.)CRDOASUA Tiiae: 5:30p.m. until 8:lXtp.ns.* MREC Ouiy sutbe cuddais w0l b ho uactedafar the ewto BUSY IMPORT car contre Iooking for Otass A * ERNC mechanic. Cati Mitaso Impori Car Contre Div. af 110DM Gorrud lrie 563 Main St. E. Milaon, Ont. L9T 3J12. Ratns Iroin S25-$34/boar ~1I~L8878-5330. Advanced aducational MAINTEANCE Mechanic wltit eloticid bock- and a.t1.p..burai Q uailied Stylists graund. Muet hava oes toals, good drv erecordt Excellent wage and henefit package and ho ableo la work on your awn. Cai (9)875-utadHA rrntcr opeit Mltio *Same management positions avaluable 1150.c3I par lie pnItasoMID aizo commercial HVCcompany wilh a troce B uay Miltasoton record for sad erround war in lise groater Tt:(0)3622 *Na cihentaie required Tel:o (9nd a0-00 *Adtvancedi traioing provided G~CTA orna is se ng o hicenaed poumeymanana Fx:(0)3619 *Fiexible worc ochodute ~ s fouith af Mie year apprenlice. Successfut opplicant Fo:(0)3619 ) 14M muet have gond trouble ahooting skdla wilh malf top Cali Robert or Irene si (O0U)319-053 equipent, refrigerolion and haitero. Fax reoume ta: - 906-878-334. N W F o o d B a s e s S E L F noivated auto a ccesso r < ins ta lle rs ieed ed 5353LAK SHOR ~» MuaI have oses retiablo tranaportation. Cat DURLINGTON (905)339-8516 Mon. ta Fni 910o5. WFr ýsee9sg custamer service aniented CHILDOARE worlcer individuals for neetiet for Soptomber daytime pars-time positions: 200talMe cara af o GROCERY CLEIMS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 10 monts aId, baby boy. PRODUCE CLRKS A usrii engineering firro loated te Milton ta PrOer to have wotkor $7080 PER RHOUi TO SUUR seeing a molitaiented and îieticaled teons camte ta homo frait Please fll out an application ployer. Reaponsibililses 000d gnflofie & amn - 12:30 am. ai store security.ontitxlnm nliegnriofc Photne 876-058, ornaï Wdiitatorn computer aystemn adîsanis- jcoulsonOalo net iappreciute your understanding nain hudpsesahg piuefor cors- as we wiii onty contactEPEIN Dcr- thosefor itervews. uter oftwre/hadware Folowingep give r 1EPRoqE 'NEareti intff e rViewsE L an asset, MS Office ns wett ns knowiedge of a laoe aeure 3o Match LAKSU) VillAGE PlaeAZAn otri h igt t oo le chiltiran in LA systero We. aroiin atoStergt ur home. Monday tai 535 LIEHO E D. candidate. Friday 8:00055 - 1 DURMIGTON ONTARIO Prefered stail date Aprit 3t2000. Titis isan 8 4:3Opm. Cati 876-4174, *food monts cantruet witit a strong possihitity of aller 5:OOpm. r- B gic beomin pemannt.RAINBOW Village Doy- B asic$ fa b eoinprntet(0)8526 or e-roait cura Centre has a few acuÂiacsuiic.com saigexperience und ly chilticar for chiidren sulury expectutians. Onty successfat cuodidutes 18 mons b 5 yeara. wi he contucted. Music, computers, LOOKING for an expenienceti parI Ume ratait Sales- 37mu Le a Non-smo .king cmiroaenL crofts. 878-7552. person for Thurodoys', Fridoysaond Soturdoys'. The RELIABLE Doycore position wouid ho locoleti in Milon seiiing Outdoor avoulable. Wilson andi Cooking Equipaienl. Fox resume la: (905)875-3210. Woodward oires. - asi Required for a growing business in tise Pleose oeil 87-4978. Miosisua urcu. We nerd s flexible, WANTED caregiver for outgoing individat, fluent in Engtish 3 schoologeti chiidrer. in - ithgood telephone maintien The ideat our home,3-0 or WEREenjoys wortung wîth the public und ta GROWINGI abe to cover at our vurtos tocattons- weekenis. COMPUTER Training Mitenf, ON & Miid Coul Lido (lpns.Spm): (905) 567.5295 Dont know what you in&m o imotor oenlr nsouldti aie? The Cen- intrnaiona Iàmjw d ra oters sony cours Q logstloe vldranti certification pro- Ag àkinU for grattes Fînti ouI wbat is EXPERIENCED AZ meai aour Free Febru- DENAL SSITAN oy inIa semsons. Coul CITY là HIGHWAY DRIVERS DETLASSAT(905)333-3499, Eut.101 & WN R/PE AT RS Required for port-Uime allemoon position, ta, register' OWNIE10PER TORS pooaibly leodîng to fuiltlime, in a busy, larrnly * compettive mileage rates orienteti dental proctice in Milton. Send WE knaw where the resumne ta: jobs are! Trodes and * benefit plan iiBox 2339 Computer Techology! * satellite trackng CIO The Canadian Champion Industrisi Eieclricisnl muc moe..191 Main Street Mechonic; Women in * and muhm r..Milton, ON Trades; Construction or L9T 4N9 Computer Technical; M3 rans-Net takes pde lit, Software Specialis; ltseopg, fs feeandts FULLTIME Dentl Assistant requirad in Cespbell- Netr... Coursnsrart- ville office for Mondoy - Thursday. HARP Cert. No aeroyMrch. Coul you like a humant bingi H.C.AJR.PN. needeti for privaite home cura. 30-35 3499 la loin a free infa CAI. HUNAN RIESOURCES + bous aweek. $12.O0fhour. Cali 878-4195. session! 905-878-881 «Xt 224 When tooking for empîsyment look towurds 800-387-8248 1 [ Zb oCabàlma Ciampion

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