18 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 22, 2000 I LM ÎILOR BABALL * Drury wrestlers handilly reclaim regional crown at hmpionships f% 2nd Registration Ages 6and up Sunday, Feb. 27th 10 arn - 4 pm Tonelli Arena Ail Iirst time players4 MUST have a ~BirhCeflcate Simply sensational. E.C. Drury's wrestling team was juat that while hoating the Halton Championahips Thuraday. The perennial powerhouse bas tradition- ally won regionals in convincing fashion - but captured its sixth straight tite, and 13th in 15 years, with unprecedented domt- inance. Larry Jaroslawaki's troopa grabbed over two dozen medala and ëollected a total of 235 pointa, 90 more than runner-Up Georgetowno.. Nine Spartans took gold whiie exactly three dozen qualified for the Golden Horseshoe Athletic Conference (GHAC) finals, slated for tomorrow at Hamilton's Bishop Ryan. Leading the hit parade with their fourth regionai crowns were John McCart and Kevin Heffron - who juat a few days earlier in Guelph had become only the fifth local wrestler to reach the 200-win plateau. Chad Mern tt and Rob Petherick won their second tities while firat-timie gold medalista included Nick Barkley, Mike Devries, Roty McDonell, Adam Scott and Wîil Van Duyn. Van Duyn and McDonelI'a victories over Georgetown Rebels Kevin Moore and Sean Krysa reapectively were arguably the mot competitive clashes in the championship round. Spartan silver medaliata included Adam Baxter, Sean Bumham, Graham Carroll, Ryan Faria, Tom Gallinger, Chris Guard, Matt llarnett, Chris Holmea, Jason Landry and Mark Wilson. Nick Baron, Matt Baxter, Craig Brigden, Steve Ellia, Kevin Moore, Jeff Rob.erge and Andy Wadeson ail took bronze medals. Six days earlier - also within the friendly confines of their own athletic complex - the local teamn reclaimed its Junior Halton crown by doubling Georgetown 48-25. Drury's regional champs included Landry, Petherick, Nick Baron, Raahaad Fataar, Mats Knock and Jordan Lumb. Securing silver were Devries, Alex Kerr, Andrew Kerr, Kevin Moore and Jesse Ronan while Ryan Anthony, Andrew Bishop and Colin Bumnham took - s SPARTANS on page 19 I sPOKS N SLOE stllhveaMARCN FYZJAK 9gic#A-LS Beat the Rush -Tune up We stl aeagreat selection of Gloves, Hats & 0 ar Re.u o$600 NO WIn Stock- FINCr£g PIKE*S I etc.a: For *hse FIKE mfu I I I Check out our w9mw and SALE: 55lo to 5OX OFF crank sterns, seot post, etc. 89 -Ontario St. N. 876u7676 Photo by STEVE LeBLANC E.C. Drury'a Travor Saliba pins Colin Fronn of White Oaka In short order In this 77 idiogram weight ciass bout durIng Thursdayas HaIton Wrsstlng Champlonahipa. The Sparlans aaiy d.fended their regionai titi. and quaiid thre. dozen grappiera for GHAC. Milton Minor Hockey Association Milton Minor Hockey Association Coaches Required 2000/2001 Season The Milton Minor Hockey Association is now taking applica- tions for Coaches at ail levels (rep AA, rep A and house league) for the 2000-2001 season. Applications are available at both arenas, or by contacting Wayne Monk (905) 876-0839. Apfflications for Representative Teams must be v 1% 'X ifm