I The Canadian Champion, Friday, Fabruary 18, 2000-25 Classified BIRTHDAY CLASSIlFIED> HfOURS5 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM See Todayo Champion for aur new "Milestones" section. To announce vour special event, cal! Thre Championsý Classified Denartment ai 875-3300. Promn the kids ot KeIsey s HeIp us eebrote Shawu sbrtda Bring this greav ng la Klsay'e Milton fram Pcb. 200h te Feb. 241h, 2000 and raceive 15% of f yasr foodi purchase IloM~ou knw,> Coli or write, say hello! 56 Main t ta atrda F1r9ry2 230 40 i-ý na$350 gntua's vnga aar vin aI gna $s5.t0inarcade traatn and 4ewi candies tram naturat beeswax yau maka ta taka Plaase cai Lynn Daniel 878-M95 to ragistar. Limitad anratirnent MIKELENAS, Verontea With great aadness the tamiiy announces the passing ai VéronIca on Monday February 14, 2000 et Attendate, ai age 91. Betoved wita ai the taita, Janas. Lavis g math- ar of Maria McLoughtin and ber husband Brieai Toronto, Aldona Archer and ber husband Bah ai Peterboraugh andi Dr. AI Mikelenas and hie aile Violet ai Miltas. Dear gmndrnather ta Ramons (Sean>, Natatie, Amatla, Teresa, Lorraine and Justin. Voronica aiti ba remembareai b y her raI- alloas in Lithuanua. On Wednesdy Februany 16, Veronica as laid ta est at St. John's Lithuanien Cemaetery in Mississauga. 48 are ve.,Milto 782881 The ramtly of JOSEPH SAMMIT woutd tike to tbank ait relatives and friends who cetebrated with bim os the occassios of bis 901h Birtbday on January 24, 2000. What a wondierfut partyt Thank you boall my iamiiy tor rnaking il such s speciat day. t arn so btassed ta have allaif yaa. Ta ait the trende aira attended, thank you for being thera. Spacial thanku tai Mayor Krastz for the presentation and ait the kind mords tram others on my behai. t was ovanahetmad by ait the cards, messages, fiowers and gis. Yos made ibis spacial birthday s very joys occasion. Blasa you ail. Elleen Marlin Fax us pur Classlfisis 876-2364 NM In taue caeaunit Useco *"iaaai. in Ida ...... M5-1563 VV.1rJLCO M1E~ * w m Marilyn .....175-0519 Tac L...8604330 W AGON HOa-ea a baby? Dors .. ....332-4799 Buiiruu alec. 19e0o Eiabbarg a ew idil Pnotmosnat bUdOU? Kahy ...... 85-0144 Pal.....0876-4040 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unlîmited Access oniy $15.95, greal local service and support tram SURF THE NET. 873-2602 [XPIENCED CLEANINGI ILADY lavatabll IGuaranteedi Cai for Ires eshimates. (905)702-3764. ATTENTION! Attention! Stolon Decembar 27 et Toneli Arasa, Aille Caf (Miniature) snoarnobla, black machina, puri seat with orange 1cm.e $300 reaard aimh infor- mafias teading ta a re- tum. Don't protact ibis maeil Caîl Norn. 876- 4011 BED King piash mat- trsa &, boa, new n plas- ti, arrasty coa $1500) sacrfice $625 0-567- 9459 BED- Qseen iras canan- py bed, orthopeclic mat- faessi bas, ne, unusei, cost $1200 sait $490. 905-567-4042. CARPET Carpat. t have several lhausasd yards oi nea Sîsismas- ter and 100% nyloni car- pet. I ailI carpet yoar liv- ing room ssnd hait for $349. Price includea carpet, psd and installa- lion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-2902. DINING Room, Cherry, 13 place Oseen Anse, 8' doubla pedestat table, 8 Chipendate chairs, baiiet/htch, neyer opesed, coul $14000 sacrifice $5000. 905- 567-4042. FREE Estimatas... Gai aobbly chairs... aaak spnis tr Iookin$ ali Castom aood meils- ishisg/ lamiture repairs. Filds Custom F ami- tara, 9-9 daityl 875- 4427. SIT ON IT - Don't Sit In III Replacement loam for cushions. Rasidantialcammarcia. Filds Uphotstary, 9-9. 7 daystwaek 875-4427. GOLF Antiquea- (dlubs/i waadan shatd, balla, books, traphiaa, any- thing aid in Goff). For appraisats ar sait brng ta "Marnarabilia Fair Otan Abbey G.*C., Fab.20- s lOam3pr For inetarmatian (95)36 0436, tan. NEW Vear Sala - Na GST or PST. Trat yaar- sait ta a great naw look ai Super Savings. Sots and matching chair tram $788. Lava satss tram $448. Chairs tram $199. Free estimates. Sanior's discounts. Fields Qusti- SCustom Uphoistary. ait7 9arn-9pm. (905)875-4427. HANDYMAN. Ceramic floors and as, drywall and plastering, brick and stase wark. Phase Fred. 519-853-5694. AUTO Clean Lobe il. detaiiing-sccessaries - graphics, 10 minute ail changes. 925 Main St. Est. 878-8595. Look- ing tor tuti and part lime autanative detaiters toi busy cteanup shop. Wiil- ing ta train. Appty in per- sos. EXPERIENCED Hunt- an/ Jumper Groom/ Es- ercise Rider: tor s top "A" show bam. Hours muet be fiesibie. Acar- modahion cauid be ar- ranged.Non-smoking (905)466-4421 arifas re- surne 10 (905>827-6M3. LOCAL Ctasstc car ras- toratian business re- quires pmep persan. Cai 905-878-4813. "As you were, you wii always be, lreaoured farever in aur memoiy Lova always The Family. AU, King - The family aouid tîke ta thank evary- body for thair kind mords, gestures and dona- haons sttar tie racant deatir aI aur laither, grand- lamher and great grandiathar. Special thanka ta mhe staff of Atiandata Nursing Home tor makisg hie test days happy and comforisbta; The ch airs and cangregations aI Hiticreat and Bethai United Churchas for tair support; Rev. Ken Jacksoni for condudllng a beautitut service; and the staff ai Scoat Earty Fuserai Home for mheir hatp ta the lamity duning mhis sad Ume. mûrrementreieee Rmenabil.ee hokSslra.eMces oencialeadea Mfiia Heanae 25 a~W» Oaieit ON (905)1842-9229 Courlsvjlirokses aiih sas car reqairod by A.I.S. Coris Io sort & delivor postal prodacis sn Oakville area. 51500/mo. Am~ Port-lime positions, Sam-Bam, la sarit perçois. 510/hi. Phono 2pm-6pm (e05) 276-3221 Thyma Matarnhly, a progressive ladies relailer, is înlerviearng for a MANAGER rn Training Ior their Barlingînn MaIl laca- lion. Il ysa POssess slrng management andi leadership skilîs andi have a passion for fashios, iben Ibis is a career fnn ou. Flouse fao resame lv: (905) 632-8206 FULL lima Matarial Handiar aimh fork tift car- tifcation raquireci for a bus distribution castre. Calt Unda et 876-4118 est. 227. [A8753300 ITo UiS? YOMt LýJ