~jie Photos hy GRAHAM PAINE «Crazy carpet ride Jeselca LIalce, 8, ecreama wlth d.llght as she fIee off a enow lump on her 'crazy carpet' alIda et Klnamen Park Saturday. mary 22, 2000 36 Pages $1.00 GSTincluded) Local trustee backs Vplan to build fine sehools, close three 5v IRENE GENTLE The Champion A plan before the Halton District School Board to build fine new schools in Milton while closing three others has won the guarded approval of Milton Trustee Erica Andrew. "Right now I'm comiortable with it," she said. Naw it'a up ta the board ta aay yes ta the comprehensive capital strategic plan drawn up by consultants C.N. Watson and Assaciates. If approved an ats entarety, tIse $409 mil- Çatholic student renounces his faith By KIM ARNOTT Special ta The Champion A Halton Catholic student has renounced bis religion in order to avoid compulsory religious edu- cation classes, but the Halton Catholic District School Board says he's still a Catholic in their eyes. Marcus Dagenais, a grade Il student ar Bishap Redîng High ScIsool in Milton, wrate a letter ta the boards director of educatian fired Sweeney complaining the board discriminates against Cathalic stu- dents by iorcing them ta take religiaus education courses that non-Catlsolica may be exempted (ram. "Please consider (rani this point forward that I arn no langer Ramas Catholic from the Halton Catholic District School Baard's perspective," reads tIse letter (rom cee GRADE on page 4 "It's a vety complete report and my opinion would be it hua to be accepted as a whole." - - lion plan would bring 41 new achools ta growtb areas tbraughout Halton over the next 20 years. And it would close 15 omis- ers that don't have the student base ta sup- port them. With its population expected ta skyrock- et ta 85,000 over tIse next 16 years, Milton was flngered as a priority by tIse canaul- tants. Their plan allots Milton teven new cIe- mentary achoola by 2016. Consteuctiais ai tIse tirat would likely begin in 2002 with twa otlsers launching in 2003 and a fourth in 2004. "They agreed Miltan cotald get a achoal in 2002 because we can deal with aur pop- ulation until tlsen," said Ma Andrew. - VOTE on page 4 Comment Page 5 Communlty Page 8 Business 9-10 Dateine 14-15 Sports 17-19 Classified 20-22 *Blway. Perindontal "guai" disrase il one ai ttc moat ceaimas tralala pralalcais sain ty sesesisariais. la lIct 85 ta 90 pestent af att daga asd cals oser ais yean af age lasse penodratat (garnI diseaae. flac signa 0f pesiodontal disease are ted treatta, tteedisg, inflamed or receded paras, infectian, changes lu appelsan, difficutty chemiat or tactit tais. Pesiadansat dasaise cas te painfad md cas conasitate ta kidney, User md teara diaease. If yas tave noticcd asy cf stene signa, actedatte a consattatian fer yaiar pet. Becasse pets do sot care for steir sceat ttc way peopîr do, dental probtesas cao te essreaiety sesere and tife slareatcsing. Foetusatety mass dental prebteais cas te presented or if ttry develap tlaey cas te treated ty yaor setermnarian.