The Canadien Champigon, Frlday. February 18. 2000 - 7 Lots of questions to be an swered on Flamborough t roni PART on page 1 'And though Flamborough han been in favour of splitting with ils current mate, that could change once the cost of divorce is known, he said. "Until flic numbers are complete, any opinion la simpiy based on their relationship with Hamillon-Wentworth," aaid Mr. Marshall. Ibat match han been strained for years, with anme Flamborough residents concemed about shelling out for projects that don't benefit their Future of Ninth Line up in air efroni NINTÎI on page 1 Resident Jean Louis Major waa hoping to build a service station with a car wash, convenience store and drive-through restaurant on bis 1.5 hectare property skirt- îng bolIs NinlIs Line and Britannia Road. Staff recommended rejecting flic appli- cation outright, since it's incompatible with both Regional and Town officiai plans and there's little servicing available for tIse ares. But afier the discussion veered toward annexation, thse coninittee opted 10 defer ie proposai instead. That would allow staff 10 take an indepth look at the ares that Councillor Rick Day han long chasacterized an being "thse ham in thse sandwich" between Mikton and Miasiasauga development. currenfly, thse land is viewed an a rural buffer ares. But a steady, if piecemeai, expropriation of Ninth Une land to bssild Highwsy 407 han destroyed ils rural usage, thse residents charged. And dcvelopment la the only answer, said Peter Cheatiey, a planner with Municipal and Development Planning services, who wan speaking on behalf Of Mr. Major. -What you've got there are urban land uses siowly but surely making their wsy into tbis ares," said Mr. Chestley. Intransigence on Milton' s part would likely lead 10 numerous trips 10 the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB), he added. And flic Town would miss ont on Isefty anseasment dollars if the ares became s part of Missisauga. 'By a twist of geogrsphy, yon in Milton have ended up wilh flic beat piece of land by the (ighway) 407," said Mr. Chcsley. "Froni my point of view, you'd be crazy 10 give it up bo Mississauga. Your beat bel is to actively do something wilh it." But Milton's land designalion juat doesn't make sense for the ares anymore, ssid Mr. tIkir. "The open space character is essentially gone." Councillor John Challinor and Mayor Gord Krantz agreed 10 support s deferral so long as the affected residents under- sîood the time involved in completing s thorough analysis of fisc arcs. "Event with municipal and regional blinding speed, you're talking five years," wamed Mr. Kiantz. And any study could bu blocked at the gale if the Region opposes the proccas, csutioned Mr. Iovio. But considering the lime and coal involved, it's tempting to cal Mississauga and ank if il wan willing 10 make a deal to buy the land, said Mr. Kranîz. "I îhink we're dreaming if wc think it'll remain s part of Milton forever and s dsy." commuiiity. But Ballon shonld enter mbt s merger wifls ils cyca wide open, said Councillor Barry Lee. He cited rumonra, so far unsubstantisted, that Flamborough is saddled with up 10 $40 million of debt 10 Hamitton-Wentworti. "Whsl do we know about Flamborough," asked Mr. Lee. "They have s huge debt wilh Hsmilton-Wenlworth. They have s huge rosd system. They have s church on every corner and churches don't psy taxes." Many issuea need 10 be studied before Haiton submits to Flamborough's overturea, agoeed Mr. Marshall. They include the delivery of water, ambu- lance, police and ire aervices, any short and long-terni capital and opcrating couts and policy différences, such as Halton's more stringent rural protection plans. But when the number cnsnching and fact-find- ing are complete, public consultations will begin. And ail municipalilies are invited 10 forward commenta to Miniater of Municipal Affairs Tony Clements. Councillor John Challinor wondered if tbougbt had been given to the cultursl aspects of a merg- er. "At the end of the day you're looking at an amalgamation of two separate communities," he aaid. "Where do these people do tbeir busineas? Wheoe do they work? Where do they shop?"